Status: Will have new chapters out as soon as i can SO Sorry for the wait

Stupid Pirate Stole My Ship

Shock, Captain?, and Question's

Soon enough the crew was back
also William Turner and Elizabeth Swan soon to be Turner i told them we were to be following THE PHONIX and we pulled out of port as i went to my cabin and slept
i woke up to yelling even though i had so much rum yesterday i didn’t have a hangover i drank rum like it was water so i was used to it but the yelling was giving me a headache as i pulled on my pants and put on my shirt and boots i grabbed my hat and sword and walked on deck “SILENCE” i yelled it went quiet “Now what seems to be so important that i wake up to all this yelling” i asked gibbs came forward as i was walking to the wheel “we are nearing the Phonix we wern’t sure if we should approach or not captain” gibbs said oh really i picked up my telescope and saw the phonix not that far away well well well looks like they stopped must of notice they were being followed this is going to be fun i pulled out my compass and it was still pointing in the direction of the Phonix so i turned to gibbs and said “approach we are going to board”. “are ye sure Jack the captain of the phonix is supposed to be an undefeated swordsman” said Will walking up to me “I’m sure now do it gibbs” “ aye aye captain ye heard him get ready to board” gibbs said yelling at the crew eveyone started running around getting things ready i started to hum and drink a little rum “all ready captain” said gibbs good before i could step away from the wheel i saw a figuire swing over from the phonix onto the deck of the black pearl they landed in a perfect crouch i looked as the figuire slowly stood up and noticed it was a woman she was beautiful long Dark Brown hair you can see higlights in the sun with a slight tan blue shirt and black pants that didnt leave anything to the imagination i could'nt see her eyes since she was looking around the ship at the crew so looked at
her and noticed she hat a hat like mine and a mighty fine looking sword she finally looked at me head on and i noticed her eyes the were ocean blue with a sparkle
in them that held a bit of danger and mischief she held herself staight she walked closer over to me hips swinging and looked me in the eye with a slight smirk
and said ''well the supposedly amazing jack sparrow would you like to explain why you have been following my ship'' i looked at her and thought what that can’t be right she can’t be the captain i look at her again and “thats funny love but i really would like to speak to the Captain of the Phonix” she loooked at me and her smirk
got bigger “I AM the captain of the Phonix love just call me Captain HAWK” she said Captain Hawk i've heard of captain hawk they said captain hawk was sometime almost as crazy as me but no one ever mentioned she was a WOMAN. i said “well a pleasure to meet you then and it's Captain Jack Sparrow Captain".
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Hey Everyone first i want to thank xGothic69GirlX for my first comment THANK YOU and i also
now have 3 subscribers YAY and i took xgothic69girlx's advice as you can see i made this chapter longer so hopeully you all enjoy thanks for reading :)