Status: in progress

Can't do this anymore


It’s been a few days since everything. Zach has tried contacting me several times but I just ignored it each time. I just didn’t feel like dealing with it. I just wasn’t in the mood to have my heart broken. I was afraid that once he found out that he wouldn’t have the same feelings. Also I had Matt stopping by and trying to talk to me but I wouldn’t talk. He didn’t need to know right now. Because I know he’d go kill him.

It was currently mid day on Wednesday one of my days off from the tattoo shop that I owned. That’s how I became friends with Aubri and Ashley they were both tattoo artists that I knew from a shop in New York when I use to live there. They both agreed to come work for me once I opened up Level 77. I was so grateful for that for awhile it was just the three of us. Then eventually more people wanted to work for me and I now love the crew I have.

Right now I was on the phone with Val she was asking me to go shopping with her but I just wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to go afraid that maybe Zacky or Matt were gunna be there.
“Hun I promise you it’s just going to be me and you they boys are in the studio today.” Val said once I was silent for way too long. I’m guessing she knew something was up considering Matt probably told her. I don’t know how much she knows but its okay I trust Val, don’t get me wrong I love her to death but I didn’t want everyone knowing what was going on.

“Fine” I say laughing at her attempts to get me to go. “Just give me like 20 minutes to get ready. Do you want me to meet you at your house?” I ask as I start picking out my outfit.

“Uh sure. That’s not a problem, we’ll figure out whose driving once you get here” she says. We hang up. I quickly go put on the outfit I picked out and fix my hair. I make sure Cinnamon; my kitten has food and water. I also leave the radio on for her. I know it’s crazy but I hate leaving her here with the house being extremely quiet. I re-check everything making sure I didn’t forget anything and I head out my door to head over to Matt and Val’s house.

*Zacky's POV*

For the past couple of days I've been worrying about Jezzie and I don’t know why ever since she told me she couldn’t do this anymore. But I really didn't know what she meant by that. Matt's been giving me theses looks and I don't understand those either. I haven’t hurt her that I know of. And if I did would like for her to tell me. She has been ignoring me since she walked out of my house that day. She won't even talk to Matt and that odd.

"Zack dudee!" I hear Brian yell at me. Apparently I was zoning out and it was my turn to go record.

"Sorry man. Just thinking" I tell him. He looks at me oddly but shrugs his shoulders and walks out back to take a smoke break. Larry motions me to go into the recording booth.

After two hours of recording the same rift over and over again I was finally done. Then it was Johnny’s turn. I went to go look at my phone hoping that Jezzabel at least texted me or called. But she didn't and I was a little disappointed. A minute later after just starting at my phone I did get one new text, hoping it was her but it wasn't it was just Val.

~ So I don't know exactly what's going on with you and jezzie but i got her to go shopping with me and hopefully back to the house after. Come home with Matt don’t bring your car and hopefully you all can work out what’s going on. Be home in a couple of hours.~

That's why I love Valary. She hated when anything bad was going on between anyone of us she always was fixing things. She was the peacemaker. I remember when Ashley and Brian got into a huge fight because she thought Brian was cheating on her. But in reality he was spending so much time with Jezzie because he was trying to plan a surprise birthday party for her. So when Val heard wind of this she was right there to straighten everything out.

"Hey Matt?" I called out hoping he would answer me.

"Yo, what do you want?" Well at least he answered.

"Um so Val texted me telling me that she finally got Jezzie to go out with her and that she's hoping that she can get her back to your house. So she suggested that I ride with you and be able to talk to her well both of us. What do you think?" I explained to him and hoped that he would be able to do this. I saw him thinking hard about this. He took too long for my liking.

"Sure, but I swear to god she starts crying. ANYTHING Zack, I’ll break you. I don’t care, i can’t see her hurt. I don’t know what happened with you too and if i find out that its bad trust me you better hide." He warned me. I was quite scared. He usually sticks to his threats. And Jezzie is like his little sister so if I did hurt her, I was in some deep shit.

*Jezzabel’s POV*

Several hours later and several hundred of dollars gone from my wallet, Val and I were heading back to her house to go swimming. Thank god because the weather today was on unbearable.

Arriving at her house I notice that Matt wasn’t home yet, thank god. I really didn’t want to have the conversation with him that’s going to kill Zacky. I threw all my bags that I had into my Escalade and grab the newest bikini that I just bought. I was proud of it was all purple my favorite color.

Val and I were in the pool for a good hour until we decided to just get out and lay by the pool to soak up the sun. We were both crazy about laying out, we did it as much as we could either here or at the beach near my house.

“Val Babe! Are you homeee?!” We both hear Matt yell from the kitchen sliding glass door. I inwardly groan to myself. I was hoping I wouldn’t see him at all.

“YEA!” She yells back. “ Just laying out back with Jezzie!” Great. What am I suppose to do. I’ve been avoiding him like the plague for a couple of days. I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten about what happened.

After 10 minutes or so I see Matt and someone else walk out I couldn't really see who it was because the sun was so bright even with my sunglasses on.

"Jezzie..... " I hear the man I've been avoiding the most since I walked out of his house not so long ago. The look on his face when he sees me was undescribale I couldn't tell if he was mad or annoyed with me. With the fact I haven't answered any of his calls or texts. It was just too hard, I was trying to move on.

"Hi.." I barely squeaked out of my little mouth. I was surprised when he actually picked me up from where I was laying and hugged the hell out of me. After he finally put me down it was Matts turn to hug the shit out of me too. I'm not going to lying I miss both of these men to death. I heard Matt whisper in my eye after a few seconds of hugging him.

"We all need to talk. But i suggest you talk to Zacky first." He whispers. I just nodded my head.

I walked up to Zacky giving him yet another hug. Im usually never this far apart from him. It was strange.

"Hun, you going to tell me why you've been ignoring me. And what you meant the other day. It's really been bugging me. And also Matt keeps giving me the death glare. I definitely don't like that." Zack says after a few minutes of silence. I was just hoping and praying he wouldn't want to talk about this right away.
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I am so sorry it took forever to updateeee just been stuck on how I want this to go.

let me know what you think pleaseee!!!!

And thank you to other that commented on my first chapter.