My Life Would Suck With Out You.

Chapter Five.

I pulled up at Zoey's cafe later on after college down by the pier, it was an old favourite of Matt and I also had spent many lunch dates with Lila here too. "Hey baby" Matt greeted me. "Hey handsome whats up?" I smiled sitting down to coffee Matt had bought me. "Not much just writing a few bits of new material." he smiled closing the notebook. I smiled at him and asked "you dont mind do this interview with me do you? " "No baby not at all when is it?" "3weeks tomorrow." I smiled. "So why are we going to chain reaction tonight?" Matt asked sipping his coffee. "Cause I need another person for the show and I came across Nocturnal." I explained. "Yeah I know of them, asked them to tour with us on the last tur but the lead singer hated me and she have never met me." Matt locked out on to the ocean view.

We finished our coffee and went for a walk together. I stood a bit away from Matt when his fans came over for autographs. I couldnt believe some of the looks I was getting. "Hey Matt is that your girlfriend?" one fan asked. Matt looked at me contemplating his answer. "No that is Brians sister Alexa." Matt replied and we walked back to our cars. I really wasnt listening to what Matt saying on the way home. When we got there, everyone was running around getting ready. As usual when I walked past Brians door I could hear him and Michelle fighting. I smirked as I entered my room. Michelle was so wrong for Brian, him and Lila were destined to be. Well they did lose their virginitys to each other in the back of my brothers car. I remember when Matt found man he was mad, but I dont see why Brian and Lila never stayed together nobody knew why. I heard a knock on my door " come in " I shouted from my closet were I was looking for something to wear. "hey you ready to go?" Matt ased from the door way. I pulled on black shorts and a black tank top and flats. I ran over to matt and followed him to the cars. I went in Matt's car and everyone else went in Brian and Zackys cars.

i enjoyed spending time with Matt in the car. I know it is bad to keep this away from our friends but everyone will start to think we are rushing into things. Specially his mom and my dad. After the past year im barely getting two words from Matts mom. We arrived at Chain Reaction the crowd outside screamed when the guys turned up. We walked up to the VIP balconey for the show. Nocturnal came on just after 9:30 and sang till 11. After their set Nocturnal came to join us. "Hey its really nice to meet you guys I am Alexa." I greeted them. "Hey doll I am Delilah." she smiled. We went to the bar and I bought Delilah a drink. "S you wanted to talk to me doll?" Delilah asked. "Yes well I was wondering I study Radio Production here in Huntiongton. I would love if you will accept and d an interview for my assignment?" I was silent waiting fr her reply. "Sure doll no problem." She smiled. "Thank you thank you." I jumped up and down. We walked back over to the group and sat down. Matt and the guys joined us at the table. "Hey I am Matt." Matt extended his hand to Delilah.

"Nice to see you to big brother." Delilah said standing up to greet Matt. We all stood still. "Lila, Lila!" Matt stuttered to get the words out. We all stood beside each other with shcked faces. "Yes guys its me no need to be so shocked." Lila told us. "What did you expect us to do welcome you with open arms." Matt said coming to hold me at his side. "See you havent changed Matt still floating around Alexa like a bad smell, see you finally grew a pair of balls and asked out." Lila said and I could feel Matt get angry. "We are not together but thanks for telling everyone about my feelings for her." I tried not to smile as I already knew. "Why you back Lila whose life are you here to ruin now!" Matt grunted at her. "Came back to see you guys and to say sorry." Lila pleaded. "We dont want your sorry, we were much better off with out you." Matt yelled. Lila was shocked, Lila was always strong she would never cry in front of us. "Fine if that is how you all feel consider me gone for good." with that those last words Lila left again.

"Lila Lila " I shouted after her but she was gone, Matt tried to old me but I pushed him away. I picked up my things and walked out to his car. We all headed home, I barely spoke a word to Matt in the car. When we got home we all just went to bed no other words were said to each other. As I got into my own bed Matt came in to say godnight. I just nodded and got under the sheets. Last thing I heard Matt sa was " I hate when our angry at me, I am going to make things right I am sorry Alexa." e kissed the top of my head and left. I looked to my wall to the picture of Lila and I, " Welcome home Lila. I am sorry for Matt" with that I fell asleep.