Status: Will have new chapters out as soon as i can SO Sorry for the wait

Stupid Pirate Stole My Ship

Rum, Black Sail's, and a monkey

Captain!! BANG BANG Captain !! arggh i rolled over with a splitting headache and fell off the bed and onto the floor there was light every where
must be morning. guess i had a little too much rum last night BANG BANG CAPTAIN!! one of my crew was pounding on my cabin door.
blast and damnation there better be something seriously wrong or some one is going to be walking the plank... i need some more rum
i got up and stomped to the door strapping on my sword as i went seeing as i was already dressed need to always be dressed when your a female captain
with a crew full of men even though i was respected by my crew and feared by others better safe than sorry i threw the door open and gave the person waking me up my best scowl which wasn't hard since i was pissed off turned out to be my right hand man tibbs who knew not to wake me up so early unless it was serious
i guess it was serious. “what is it tibbs?” i asked with a slight growl. “there is a ship following us captain Hawk” “WHAT” as i ran towards the deck to see for myself what fool would be stupid enough to follow MY ship The Phoenix i asked over my shoulder to tibbs how long have they been following he answered possibly
since we left Tortuga which is where we stopped this last week to pick up supplies and left last night when i got up on deck i grabbed my telescope and
pointed it in the direction of the ship following us the first thing i see is the Black sails the second thing i notice is a... monkey.. What the ? the only ship i know that has black sails is the BLACK PEARL captained by captain jack sparrow i myself have never had the displeasure of meeting jack sparrow but i hear he is almost
and i said almost as good with a sword as i am which is impressive seeing as i have never been defeated what would the famous jack sparrow be following me for.
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so this is my first story but i hope you all like it and let me know what you think but please be nice thank you or reading :)