Sequel: Every Breath You Take

Snow White Queen

The Game Is Over

-Jen's POV-
-One Year Later-

I had waited a year for this day to come. It was the day of Syn's sentencing. We'd gone through a trial that took a while to get started but didn't seem to take as long to get through. His fate was in the jury's hands and I hoped that they would do the right thing and look past the fact that he was a famous rock star.

I stood outside the courthouse with my father by my side. He knew how hard all of this had been on me. Especially the first few months.

The first few months were nothing but a constant reminder of what I had been through. No matter what I did I couldn't forget it. I'd even wake up screaming in the middle of the night from nightmares. Nightmares that never seemed to end.

Then the worst thing of all happened. I found out I was pregnant. I had always wanted my own family but not like this. I knew that this baby would be a constant reminder of Syn but I also knew that it wasn't the baby's fault. It was an innocent victim just like me and I was torn on what to do. I didn't believe in abortion and I wasn't too keen on giving my baby up for adoption but I knew there was no way I could raise this baby. I wanted the baby to have a better life but before I could even call the adoption agency I had a miscarriage.

Even though I had decided to give the baby up it still hurt. Not just the physical pain but emotionally as well. I was okay with it now though. The baby would never have to know how they came into the world and the reason why I had given them up. It saved both of us a lot of pain.

It was finally time to head inside so I followed my attorney into the courthouse. I had the best attorney that money could by. All paid for by Lucio of course. It still amazed me that he nor Markus didn't just kill Syn.

I sat down next to my attorney and before I knew it Syn was being hauled in. I couldn't even look at him. I didn't want to look at him. I just wanted him to be in prison where he belonged.

The judge came in shortly after followed by the jury. I was nervous about what the verdict would be. If it came back not guilty he'd be a free man. Free to come after me again. Just the thought of that made me sick to my stomach.

The trial had definitely taken it's toll on me. I had to re-live each moment up on the stand. Telling people that I didn't know what had happened to me and let them decide the fate of the man that made my life hell.

It wasn't until he was arrested that I found out his full name. Brian Elwin Haner Jr. I had never hated a name so much in my entire life.

Looking to my left I noticed he was staring at me. Almost pleading with me to just end this. I couldn't. My old self may have but not the person I had become. The old Jenna was dead and never coming back.

The judge began to speak and I watched as the verdict was handed to him. I would know in a matter of minutes whether or not Syn was going to go free or be sent off to prison.

"All rise."

I got to my feet and could feel my stomach doing flip flops. This was it and there was no going back.

"We the jury find the defendant Brian Haner Jr guilty on all charges.."

I blocked everything else out that the judge was saying. Guilty. The jury had found him guilty on all charges. I could feel the tears falling from my eyes. This was finally over. Syn was going to prison where he could never hurt me again.

The judge went on to explain some things before the final sentencing was revealed. I looked over at Syn who was hanging his head. I knew this isn't what he wanted but he should have known that he was going to get caught. He had to know that he couldn't get away with this.

He was sentenced to twenty years in prison. Since had already served a year the judge made the decision that he would spend the next eighteen years in prison with the possibility of parole after ten years. I wish that he would have gotten the full twenty years but knowing he would be gone at all made me feel a little better.

I was free of him until I was in my thirties. Hopefully by then I'd be married and raising my own family.

I watched as Syn was handcuffed and escorted out of the courtroom. He looked at me with nothing but sadness in his eyes but I didn't feel sorry for him. He was getting what he deserved.

As soon as he was gone I was pulled into someone's arms for a tight hug. Looking up I couldn't help but smile at Jimmy. We had become fast friends and he'd been a huge help in all of this. He still blamed himself for the set up but I just kept assuring him that it wasn't his fault. He can't be at fault for something he had no clue about.

We were finally free to leave the courthouse and I thanked my attorney for everything he had done for me. I then went on to thank Lucio and Markus for all of their help. Without them I don't know what may have happened to me. I didn't want to think about what would have happened. All I knew is that this nightmare was finally over and I could get on with my life.

As I made my way outside I noticed Syn's family huddled together by one of the large trees in the front. I had met them before and they apologized for what had happened to me. I didn't blame them and they shouldn't have to apologize for something that he did. They just kept saying that they raised him better than that.

It shocked me when I found out that Brent is Syn's brother. Like Jimmy, Brent had no idea what was going on. He never knew that it was me that was working for his brother or that I was the girl Syn constantly talked about.

My father thought we should celebrate so he took me out to my favorite restaurant. It still didn't seem real to me and it was taking a while for it to sink in. I had stayed quiet throughout dinner and only really spoke when someone said something to me. I wasn't sure if it was the shock of everything that happened that day or if I actually felt bad that Syn was going to prison.

My thoughts than began to wonder what would have happened between us if he hadn't done all of this to me. If he had just been straight forward and told me how he felt. I probably would have went out with him. In fact I know I would have.

While Syn was behind bars I somehow had ended up with Pinkly. I loved that little dog and had no problem taking care of her. Even though she reminded me of him I knew she needed me and I wasn't about to turn my back on her.

I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I had changed so much in the past year. I knew that I wanted to finish school but I wasn't sure where. I didn't even know if I wanted to stay in Huntington Beach. Maybe moving would do me some good. A fresh start was something I desperately needed.

I was going to give everything a lot of thought before making any decisions. Now that I could go out without the constant fear of Syn popping out of nowhere made me feel good. I could finally relax and move on.

Once I got back to my dad's that night I informed him of the first decision I had made. It was really nothing big but something that would make me happy. Going up to my room I grabbed my suitcase and began to pack. I wasn't sure how long I would be gone but at the time it didn't matter. I just knew that I needed a vacation and it didn't take me very long to know where it was that I wanted to go.

Picking up the phone I called Markus to see if his offer to take me to Italy was still on the table. He had said that he would take me there on vacation anytime that I wanted. All I had to do was call and he would take care of the rest. I was thrilled when he said yes but I of course threw in a surprise. Mostly to see if it was alright with him first. He didn't mind and when I hung up with him I dialed another number that I had found myself dialing at least once a day.


"Are you doing anything for say the next two or three weeks?"

"Uhh.. I think my schedule is pretty free for a while. Why?"

"How would you like to go on a little vacation to Italy with me?"

I had to pull the phone away from my ear when Jimmy screamed but it made me giggle at how excited he was. We talked for a while before he went to start packing. I smiled to myself and for the first time in a while I actually felt happy. I felt like things were turning around for the better and I was glad that I had such a great support system behind me and despite everything that happened if it hadn't I never would have met Jimmy. His friendship was the best thing that came out of this. I'm not sure how I would have been able to get through it without him.

I heard the ringtone for Jimmy go off and I looked down at my phone to see I had one new text message. Opening the message I couldn't help but smile at his words.

'I'm all packed and ready to go. What time do we leave Butterfly?'

Jimmy had given me the nickname Butterfly about a month after the trial had started. He said I was coming out of my shell after having been so closed off for so long. He said I was blossoming into something beautiful and he hoped that nothing ever changed that.

I hoped he was right. I knew he was. He was the reason I felt alive again. Even though we were only friends Jimmy made me feel good about myself again and that thought alone put a huge smile on my face.

I quickly texted him back and finished packing my own suitcase. We'd soon be in Italy where I'd be able to relax and do something I hadn't been able to do in over a year. Have fun.

The End
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Well I hope you liked the ending. I can't believe it's already finished! Thank you all so much for reading it, commenting, and subscribing. Stay tuned for the squeal Every Breath You Take. For those that want to read it and haven't subscribed yet you can do so by clicking the story link at the top.

Any thoughts on what you might think of what will happen in the squeal will be great. I may actually get an idea from one of yours!

- Jen

O/C Credit
The Diamond Family © Cali.B.Diamond
