Crazy Beautiful


I walk up the stairs after drinking a few sips of soda. I Knock on Brian’s bedroom door and he pulls it open without a shirt on. I let my eyes make their way over his perfect body. I hear him chuckle and I pull my eyes away from his body and glue them to the ground as I ask for a shirt of his to wear for the day. All my clothes were at Val and Matt’s anyways.

“Still can’t resist my body?” he asks while he searches for a shirt to let me wear.

“Guess you still got your charm sweetie.” I say and push a strand of hair behind my ear

“Yeah, well you still look beautiful.” he says sweetly handing me the shirt and I blush before scurrying off to the bathroom

I giggle once I shut the door and I’m sure he heard it. I slip into Brian’s shirt. It was one of his favorites, mine as well. Black looked good on the man I’m not going to lie. I smile as I apply little makeup, mainly eyeliner. Thank god for Brian’s eyeliner. I brush through my straight hair and emerge from the bathroom to collide with Brian.

“Whoa,” he says “better watch out where you’re walking.” we both laugh

“Yeah, same to you too, Haner.” I say smirking up at him.

We walk down the stair and he keeps grabbing hold of my hips and walking behind me. I laugh out as he stumbles. I was falling hard for him again. He looks at me and we lock eyes for a good minute. I look away and go back to the kitchen where my mountain dew sits on the counter.

“Hey baby,” I shout at him “can I cook us dinner?” I ask once he appears in the kitchen

“You want to cook us dinner?” he asks and I only nod my head as I take back another sip of soda.

He looks at me crazily and I laugh loudly, “Why wouldn’t I want to cook dinner.” I ask

“Sorry,” he says quickly “I’m just not use to a women wanting to cook.” he admits and rubs the back of his neck

It was adorable in a quirky type of way. I knew he was comparing me to Michelle and surely I’d have to prove that not all women are like her. He may have forgotten that I was always about caring for him, but I’d remind him quickly. He was my favorite person to cook for. Mainly because he ate anything I cooked. Even when it was bad and I knew it, he’d still say it was good and swallow it anyways. I shook my head at the thought and he turned to grab his keys. I pushed myself off the counter and walked over to him. I stood up on my tip toes and kissed him softly on the lips.

I pulled away and he got a goofy smile on his face and I simply laughed, “Do I still have that effect on you?” I ask and he smirks at me

“Guess so, baby.” he smiles once more before kissing my cheek and heading upstairs for his wallet.

As he turns to leave I smack his ass and he looks over his shoulder and winks. I laugh harder and he dashes off. I walk back and drink the rest of my soda. I go rummaging through his fridge and he has nothing in there other than junk food. What has Brian been eating?

I turn on my heel closing the door and head towards the living room and for the first time I notice just how destroyed it is. I look around and then my eyes land on a familiar photo. Brian and I were sitting at the beach in a deep conversation. He had reached up to move a piece of hair before placing a kiss on my cheek and then the photo was taken.

“I love that photo of us.” Brian says behind me

“It’s a good one I have to admit.” I say turning around

He nods his head and asks if I’m ready to leave yet and I nod my head also. We head out the door and the wind blows the summer heat a little cooler. I clasp my hand around Brian’s and tug at it to his car. I loved his escalade so much. I needed to get a car after I found a job though. I was planning to work at VU for Zacky, but Brian didn’t know all that yet. I didn’t want to tell them just how close Adam was to me either.

I fiddled with the radio station before a song of avenged sevenfold plays. I look over at Brian and he only shakes his head and I turn the volume up loudly and sing at the top of my lungs and he only chuckles at me.

“You sing lovely, Riley. We could’ve used you for a few of our songs.” he says as he places his hand on mine own and rubs his thumb over it.

I shake my head “Nope, I’m too good to work with you.” I laugh and sing again to unholy confessions

The drive ended and we exited the car meeting at the hood where we once again intertwined our fingers and walked into Matt’s and Val’s. Everyone gathered around the pool and we made our entrance to the backyard. Jimmy screamed and pulled me into a hug. I laughed and tried to inform him I couldn’t breathe anymore. He set me down and I said hey to everyone else who sat around the pool. Brian looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders at me. I turned back and Val eyed me suspiciously and I nodded my head knowing she was asking if we were together.

“Yes!” she screams “Now which of you bitches owes me money.” she said standing up

“I do.” Zacky and Lacey both said defeated and I laughed at my friend

“Did you guys really bet on if we’d get together?” I ask and push my bangs from my eyes

Everyone looked at me innocently and mumbled out a few maybes. I shake my head and Brian laughs.

“I told them I’d win you back.” Brian says and I raise my eyebrows up at him

“Awe,” I began “Did I forget to tell you I’m in love with Zacky?” I ask and I see a tinge of fear show in Brian’s beautiful chocolate orbs “I’m only playing baby.” I say and place a kiss on his cheek before we sit back and envelope into a conversation of our random things.
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--Lindsey Ann
Thanks to:
mistery gurl