Tied to the Moon

The only chapter

Tied to the Moon (Unfinished)

Many, many years ago one brave wolf decided that he would like to see if he could stay human after sunrise. At this time many other wolves were starting to turn into humans every full moon. But they were only permitted to stay in that form until the sun rose, if they attempted to stay out any later, they would have to face pain and agony. So this brave wolf stayed in his human form after sunrise (how he got through it is still a mystery to many wolves) and he was free to roam the human streets and live like they did. But after travelling in their world for just two weeks he began to feel lonely. So he went out on a search for his soul mate, and after not so long of a search he found her. They both did everything together but he knew (by some mysterious reason) that if he wanted them to be together she would have to tell him that she loves him and truly mean it for him to stay human. He also knew it needed to happen by the full moon after he had changed. Then on the night of the full moon he asked her if she loved him and sure enough she said that she did and the wolf turned human forever. Nobody knows who told him what to do to, some say that he dreamt about it happening, others say that he could hear voices talking to him, but whatever the reason, it worked. Nowadays this is just a legend that travels throughout countless packs and many wonder if it is true or not.

Kamalia Phellan’s bare feet pounded on the ground as she ran through the forest. The branches of passing trees scratching her naked skin. But she didn’t care. Her long dark brown hair whipped against her pale back with every bound, and she was panting as she reached the clearing. She turned her head to see the Werrington Lake staring back at her, sparkling in the moonlight. She walked over to the log next to the water’s edge and sat down. She thought about what she was about to do as she watched the moon lower itself behind a line of trees in the horizon. As she sat on the log and looked into the distance she started to feel a pulling sensation, as if someone was trying to pull her back into her wolf form. The pulling grew stronger and pain spread throughout her body, a groan escaping her lips. She had never felt so much pain before, not even when she broke her paw by jumping off a tall tree when she was younger. Kamalia stood up in the hopes of fighting the pain better, but it only got worse. Her head started throbbing and her instincts screamed at her to change back. With all her strength she pushed to keep herself upright using the sturdy tree next to her for support. The pain grew even stronger and she was fighting not to scream out in agony. She could feel hair growing on her hands and her nails growing longer and sharper, she couldn’t let it change her. After several minutes of struggling the sun began to rise and she began to weaken. She knew that she had to push through it, and with adrenaline pumping through her veins she knew she had the strength she just had to dig it out. Then with one last push, and a blood curdling scream, she felt that the barrier between wolf and human was broken. Although she had changed she could still feel the pain, and it was getting stronger, and stronger. The pain was excruciating and she tried to fight it just like she had before, but the pain was too strong and she was too exhausted to care anymore. So she let the pain wrap around her and engulf her with its torture as everything went black.

Carter Finley glided swiftly through the water towards the shore. Stepping out of the lake he could see his belongings in a clump at the base of the tree that he saw practically every day. He looked through his things in search of his towel which was nowhere to be seen. After a few minutes of looking he finally found it lying on the ground near to the tree.
It must have blown away while I was swimming, he thought to himself.
As he reached down to pick up the towel he caught the site of flesh. After peeking over the bushes he found that there, lying right in front of him was a stunning girl with flowing dark brown curls around his age curled up in a ball, and she was naked. He could see that she must have slept there by how much dirt the wind had blown on top of her pale skin. Carter stood there staring at her naked body. The only time he had ever seen a girl without any clothes on was when he was at Aunty Michel’s party and she had a little too much to drink. But this was real, this was a dream come true. He leaned closer to take a closer look but as soon as he moved an inch her eyes fluttered open and grew wide as she realised that a stranger was practically on top of her.
“Who are you and what are you intending on doing with me?” she demanded sitting up and backing away rapidly towards the nearest tree.
“Um, I’m Carter,” He said as he turned around to look out at the river instead of her exposed flesh, “I was just trying to cover you up a bit. Who are anyway?”
“I am Kamalia Phellan,” she said looking at her hands sceptically and brushing the excess dirt off them.
“Okay. Why aren’t you wearing any clothes?” He said getting up and wiping the water off his legs with the towel.
“Um, I’m not so sure. I have no recollection of anything,” She lied as she rose to her feet oblivious to the fact that she was completely and utterly butt naked.
Carter raised his head to see that Kamalia had gotten up and widened his eyes. “Oh, wow. Um here take this to cover yourself up,” he said raising one hand to cover his eyes while with the other handed her the damp towel.
“Thank you stranger,” Kamalia said taking the towel and wrapping it around her body as if it were the best thing in the world.
“Technically we aren’t strangers since we kind of know each other now,” Carter told her walking back to pick up his belongings. Kamalia just ignored the comment and looked at herself in amazement.
“So do you have anywhere to stay?” Carter asked
“No.” She said looking at the surrounding trees that seemed to go on forever with patches of sunlight finding its way in at random spots.
“Well, I’m sure you can stay at my place. I don’t think Mum would mind,” Carter said with a shrug, “Come on, if we hurry we’ll be back by sundown.”
Carter started to walk up a little track that most likely led to his house. Kamalia hesitated but followed him as it was her only choice. As they walked up the track in silence Kamalia kept looking at the trees that she once roamed and thought about her plan (which she needed to rethink once she got the chance); to find her ‘soul mate’ and get him to say he loved her, and mean it, by the next full moon. Simple, right? Right.

After walking through the forest they came upon a wide wooden bridge. It stood strong but had a few flaws, like the huge hole right in the middle and the fact that one side of it had no railing threatening to make them plunge into the freezing river water below.
They both walked along the bridge, Carter on the side where the railing was and Kamalia right in the middle. Kamalia knew that there was a hole in the middle of the bridge but she was certain that she could easily jump over it. As she approached the hole she glanced at Carter who was oblivious to anything she was doing because he was too busy looking at the colourful fish that swam lazily in the water below. She confidently jumped without using all of her force and headed straight into the middle of the hole, and as she fell, arms flailing she grabbed hold of the splintery edge wincing as she did so. Carter looked over from the fish to see Kamalia dangling from the hole. He raced over in panic, hoping that the girl wasn’t badly injured and helped her up. After Kamalia was on the bridge they both quickly crossed it to avoid any more mishaps. Kamalia looked down at her hands, as they once again started to walk in silence toward Carter’s house, she could see that where the splintering wood had gone in there was blood rising to the surface and pushing its way out. She licked it, but that just made it sting, although there was a slight hint of relief so she kept on licking it. Too busy concentrating on her hand Kamalia didn’t notice that they had reached a small cul-de-sac, and that they were headed to a tiny sort of shabby house near the edge of the woods, just as the sun was setting. As they crossed his front lawn she could see a rust, red Ute that must have belonged to Carter sitting peacefully on the drive way, and a closer look confirmed that it was his. There was a big blue C that hung from the review mirror that must have stood for Carter, and the seat coverings were black with red and yellow fire prints.
“Welcome to my home,” Carter announced gesturing to the house before taking a key out from his bag.
“Looks nice,” Kamalia replied even though she had no idea what any other house looked like, apart from the homes on the block which were all similar.
Carter pushed the scratched door open with a screech to reveal a small corridor with pictures of a young boy that looked to be Carter as a 7 year old, playing with a few toy trucks on the grass in a nice looking park. There were other pictures of a woman and a man at a wedding and several other memories that were precious to Carter and his family. He led her to what looked to be a lounge room with comfy chairs and a small box like thing foreign to Kamalia with an antenna on top. She sat down on a brown stained chair near a small window that if you looked out of you would see the whole street.
“So, you can sleep in my bed, I guess, and I’ll sleep on the couch over there,” Carter said pointing at a couch that sat in the centre of the room, “You can get changed into some of my clothes that are over there, they may be a little big but they’ll do. I’m going to get you some dinner while you get changed. If you want you can scan the channels, although I don’t think there’s anything good on,” he advised, handing her something made of plastic with buttons that was sitting on top of the box like thing as he headed out to what Kamalia guessed was a kitchen. Whatever that was.
After struggling to put on a too big shirt and baggy pants she walked over and sat back down in the same seat and looked at the plastic thing in confusion. What are these buttons for, she thought to herself, I know it’s something to do with the box like object, and what in the world is a channel? She clicked one of the top buttons on the plastic thing randomly and hoped it would do something, and it did. The box like thing came to life and a terrible sound tore through the room. A man had popped up on the screen and had begun singing horribly, and someone in the background was strumming a contraption with a strap slung over his shoulder and was playing some sound with the strings. She quickly pressed more buttons before anyone heard the commotion. The box thing changed images once again to show a group of people trekking through the forest while a pack of wolves were far ahead of them.
“As you can see the fascinating wolves stay in packs,” said a man enthusiastically at the front who was wearing khaki shirt, pants and a hat along with binoculars to watch the wolves from afar, “later at night they will go hunting for their prey, which could be us pretty soon if we don’t get out of here. Amazing, just amazing.”
Carter entered the room with two sandwiches on a small plate
“There wasn’t anything fresh so I just gave you some leftover fish from last night,” he said taking a sandwich and handing her the plate with the other one on it, “I hope that’s alright.”
“No, that’s okay, I love fish. It’s my favourite food,” she said with around a mouthful of bread.
Kamalia put the sandwich down and clicked at the remote once again.
“Have you used a TV before?” Carter asked looking curiously at the way she pressed random buttons.
“TV?” she asked clearly confused.
“Yes, the box in front of you is called a TV. Short for television. That plastic thing that you’re pushing buttons on is called a remote, you can watch programs on different channels by pressing the right ones,” he said dumbing it down for her to understand.
“Okay, I think I’ll stay away from it for now,” she said pushing the remote closer towards Carter so he could take control of the television.
After finishing both of their sandwiches it was bed time.
“Would you like me to show you to your room?” He asked standing up and leading her up the stairs to his room
Kamalia went to sleep that night thinking about her ‘mission’. She knew she couldn’t fail and she hoped she wouldn’t

Carter woke up and rolled over like he usually would in his own bed, but this time he plopped, or thuncked more like it, onto the carpeted floor.
“I must have fallen asleep on the couch” he groaned as he got up and began walking upstairs to his room, “I had the craziest dream last night.”
He opened his bedroom door to see a girl curled up on the floor sleeping peacefully. The memories of the day before came flooding back to him. He pondered whether he should wake her up or leave her to sleep in peace. But even before his mind had made the decision his body was already making its way towards her.
“Kamalia,” he whispered softly, “It’s time to get up.” He could see that his approach wasn’t working so he tapped on her shoulder slightly. Nothing happened.
“Kamalia, get up now,” he demanded shaking her vigorously. Carter was startled when Kamalia suddenly rolled over and attempted to go back to sleep. Furious that she wasn’t noticing him Carter walked over to the bathroom that was down the hallway and cupped his hand to put water in his hands. Pouring the water on her head did the trick and she opened her eyes immediately and backed away as she had the other day.
“What was that for?” she asked wiping the icy water off her face.
“It was so I could wake you up.”
“Well you didn’t have to pour water on my face,” she replied, shaking off the droplets.
Looking around his room he could see that everything was untouched, nothing had changed since the last time he had been in there, not even his blue bed sheets were messed up.
“Were you sleeping on the floor?” he asked curiously.
“Where else was I supposed to sleep?” she replied getting up and readjusting her now wet clothing.
“Um, on the bed,” he said pointing to his comfortable single bed.
“Oh, I didn’t think of that,” she said embarrassed that she was caught doing something that people would do and she wouldn’t.
“Come on, I’ll make us both breakfast,” he said taking one last glance at his room before heading out the door.
Following him down the stairs, she suddenly remembered what she had been up most of the night thinking about and what she had to desperately tell Carter.
Walking into the kitchen they both saw what had trampled in the night before. A woman was either passed out or asleep on the counter, a wine bottle only centimetres from her finger tips which were sprawled out in an awkward position.
“Oh I forgot to introduce you. Kamalia, this is my mum,” Carter announced to her, “Just ignore her, that’s what everybody does.”
“Sure, I’ll keep that in mind,” she said carefully stepping over an old slice of pizza that was lying on the ground.
Carter opened the cupboard and grabbed the breakfast cereal that he had every day. Pouring out two bowls Kamalia stared at him and thought of how she was going to tell him about what she needed him to do for her.
After he had given her the cereal and they both started to eat, everything fell silent. This is my chance, she thought as she put a mouthful of cereal into her mouth.
“Carter,” she said a mouthful of cereal, “There is something I need you to do for me.”
“Depends on what it is,” he told her looking up from the bowl.
“Okay, well, I know I didn’t tell you this but I’m on a mission. A ‘love mission’ if you want to call it that. For this love mission I must find my one true soul mate and they must tell me that they love me. Now I know what you’re thinking, this girl is psychopath an –” She began explained but was abruptly cut off by Carter.
“That’s exactly what I’m thinking. Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you back then, but you should be grateful that I’m telling you this now then never telling you at all. And if you don’t want to do it, then I’ll just have to find someone else that is willing to do it for me,” she said anger bubbling up inside her which was instantly defused.
“Okay, well if it means a lot to you then I’m sure I can help in some way.”
Although Carter had agreed to help Kamalia he still thought that she was a bit crazy in the head, but he ignored it and decided that if he could help he should at least do something.
“The first thing that you can help me do is to get me somewhere where I can socialise with people, preferably boys,” Kamalia explained, “Somewhere where I can see them often.”
“School would be a good place to begin,” he suggested.
“Okay we’ll start there. How do I get into this school thing?” she asked
“You have to have a parent go to the office and sign you in.”
“Okay so who am I going to use as a parent?” Kamalia
“Oh yeah,” he said glancing at his mother in disappointment, “I guess we could pretend that your an exchange student.”
“What is an exchange student?” she asked confused for what seemed like the billionth time that day.
“It’s when a person, like yourself, wants to get into a school when they have moved from a foreign country,” he explained
As Carter glanced around the room after their conversation his eyes rested on the clock that was mounted crookedly on the wall. It took him a moment to process it but he soon realized that it read 8:30 am. What day is it today, he thought to himself, Sunday no that was yesterday, wait so that means today is Monday!
“Oh, crap!” Carter exclaimed in surprise.
“What? What does that mean?” Kamalia asked, confused at what was going on.
“We’re late for school. It starts at 9 and by the time that we’re changed and ready to go it’ll be way past it,” he told her as he exited the room to get changed.
By the time he came back, with jeans and a light green shirt with writing on it, Kamalia had already finished her bowl and was now attacking the other bowl’s remains.
“Just take these, it won’t be the perfect fit but it’ll fit you better than what I gave you the other day to put on,” he said gesturing towards the clothes that she was wearing now.
She got up and took the clothes from him and left the room without hesitating to ask any questions. She headed towards the nearest room which looked to be the laundry while Carter washed off the breakfast bowls. The place looked a little cramped but she went in anyway. She unfolded the clothes to reveal a plain blue t-shirt that was a little loose on her but fit alright, some jeans that she knew would keep falling down, and underneath it all was some material with flowers on it in the shape of a triangle with three holes in it; a big one at the top and then two smaller holes alongside it. Under that there was another piece that had two large triangles which had wire below it and soft stuff inside, which she cupped in her hands to take a closer look at, and attached to the triangles there were two strings on either side leading to the opposite side to meet with a little hook and hole. After a while of figuring out how she put on the two pieces of clothing she moved on to put the shirt on followed by the too big jeans. She looked quickly through the laundry for something that would keep the pants up, nearly falling over in the process. She finally found a roll of something clear and shiny in one of the bottom drawers in a cabinet that was in a corner. She found and end and was surprised to find out that one side was smooth and the other was sticky so she used it. Kamalia pulled on the end which made it even longer, and pulled a bit off to stick to her pants. Repeating the same process several times she now finally had 6 strips of the sticky thing. She stuck two pieces onto the front of the jeans, two on either side, and the last two at the back. Pulling down the blue shirt she walked out the door happy about her achievement.
“Are you finished?” Carter said.
“Yes, I am ready to go,” she replied taking a few steps forward making one of the back pieces of sticky tape come loose slightly.
“So we’re ready to go,” Carter said picking up a back pack off a chair and slinging it over his shoulder, “Okay, now all we need is the keys. Where are the keys? They must be around here somewhere.”
He began looking around the room for the key that he was trying to find.
“What does it look like?” Kamalia asked trying to help.
“It’s a silver key,” he replied simply.
As Carter looked around the room Kamalia’s eyes caught sight of something shiny that was peeking from under the couch. She bend down to pick it up, and just as she did the side pieces of sticky tape slid off her sweaty skin and her pants began to slip down once again.
“Is this it?” she said ignoring her pants falling down.
“Yes, that’s the one.”
He took the key from her and unlocked the door.
“Ladies first,” he said as he opened the door. Kamalia took this as a sign that she was to go first through the door so she did just as the front pieces of tape fell down. Kamalia walked down the narrow path way that led to the driveway. She looked out into the street which was deserted of people.
Behind her Carter gasped as he walked down to meet her after he had locked the door and push the key through to the other side so his Mum could unlock the door when she woke up.
“I knew those jeans would be too big for you,” he said looking at her fallen down pants that were so low you could see the underwear that Carter had given her to wear.
She pulled them up so that they were the same height that they were when she first put them on. “See, all better.”
“No it isn’t,” he told her as he reached for his pants which were jeans too, “take this you’ll need it more than me,” he said handing her a long thing with a buckle at the end that had come from his pants. She held it unsure of what to do with it.
“Don’t you know how to but on a belt,” Carter said looking at her confused faced that she had been doing very often, “I’ll put it on for you.”
Taking the belt form her hand he knelt down so he was the same height as her pants. He threaded the belt through the first loop followed by the second one taking of the pieces of sticky tape along the way. Carter’s hands began to sweat because of how close he was who he had just recently seen without any clothes on. He moved on to the next loop to see that the pants had fallen down again and pulled them up making his hand touch her bare skin that was above her underwear, which made Kamalia’s skin tingle. He made the full circle around her waist quickly after that and buckled it at the front tightly.
Kamalia looked down in amazement as she watched the belt do its job. The pants weren’t falling down, so she tried to pull them down but it they still wouldn’t.
“Amazing!” she exclaimed at the wonders of a belt and how it worked.
Now her pants were no longer falling down, but as they made their way towards Carter’s car she could see that now his pants were beginning to fall down. But before she could protest he pulled the up and unlocked his car with yet another key.
How many keys do they need a day? she thought as she walked over to the other side of the car. She opened the door and hopped inside to sit down, but little did she know that she had just sat down on 3 lolly wrappers and an unidentifiable stain that had been on that chair for a while. Carter put yet another different key into the ignition. The car started to rumbled and Kamalia nearly jumped out of her seat as she had never experienced anything like this.
They speedily made their way toward the school that Carter went to. The whole way Kamalia just looked out of the window to see rows upon rows of houses mixed in with the occasional shop or two. As they neared the school she could see a small run down gate running around the whole of the school where a few people were milling around. Beyond the gates there were a few small buildings with a sign on each with a number and a letter.
1A, 1B, 3C, what were they all for? Kamalia thought just as Carter pulled into and unseen parked lot at the back of the school and parking crookedly.
They both got out of the car and raced toward the office which was in the centre of the school. After passing corridors lined with lockers, a few classrooms and waves of kids they finally made it to the office. Carter opened the sliding door and once again let Kamalia walk into the room first. They approached a small counter where behind it a woman with a violet sweater and a gold broach along with a pencil skirt was filing through some papers.
“I’ll be with you in a second,” she announced taking a single page and straightening the mound of papers and putting them into a folder near the computer with unreadably small writing. Behind them on a huge cork board Kamalia could see that there were pictures of students and their achievements. There were a few pictures of teenager’s running, jumping or doing some other sports on the left hand side with a sign stapled in at the top of it saying Sports Carnival. On the right hand side there were pictures of people planting trees and pulling out weeds. This group didn’t have a sign but you could clearly see that there was one there before because there were four staples in a rectangular formation and each staple had a small piece of ripped out paper stuck underneath it. In the centre of the whole board there were more pictures but these were of students holding medals and certificates as they shook a man with a suit’s hand. This group had a sign but unlike the others it was decorated with sparkles, and different coloured pens spelt out ‘AWARDS NIGHT’ in great big letters.
“What can I do for you two today?” the woman asked after putting the folder away.
“Hi, we would just like to get an enrolment sheet,” Carter asked politely.
“Yes of course, but you will need a parent signature,” she said reaching down to retrieve a booklet with the words “enrolment sheet” printed clearly on the front.
“Well, you see she is an exchange student and she is living with me and my family as her parents couldn’t make it into the country,” he explained referring to Kamalia hoping he sounded persuasive.
“Very well then, here you are,” she said handing them a form along with a pen so they could fill it out. Carter sighed with relief these were the advantages of living in a small town.
Carter sat down to fill out the booklet while Kamalia wandered around the office and looking at the things on display. She wandered around but not very far from where he was sitting so that if he asked any questions on from the booklet she could answer them without having to strain her ears to hear him ask it.
“Where were you born?” Carter asked as he filed out her first name.
“Deltanium,” she said remembering a small country that her dad used to talk to her about when she was younger, she answered him while she looked at some trophy’s that had been given by various people to the school that were aligned in a display case for everyone to see.
“Okay, so I think that’s it,” he said standing up and giving the sheet a once over, “Oh, wait I missed one last question at the top. When were you born?”
As soon as Carter asked the question Kamalia was instantly reminded of the time when she was just a few months old. How she used to struggle to keep up with the pack, and how every night she would look up at the starry filled sky and count every single star just to make sure one of them hadn’t gone missing.
“May, 23rd,” She answered after reminiscing about the spring days, “1993.”
“Okay, that’s it then,” Carter said standing up and heading over to the office lady, who was waiting impatiently for them to bring the form over. And by just looking at her face you could tell that she wanted to get this over with and resume the job that she was doing before.
Carter put his name on the sheet as a guardian and Kamalia also put her name on it to say that she was there to fill out the form. Carter handed the woman the form and she out it down and took out a piece of paper.
“So here is your timetable for the term,” she said showing Kamalia a piece of paper with a table that had the day’s written along the top and several subjects with letters and numbers next to them, most likely indicating what time they were scheduled to begin, “this is where your first class will be . . .”
That was all Kamalia really tuned into because she had already begun to think about the kind of guy she was going to meet in one of those classes, while the woman boredly pointed to one of the classroom on a map at the bottom of the page with a blue ball point pen and rambled on about the classes.
Is he going to be tall, short, black, white, fat, skinny, hot, or cute? Kamalia thought to herself, Will he have black hair, blonde hair, or brown hair? She just didn’t know and she was going to find out as soon as she went to her first class.
“Now that you know where your classes are and when you have to get to them you are free to go to your first class,” she said with an obviously fake smile before hurrying back to her unfinished work.
“So now that you’re set I’m sure you can find your way to your next class, right?” Carter asked when they were both outside of the office and in the empty corridor.
“Well, kinda,” she mumbled glancing down at the table that had a circle on her first class of the day.
“I’ll go and find you at lunchtime when you’re finished,” he told her as he walked a little way down the corridor backwards so he was still able to see her, “I have to go now I’m already seven minutes late for class. Good luck.”
Before Kamalia could protest he was gone running down to his class that was different from hers leaving her standing there alone and confused as to where she was suppose to go now.
She looked at the paper that the woman had given her a little more closely. Kamalia now saw that her first class was English in room 3B.
Where in this whole school is 3B? She thought as she walked down the opposite way that Carter had gone in the hopes of a little luck on finding her next class. Looking down at the sheet of paper once again she tried to find the office on the map. And sure enough there it was in the centre of the whole school surrounded by every classroom. She scanned the classrooms around the office to see if she could find room 3B. After looking all over the map she finally found room 3B on the edges of the school, it looked like she was going to have to go through a winding path of corridors to get there, and she wasn’t very good at navigation or anything to do with direction. She followed the map down various corridors that lead her down further towards room 3B. After a while of walking around like a headless chicken she finally made it to the outskirts of the school to where her class was going to be. Taking a deep breath she held onto the door knob and opened it slightly, just wide enough to fit her head through and see the people inside. There was a teacher standing at the front of the room giving out orders to the students about how they were to read the next chapter of the book she had handed out the day before.
She walked in so that the teacher could acknowledge her and mark her off for being at the new school.
“Somebody’s a little late,” somebody called from the back of the room making everyone turn to her.
Damn, she thought as she stepped a little further into the room she really hoped she would have gotten away with it.
“Excuse me, is there anything that I can do for yo-,” the teacher began just as the phone that was mounted on the wall near the door rang and she came over to answer it, “hello, room 3B Mrs Templeton speaking. Yes. Oh, alright. Okay. Well, thank you for that. Bye.”
She put the receiver back into its place and returned to the front of the room and wrote something down in her book that was lying on her desk.
“Kamalia is it?” she asked lifting her head from the book
“Um, yes that’s right,” she said embarrassed that she was standing where everyone could see her.
“And what’s your last name?” Mrs Templeton asked again.
“Phellan,” Kamalia mumbled.
“Pardon, could you say that again.”
“My last name’s Phellan,” she said softly so that it was loud enough for the teacher to hear but soft enough so that the people at the back wouldn’t hear it.
“Could you spell that out for me please, my hearing is not as good as it used to be,” she said.
“It’s P-H-E-L-L-A-N,” Kamalia spelt out.
“P-H-E-L-L-A-N,” she yelled so that the whole class could hear her including Mrs Templeton.
“Okay thanks for that,” the teacher said as finishing writing ‘Kamalia Phellan’ into her book, “please take a seat. Oh and take this you’ll need it.”
The teacher grabbed something from the corner of her desk and handed it to Kamalia. She was handed a book and a pen so that she was able to put all her work into. Everyone in the class had one just like it.
Kamalia turned to the class to find an empty seat. She looked out at all the faces looking back at her. Some were smiling and others just looked like they didn’t care about anything.
She finally picked a seat next to a friendly looking girl with who sat not too far up the front but also not too far back. On her other side was a nice looking boy with short black hair that came to his ears in length and was a little spiky at the front, and although he wasn’t the best looking guy in the class she thought that she might as well give him a shot
“Hi,” she greeted giving him a small wave and the biggest smile she could put on her face.
“Hey,” he said giving her a small nod instead of a wave and undoubtedly the most handsome smile she has ever seen.
She said hello to the other girl quickly as she sat down.
Am I allowed to talk to people whenever I want or will I get into trouble? Kamalia thought as she stared blankly at the teacher as she explained something that didn’t involve her, Why wouldn’t I be able to talk to them, she glanced around the room and saw a number of people talking, Well, if they are allowed then I’m sure I am.
“What’s your name?” she asked the girl next to her.
“Maryanne Grendert but most people call me Mary,” the girl replied with a smile, “you’re Kamalia I’m guessing. You’re new, right?” she asked glancing at the teacher just to make sure she wasn’t looking.
“Yeah I’m new, I just came in today,” Kamalia replied.
“Just copy this all down,” the teacher announced from the front of the class.
Obediently everybody in the class wrote down what was on the board including Kamalia. She opened her book to the first page and began to try and copy whatever was on the board. Her writing was shockingly messy since she had only written once in her human life and that was earlier when she wrote her name on the form. After writing everything on the board the teacher once again began to ramble on about things that Kamalia had no idea about.
“You’re lucky,” Mary said as she finished writing, “You came in right at the end of the lesson so the bell will go for lunch very soon. So what’s your favour-”
“Miss Grendert!” the teacher said glaring at Mary furiously, “How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking,”
“But-” Mary complained.
“No buts. Now move to the front of the room where I can see you.” Mrs Templeton said pointing to an empty seat next to a guy at the front who had glasses and braces that made him look incredibly dorky.
Kamalia gave Mary a sympathetic smile as she gathered her things and stood up to walk to the front of the room.
Now Kamalia was left alone with looking guy next to her.
“Hi,” she said to him for the second time that day.
“Hey,” he replied turning his attention to her instead of the teacher.
“What’s your name?” Kamalia asked.
“The name’s Fredrick,” he said looking at her up and down.
“My name’s Kamalia,” she replied happy that he was actually talking to her.
Kamalia attempted to be seductive, just like when she was a wolf she had to do this to win the heart of other wolves.
If it works on wolves then why wouldn’t it work on people? she asked herself.
In her attempts she tried to reach over and grab his pencil while practically lying on top of him, when she got back up she could see that his eyes had widened and were staring at her intently. The next thing she did was play with the pen that she had gotten from his desk, she wound a bit of hair around it all the while she looked at him with captivating eyes trying to get his attention. After playing with the pen for a while she finally put the pen back on his desk and returned to what the teacher was saying, every once in a while she glanced at Fredrick who was still looking at her in surprise.
The teacher asked everyone to write down what she had just written on the board again, but just before she could ramble on he was interrupted by a loud ringing sound that must have been droning throughout the whole school.
“Alright students we will resume this next lesson. You are all dismissed.”
As soon as the teacher said that everyone stood up and grabbed all their stuff and headed out of the door that would lead them all towards the endless corridors ahead.
Everybody had gotten out except for Kamalia and Fredrick. You could see the tiniest hint of fear in Fredrick’s eyes as he shuffled nearer to Kamalia.
“Hey Kamalia,” he said very coolly.
“Oh, hello Fredrick,” she said surprised that he was staying behind to talk to her.
“I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me on the weekend or something and we could, you know. We could get to know each other a little better,” he said a little uneasy
“Uh, yeah sure,” she said walking a little way towards the front of the classroom.
“Do you have a phone number that I could have to call you on to see what time and where we’re going to get together,” he said looking intently into her eyes.
Everything that he was saying was totally understandable to Kamalia all until he said that last sentence.
What in the world is a phone number? She wondered to herself, I should ask Carter before I get myself into something bad.
“Uh, could I get back to you on that,” she said
“Oh, well okay,” he said a little confused, “we’ll I’ll see you around. Bye.”
He left the room leaving her there alone and confused as to what she had to do now. She was also thinking about what she had gotten herself into. What was she doing trying to find a guy that would be her soul mate? She didn’t even know what a phone number was. Kamalia was way out of her depth and she knew it. She really had to think the plan through again. Right after she asked Carter what a phone number is.
After recollecting herself she went out of the class to find Carter leaning on the wall waiting for her.
“Hello, how was class?” he asked pushing himself off the wall to fall in step with Kamalia who was now heading down the corridor that she had come from before.
“It was alright,” she said very content that she had found a possible soul mate, “I found someone.”
“What do you mean you found someone?”
“I mean I found someone to be my possible soul mate,” beaming with joy, “There’s just one question.”
“Yeah, and what’s that?” he asked curiously.
“What’s a phone number?”
“Are you serious you don’t know what a phone number is? Do you even know what a phone is?” she said astonished at how little she knew.
“Um, no. Do I need to know what it is?”
“Yes! It’s only the most vital thing in the world. A phone number is what you use to get into contact with people,” he explained.
“How do you use it,” Kamalia asked looking around to see that she had no idea where they were in the school, but she knew that as long as she was with Carter they would get to wherever they needed to go safely.
“Well, um it’s a little hard since I left my phone at home. But I can show you when we get back. Maybe I'll even teach you how to use one .”
“Okay,” Kamalia said a little disappointed that she wouldn’t know what it was right away, but at least she would know when school ended and they got to go back home.
“Where are we going,” Kamalia asked looking back at where they had come from and where they were going.
“First we’re going to my locker to put your books in and then were going to meet up with some friends at the cafeteria,” Carter told her.
After walking through the corridors that were unfamiliar to Kamalia they finally reached Carter locker. They both walked up to it and Carter began to turn the small black knob with numbers on it that was on the blue locker. Once her had put in his password into the locker he reached down to grab the handle, that wasn’t so far from the knob, and opened the door. Kamalia was amazed at how he had opened it, all you had to do was turn the black knob numerous times and then you opened it. Just like magic.
“Go ahead put your books in,” he said gesturing to her books.
As Kamalia put her book into the locker she could see his books shoved in there from earlier. There were a few pens lying around and a small toy that looked like a dog or something.
After she put her belonging in the locker Carter closed it and turned the knob a little to the left, most likely so no one could get in.
Where were they going now? She thought forgetting what Carter had said earlier, oh, I remember the cafeteria, whatever that is.
Kamalia didn’t bother to ask Carter what cafeteria was anyway because she didn’t want to know what kind of answer she would get, so she left it as a surprise for herself.
Walking down the corridors Kamalia could see people rushing out of the classroom and wanting to get to their locker so they could put their things in and go to lunch. She watched as a stampede of people came out of one particular classroom nearly knocking a girl over who was standing close to the door.
“We’re nearly there,” she heard Carter say.
They rounded the corner of the corridor that they were on and they saw the cafeteria looming in the distance. Kamalia could not only smell something delicious but she could also hear the voices of students. So many of them talking, laughing, or yelling at someone from across the room.
“Does everyone in the whole school go to the cafeteria to eat?” Kamalia asked curiously.
“Well, everyone does except for the teachers. They eat in their staff room,” Carter replied.
Kamalia entered the cafeteria to see what she had imagined in her mind, the whole school had come together in one room to grab some food and eat. There was a very long silvery grey counter that ran along the wall to the right, that was where a huge line of students were lining up ready to get their lunch for the day....
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it hasn't been finished but i hope you like it