My Life Would Suck With Out You.

Chapter One.

"This will be the last you ever see of me." Lila Sanders shouted at us before leaving her childhood home that she shared with her twin brother Matt Sanders. I remember the look on Matt's face as he watched his other half, his twin walk out the door with her drug using junkie, wannabe rockstar that Lila was to good for. I was only 14 when she left a frshman in High School. I held my head muttering and to myself trying to wake up from this night mare. I bolted up straight out of the dream panting really hard and holding my hand over my heart. I looked at my clock and it was 6:15am. Six years today Lila walked out that door and never came back. Never to be heard of again. I sank into my mattress staring at the midnight sky painted on my ceiling.

I sighed again and got out of bed, the house was empty due to my brother being on tour and was due back today. Today is the first day of my third year in Radio Production. I couldnt sleep anymore so I decided to go for a run on the beach to help relieve this knot feeling in my stomach. I looked at the picture of her on my wall. "Please come back soon Lila." I whispered and got dressed for my run. Maybe I should explain who I am. I am Alexa Sara Haner. The younger sister of Synyster Gates actually known as Brian Haner Jr. I live here with the guys in Huntington Beach. I study in Huntington College and in my final year of studying. I slipped on my shoes and headed out the door towards the beach. I ran along the shore. Lately I have felt quite alone since Dee moved out cause Jimmy and her had a fight. Jimmy was so mad e kicked his little sister out, so Dee went to live with her folks who had moved to Miami. Dee was like a sister to me rather than a best friend, she helped me a lot when I lost control of my life last year she helped me get back up on my feet.

I started to feel the tears brim my eyes ran faster. I ran straight home and jumped in the shower. After I washed I got dressed in skinny jeans, Docs and a purple tank top. I had naturally curly hair so I left my hair to dry naturally. My phone beeped from where it was lying on my bed. I sat dwn and opened the message from Dee. "Miss you everyday but remember Brian is home today, at least that is something to look forward too. Lila will come back one day I know today will be hard for us all. Ring me when your finished college love D x." I smiled at her sweetness for a brief moment but went back to my depressive mood. I jumped into my all black BMW and headed toards Starbucks then college. As I grabbed my coffee to go my phone beeped again this time it was from Brian. "I feel it to cant wait t get home and see you" I just pulled out of the car and turned up my CD player to drown out my thoughts.

As I drove I thought about how much I love my brother he was so protective and never failed to break a promise to me. all the lads were like brothers to me except for Matt. Iv had a crush on him since i was 12 and was always jealous of his girlfriend Val for having him, but how can you not fancy him with his perfect green eyes muscular body and his smile. Everytime he smile at me i would melt. " hey lexa" I looked up to see all my friends from my class had arrived. " hey" I replied still lost in my thoughts. My friends were Lynn, Emma, Monica and Lily. I had also grown up with them but was never close to them as i was to Dee.

When we reached college I went to the office and got my timetable. As I walked to my lecture, I heard someone shout my name. "hey Alexa" i looked behind me to see my ex Liam walking towards me. "Hey Liam Whats up?" I ased nt really wanting to talk to him. "Nothing much hun you?" he smiled the smile i use to melt over. He was still the same Liam bad boy with his shaved head lip piercing blue eyes and well built body. "I just wanted to ask you alexa do you have a date for friday nights party?" he asked making the space between us smaller. " No i dont" I replied." why want me to go with you well not a hope in hell Liam after what you did to me how can i easily give you another chance i only agreed to be friends for the sake of our feiends." I huffed " But Alexa you know we always work well together we always have!" He tried to say. "I said I was sorry ... " I rolled my eyes and walked away from him! Time to get this first day over and done with!
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old idea tell me what you think please?