This Life of Mine .


*Max has started a BBM chat

Max - I signed with Philly, I wanted to tell you guys first.

Marc - HAHA :D You totally had me Talbo, good one!

Sid - Gotta go with Marc on that one, fucking hilarious Max!

Jord - Where do you come up with this shit Superstar? LMFAO.

Mel - :) Whatta guy

Vero - Hahahahahahah, okay, I forgive you guys for that prank, just because of Maxime <3

Max - Uh, I'm serious. Sorry guys, they made me a good offer...

Geno - WTF MAX?!

Marc - Wait... You're serious?

Vero - Max, that's impossible. You can't leave?

Sid - Philly? Are you fucking serious. Brotherly Love my ass.

Jord - Fuck you, fucking traitor.

Mel - Guys, I'm sure he was looking into his future when he made this decision...

Kris - You couldn't pay me any amount of money to play in Phila-fucking-delphia.

Max - Listen, I know it's not my best decision, but it doesn't mean we can't still be friends.

Marc - No, that's exactly what it means. Fuck you, douche.

*Marc has left the chat.

Sid - Yeah, agreed with Marc. I would have given you money if that was the case, but it's not Max. I know about the offer Shero made you, and it was perfectly reasonable.

Jord - You fucking Flyer. GTFO.

*Jord has left the chat.

Max - Sid, you have no fucking grounds to stand on Mr. 8.7 billion. Sorry some of us actually need to work for our money without butt-fucking the team owner.

Sid - Fucking douche.

*Sid has left the chat.

Geno - Max-Beating. Even more popular the wife-beating in most towns.

Max - Fuck you Geno.

*Max has left the chat.

Avril - Max-beating - The most epic beating of all time.

Kris - I feel like whenever someone does something stupid now, I need to yell "DO I FUCKIN NEED TO MAX BEAT YO ASS?!?!"

*Kris has left the chat.

Mel - Guys, let's all be reasonable.

Geno - No Mel, hockey traitory not good.

*Geno has left the chat.

Mel - Girls, you going to back me up with being nice to Max for his last few days in the Steel City?

Avril - Fucking disgrace.

*Avril has left the chat.

Vero - I wish I could Mel, but it's just not right, you know, doing that?

*Vero has left the chat.

Mel - Abby?

Abby - I haven't been friends with you guys for very long, and I know I really should input my opinion... But the Flyers are a nasty team, with a horrible fan system, and even I find it wrong that Max signed with Philly even after Pittsburgh made and offer, and there was still a while until he had to make a decision. But I really shouldn't be talking, because it's none of my business.

*Abby has left the chat.

Mel - Well Max, you really fucked yourself over.

*Mel has ended the chat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, double update <3

Maddie, aka LuckyNumber87 helped me with most of this chapter... thank her for Max-Beating! <3

Comment && Subscribe everyone ! <3