Status: Sequel to Secrets Secrets are no Fun... so if you haven't read that please read it first!

Unless You Tell Them to Everyone

"Irritable, my lord?"

"She knows," Voldemort hissed, quietly. Nagini slithered up to him, and said something in parseltongue.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Now that they both realize what's going on, it's going to be harder to control him... but first things first, he needs to get rid of that mudblood girlfriend of his. I don't care if he breaks up with her, or kills her, or injures her, though I prefer the killing, but she has to go."

"I agree, my lord."

"I think I need to start with something very small, and basic. Lucius!"

Immediately, Lucius Malfoy came timidly in to the room. "What makes you irritable?"

"Irritable, my lord?"

"Yes, irritable! What makes you so irritable that you don't want to see anyone, not even Narcissa?"

"I don't know, my lord... I suppose... headaches, make me quite irritable. But usually after a quick spell, I can get rid of them."

"Headaches... alright Lucius, thank you. You may leave."

Nagini turned to her master, and she was laughing, although it didn't very much sound like laughing.

"What was that all about?"

"Nagini, it is plain and simple. I am going to give the boy headaches. But not just normal headaches, splitting, head crunching headaches that will make him so bad to be around, no one will want to speak to him, not even that mudblood of his."

"But my lord, that is so simple. It's something even muggles deal with!"

"Yes, Nagini, but it is simplicity at its finest. Trust me, this shall work."

Nagini didn't hiss anything back, simply slithered over to him and wrapped herself around his neck as he rubbed his head, sending horrible, painful headaches to Draco Abraxas' head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry the story is sort of slow. I'm trying to plan out exactly what I want to do in this next few chapters, and it's proving a bit harder than I thought.
It will pick up soon, so don't worry!