Status: 1/1

Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche


"Max, you fuckin asshole, give me back my fucking hair straightener! And what did I tell yuo about using my make-up," I screamed at max as he ran out of my bathroom with my conair flat iron, leaving my eyeliner an eyeshadow on the counter top.

"sorry Mckenzi, I cant hear you!"

"Yes you can, or else you would not have responded!" I yelled to him. He can be a total idiot at times, or well all the time. Hence why he shaved off his eyebrows.

I walked back into my room, and called my brother, well his parents adopted me, so i guess that now makes him my brother, Ronald Joeseph Radke.

"Kenzi! I love you and all, but do you have to call me so early?" He complained.

"Im sorry Mr. Radke, but it is now 2 in the afternoon. And your bestie here, Maxwell Scott Green, has stolen my flat iron, and has also been using my make-up again," I told him, for some weird reason, sounding very formal as I did so. he just laughed at me, or he could be laughing at the fact Max stole my flat iron and is using my make-up. Did i mention, this is NOT the first time he has done that.

"Kenzi, you live with Jinxx, SammiDoll, Max, Lexi, and Monte. Everyone of them has a straightener you can use, I know that for a fact. And just use Max's make-up to get back at him." he told me.. MWAHAHA REVENGE WILL BE SWEET!!

"WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT!!" I hung up on Ronnie, and ran to the living room.

"JINXX!" I screamed out right next to Monte.

"Shit Mckenzi! Remind me not to stand near you when you need someone. Damn, i think i lost hearing in my left ear," he complained, rubbing his left ear.

"Im sorry Bry," I gave him a hug whileI whispered that in his right ear.

"Its okay kenzi," he whispered hugging me back. Jinxx and SammiDoll then walked into the house, coming from the back yard, followed by Andy. All of a sudden, i became insanly shy, and butterflies formed in my stomach.

"Kenzi, did you make Monte go deaf by screaming for me? 'Cause I heard you clearly outside, and he was in here with you," Jinxx asked, I just smiled, proud of my lung capacity for air.

"Can I use your straightener?" I asked quietly. Jinxx just walked to the bathroom, and I followed him. he took his straightener from the top shelf of the closet.

"What happened to your's anyways?"

"Max" was all i had to say for him to understand.

"Soooo... Kenzi, why do you get so shy around Andy? He is only acouple years older then you, unlike Max, Monte, Sammi, and I-" he paused and his eyes widened, then a smile came across his face.

"Jinxx, your smile scares me when you are wearing warpaint."

"You like him! You like Andy." He yelled in a whisper. If that is the correct way to describe that controdiction.

"WHAT! No I do not Jinxx, stop lieing to yourself." I said looking away from him. prettending tobe so interested by my fading blue streaks in my black hair.

"Yes you do! It's cute Mckenzi, you should tell him."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I can hardly stand next to him withut almost having a nervous breakdown, how would you think i would tell him I like him?" I asked, almost having a small anxiety attack right there.

"JUst say 'I like you, more then a friend tho,' and see what he say's," and as he said that, there was a knock on the door.

"come in!" Jinxx yelled, and then Andy walked in. Ofcourse it would be him.

"Can I talk to Mckenzi?" He asked looking at me. Jinxx just smiled and gave me a thumbs up before closing the door.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked me, as i fixed me eyeliner. Which was perfect by the way, fixing it was just a nervous habbit.


"Well..Uhm... I-I like you Mckenzi, but not as a friend. I- I really like you," he told me. The butterflies in my stomach multiplied by about 100, and they flew in different directions.

"I-I like you too, Andy" I told him. he smiled this amazing smile, and his breath-taking blue eyes shined so bright.

"Then Kenzi, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, while taking a step closer to me, placing his hands on my hips.

"Ofcourse!" I can feel the blush spread across my cheeks.

"Then is it okay if i kiss you?" He asked, again stepping closer to me, but now grabbing my belt loops, leanign his face towards mine. I could feel his breath on my lips. Before I could say anything, his lips were connected to mine adn a shock filled my whole body, like a burst of energy I get when someone gives me chocolate. When we pulled away, a chorus of 'aww's' filled the room. Behind us stood, Jinxx, Sammi, Monte, and Max, who was holding my conair flat iron.

"You can have this back now!" he said handing it to me.

"You are still and asshole Maxipad!"