Zombies And Alchemy


With Jean, Jade & Claire

"Right so exactly what the hell is going on here?" Jade asked clearly this place is taking it out of her both mentally and physically, I had been training while she was fighting on the front lines, I couldn't even imagine what she'd seen the only other person I'd known personally that had gone to Ishbal was Roy and he certainly was scarred by it.

"A virus." Claire answered as she reloaded her gun, we'd been searching the place for a little girl called Sherry according to Claire a monster caused by the virus was hunting her down. I for one certainly didn't want to run into whatever the hell this monster is.

"Did you hear that?" I asked interrupting the girls' chatter; it was the growl from before the one we'd heard in the main entrance, a possible chimera. However this time it wasn't just a growl it was followed up by scratches as if it were moving towards us, the growls started to echo more.

"Which way is it coming from?" Jade asked, readying her gun we stood back to back…well more in a weird triangle. There were only three possible ways of getting to us; a door which judging by the sounds it wouldn't use probably more likely it would rip through it, a window but the growling was coming from inside so it couldn't use that or a corridor we had yet to explore.

"This way." Claire answered as she slowly moved down the hallway; Jade followed her closely as I took the back making sure nothing was going to surprise us. The growling stopped just before we got to the corner.

"Do you think it's just left?" I questioned scanning the area once more just to double check nothing had snuck up behind us, there was nothing.

"Whatever it is I doubt I would just leave." Jade answered sighing and brushing back a piece of loose hair, she looked round the place noticing something on the floor. She knelt down which made the floorboards groan in protest. Old flooring in a place like this, it didn't make sense with such decadent sculptures around the place. "Slobber?"

She looked immediately screaming, both Claire and I swivelled round looking upwards to spot a truly horrid beast, it's brain was showing as it smiled…well more prepared its teeth to chew us up, it's tongue was probably the weirdest thing about it, it was lance like and could probably pierce my torso even through the vest I was wearing.

Jade tried to get to her feet but she was failing terribly I began leaning down to get her, when the thing pounced downwards, her legs at least weren't under the thing, but as it landed the floor finally began to give way, sending the beast down into the room below. However since Jade had been on the same boards that had given way she too began falling into the room below, well she would have if it wasn't for me grasping her hand.

"Don't you dare let go." She screamed, I held onto her arm with both hands and began to drag her back up, I just wasn't expecting that the monster's tongue would wrap around her let and begin to drag her down. "Jean!"
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