‹ Prequel: I'm Like a Bird
Sequel: Lost in You
Status: 35 of 50

My Mr. Wonderful


“YOU DON’T GET IT!!!” She yelled at the top of her lungs clearly fed up with Zach and they way he is acting. She has dealt with it for three years, and to her that was more than enough. “I’m not trying to replace her!” she continued, “Everyone has one true love in life, and some people have two. You Zachary have two true loves. You’ll love them both equally, and they’ll BOTH fill your heart with love. That girl, the other one, won’t try to replace Amy. She won’t want you to forget Amy. She’ll, however, want you to love her as well. Zachary,” She says as she cups his face, “I love you. I hate to admit it, but I do. You don’t love me thought. That’s fine. I understand, but I can’t keep this charade up anymore. We’re done. Goodbye Zachary.” She removes her hand from his face and kisses him where her hand previously was, and then she walks out the door.

She gets caught leaving Nathan, Cameron, and Michael.

“Rose! Where are you going?” Cameron calls.

“Home, anyway, anywhere, but here.”

This scares all three guys shirtless and they run towards her and Michael slams her door shut before she could get in.

“Why?” Michael yells and asks.

“He doesn’t love me. I love him. I can’t go through this anymore.”

“He’s falling for you.” Nathan pleadingly tells her.

“No, No he isn’t.” She tells him.

“No he looks at you he is falling he’s just too scared to admit he’s falling.” Cameron states.

“You’ve really helped him. Before you he couldn’t go to the beach because of Amy. Then you come along and force him to the beach, force him to face his fear.” Michael frantically tells her.

“Only because I bugged him to no end up until the was fed up with me bugging him.”

“But he still went.” Nathan pleads.

All the guys are worried what’ll happen if she leaves. They know Zach loves her, he’s just too afraid to admit it. They don’t know what’ll happen to him if she leaves.

“I’m sorry guys. I wish Amy never died at the beach by drowning.” Rose states.

“But you said Zach’s your one true love?” Cameron confusingly asks her.

“Exactly! So I would never find my love, but he’d be happy. I’m going guys goodbye.” She hugs them and says goodbye.

Inside the house Zach is freaking out. He doesn’t know what to do about Rose. He’s so conflicted. Then his band mates/best friends walk in and start yelling at him.
Zach’s mind was foggy enough before they walked in and made it worse. After only 3 minutes he gets fed up and yells at them to shut up. Then he runs up stairs to his room, slams the door, grabs his head in his hands and falls on his bed.

Not three minutes later his phone goes off. He answers the phone and freaks out, but he is no longer conflicted.

He storms down the stairs and his friends question on where he is going. He yells
“Hospital!” before he speeds off to the hospital.

He gets to the receptionist and asks her, “Where is Rose Base? What room is she in.”

“She’s in intensive care room 514.” The nurse tells him.

He runs to her room afraid he lost her. When he gets there he sees a doctor. He quickly asks the doctor, “What’s wrong? What happened? Will she ok?”

“She got you into a car accident, couldn’t see due to all the tears in her eyes. She’s currently in a coma. If she is a fighter she can come out at any moment, if she is not, say your goodbye now.”

The rest of his friends appear at the door of the room right as the doctor started explaining. The doctor leaves and the guys come in.

“She’s a fighter she’ll come out fine.” Cameron tries to reassure his friend.

Hours pass and the guys stay in her room. At 10:30pm the guys decide to leave, all but Zach. His friends tried to convince him to leave, but he wouldn’t leave her bedside.
Zach remembers in tv shows they always say people in coma’s can hear. Zach decides he has nothing to lose and he starts talking to her, “I’m an idiot.” He says while ever so slightly smirking before he continues, “You are right. Everyone has one true love, but some are lucky to have two true loves. I have two. Amy, and you. When you walked out that door I was lost. It made me realize, however, that I do love Amy, just as much as ever, but I love you just as much. One day I’ll love you more. I won’t love you more because I love Amy less, but because each day I will, and am falling more and more in love with you all over again. We have a lifetime to spend together, and that involves a lot of day and each day I’ll fall for you. This isn’t your end, I know it isn’t. Remember how you had to fight me to get me to the beach again? You made me do everything I used to do with Amy again, but the beach was different. The beach is where Amy died. I have never in my life been sso open about her death as I am being right now, but now I am over her. I still love her, but I am over her because of you. Back to the beach. I pretended that I only went because you were bugging me so much, but that isn’t why I went to the beach with you. I went because you wanted to go, and I love you, and I wanted you to go. Then once we got there I always had to be in the water with you, just in case because I can’t lose you too. After Amy I built a wall around my heart, though I kept you out, but that was just an illusion. You ripped down my walls with a vengeance. The whole time you were on my side of the wall, in my arms. I was holding you thinking you were on the other side.” Zach starts to break down, but then he decides to start singing for Rose. “You and me and the palm trees we can lay outside the beach all night we can swim with dolphins go golfing baby girl you can be my wife.” Tears over come him, and he stops singing, but someone else continues for him in a raspy voice, “Now don’t go running around with Mr. Wonderful and I won’t go runnin’ around with any other girls.”
Zach shoots up as he hears Rose sing the rest of the song to him. He jumps up and hugs her.

“Hi cutie.” She says with a clearly dry voice. Zach noticed and he grabbed her his water, and she took a sip.

“Did you hear what I told you?” He timidly asks.

“Every word. Did you mean it?”

“I meant every letter. Take me back?”

“Of course.”

“Be my wife?”

“Quoting your lyrics?”

“No.” he says getting down on one knee, “Will you be my wife? We’ve dating for three years, and I haven’t been a good boyfriend, but I promise you I will be a great Fiancé, and an even better husband.

“Of course I’ll marry you!”

For the first time since Amy’s death Zach says, “I love you.”

“I love you too Zach, with all my heart.” Rose says

Zach kept his promise he made her to this day, and he won’t be breaking it anytime soon.
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Song/lyric credit (from in the middle of the story) goes to Allstar Weekend's song Mr. Wonder