Status: Will have new chapters out as soon as i can SO Sorry for the wait

Stupid Pirate Stole My Ship

Familiar faces, and Confrontations,

As they got closer and closer i decided to find out when the got close enough i turned to tibbs and said “stay with the ship and wait for my signal if i need assistance
and have the crew ready to defend the ship if necessary stand by the code” he automatically knew i meant the pirates code so he hesitated but nodded i grabbed my hat
and then grabbed the rope and swung over landing in a crouch on the deck of the black pearl as i turned toward the wheel i saw who i assume is the famous jack
sparrow himself and i have to say he is not what i was expecting long black hair with dreads and beads a hat almost the same as mine but pure black as mine had
a little blue on it which matched my shirt which was a little flowy seeing as i need to be able to move in it with ties in the front and long sleeves which go great with my black pants that after years of were are like a second skin and my black boots go to my knee's and my sword whos handle was also blue and black what can i say i like blue and black as i look at him more i notice he also wears a lot of rings when i get to his face i see the most amazing brown eyes i have ever seen they are almost black they seem familiar some how well he is rather handsome no wonder he is a womanizer as i stand up i look around i look at his crew and notice
a woman with brown hair standing next to a handsome man with black hair who also had brown eyes there was something very very familiar about the man but i
couldn't place it anyway i turned back to jack sparrow and saw he was looking at me as was his crew i walk a little closer to him then stop with a hand on the handle of my sword on my hip and look up to him and say ''well the supposedly amazing jack sparrow would you like to expain why you have been following my ship'' ?
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so how am i doing so far? Good Bad love it ? hate it ? let me know next up we have jacks p.o.v YAY :)