Zombies And Alchemy

The Plan

"So what's the plan?" I asked Roy who seemed to have become slightly over protective after the whole weird monster saga of our little adventure. Jean seemed to have been shaken slightly after the incident and well Ed looked like he was going to be sick. Al was hard to read being a suit of armour, but when he talked the tell-tale sign that he was afraid rang out in his voice.

"If Leon and Claire go to find Sherry, then we can find some form of transport to get us all out of here." Roy answered, it was a good plan, maybe a little bit bad for Leon and Claire since he basically made it so that they were on their own, but Leon didn't seem to mind at all. Maybe he didn't trust Roy and maybe Roy didn't trust him. Or maybe he believed it would be easier to safely reach Sherry without a lot of people.

"Well the roads are a no go. Even if we made it back to the car, it's not going to get us all out of here." Jean added this was true not only was the car small even for the five of us, but it had flat tires and a possible busted engine from the collision earlier.

"Is there an underground railway?" I asked if we could find even the track, we'd surely run into a train that could lead us out of this hell-hole.

"Yes, it runs under the police station," Leon replied as we headed out of the main hallway and further down into the complex.

"Meet us there," Roy stated Leon nodded handing him a two-way radio.

"Tell us where through this, if anything goes wrong on our end just leave." He commanded before he and Claire headed off in a separate direction. Roy took the lead followed by the Elric brothers and I, Jean was once again at the back.

"Hopefully we can find this train and they can find Sherry soon, so we can be out of here before it gets any worse." I said sighing as I reloaded my gun which was a harder task than it had been in years with my hands shaking with both fear and anticipation of what was to come next.

"Do you think this virus has got out of the city?" Ed asked his voice quieter than I had ever heard it, I felt sorry for the brothers never had they been tossed into a bloodier sort of hell and I for one never wanted to be tossed into this situation ever again.

"God I hope not kid." Roy said, coming up to a locked door, it was rather weird that we hadn't come up against any more of the zombies or even those weird monster things for a while, maybe they hadn't been able to come this far into the building. "Think you can get it open Jade?" Roy asked, a little alchemy would surely get that door open, Roy's would draw too much unwanted attention and both Ed and Al seemed too far out of it to be able to do something and well of course Jean didn't practise alchemy.

"Shouldn't be a problem." I replied grabbing a piece of chalk out of my pocket and walking to the door and drawing the necessary trans-mutation circle, before the lovely blue aurar shone melting the lock swinging the door open to reveal more stairs.

"Let's get moving."
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