Stories In Scars

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Jon and Ryan take me to the hospital. None of us said a word on the way there. Mostly, I was in a daze. I didn’t even notice we were there, until they set me down on a chair.

The person at the check-in station was getting my information from Ryan, since he knew me best.

Thank god it wasn’t busy. They got me in straight away for the stitches.

I had to get some in my arm, and some on my legs. And I didn’t feel a thing.

After rehydrating me through an IV, I was free to go. This time, I could actually walk back to the hotel.

We stopped some place, and picked up food, enough for all five of us.

Back in the clean hotel room (thanks to Brendon and Spencer. Mostly Spencer.), we sat down and ate.

“Are you okay now, Grey?” Spencer asked.

“Uh, yeah... I guess...” I said trailing off. “It was a dream. And dreams are the worst.”

“Awww,” Brendon said, pulling me into a hug.

After a few silent moments, I said, “I’m sorry guys. I really am.”

“You just really scared me. Scared us,” Spencer said.

“Yeah, after Brendon saw you, he told us what had happened.,” Jon told me, “We were all really worried.”

“I just... I mean... I’m sorry. I don’t know why,” I try to explain.

Spencer said, “You left your blade on the counter. It’s gone now. Do you have any others?”

“No...,” I tell them, unconvincingly.

Jon went into my purse, and found the three that were left. Dammit.

Wait, why am I thinking like this? It’s been about a year, and now it’s all gone. I have to start over. Dammit.