Stories In Scars

And the Perfect Picture Shatters to the Floor.

I go into the living area, and he comes chasing after me.

“What the hell! God, Grey! I just said I was still fucking freaked out, and you expect me to be all okay and shit? I don’t fucking think so.”

“Ryan. Get off your high fucking pedistal. I’m the one that has a human life growing inside of them. When I need you most, you’re as distant as ever,” I tell him, somewhat calmly.

“I never said I was better than you! God, I’m not on a fucking high ‘pedistal’!”

“Yes, Ryan you are. You’re acting like you’re better than me, and can be more freaked out than me. It’s not gonna work that way. Pull your shit together.”

I stand in front of him, trying to keep what little is left of my dignity.

“Is this even going to work Grey?” he asks, visibally calming down.

“What? You mean you don’t want to try to make this work?”

“If we can’t deal with a pregnancy...”

“You know what? Relationships take energy, and time, and are hard fucking work. If you’re not willing to atleast try to make this work now, I’m not sure I even want to be with you.”

“Fine, Grey. Your way, like always.”

“Ryan. Talk to me when you can treat me like a human being. I’m done right now. Done.”

Spencer, Jon, and Brendon came in from meeting with the fans. Bad energy was in the air, and everyone could feel it. Even people as dense as the male species.

Ryan retreated back to his bunk to do whatever tortured artists do.

The rest of the boys sat on the sofa by me.

“What happened?” Spencer asked, sincerely worried.

I start crying, again. The fountain has filled back up. Spencer wraps me in a hug, and told me everything would be okay, no matter what happened.

“No, guys, it’s not. Ryan and I... we’re done.”

“Woooooah. Back up there. Tell us the story,” Brendon said.

“Well, I left the meet and greet early,” I try to tell them inbetween sobs, “and came back here. I asked Ryan what the hell his problem was, and... We started fighting. And.... He doesn’t know if he can do this... I told him to come and talk to me when he calmed down.”

“I’m gonna go kick some Ryan ass...” Brendon said, getting up.

“What the fuck? No. Just... Don’t bug him. Not now. Maybe it’s me. Maybe I should just go. I don’t want to be fucking up your guy’s relationship. I don’t want to fuck up your band. Maybe I should just leave the tour. It could be for the best,” I tell him.