Crazy Beautiful


My mom was sweet and she loved me and Jameson to death, but I left. What mom could forgive their daughter for leaving without another word? I had tried to explain to everyone, but they all made comments about my drug habits. I rushed outside and sat next to Brian and tried to hide. I could see through the glass as she picked up Grace and she went on talking to Jameson. I look at Brian worried, but my heart tightened again as I prayed she wouldn’t say something here.

“You okay? Is the food bad?” I hear Brian ask

“What? Oh yeah, it’s great.” I mumbled out as I stuffed my face with some cut chicken

Brian looked at me as if I had grown three heads and I only shook my head. I focused on my mother and soon she made complete eye contact with me and her thin lips pulled into a straight line across her face. She still looked the same with only adding a few faint wrinkles. She would be disappointed in me for not mentioning anything to her, but I tried and she said I was being dumb. I would be the victim of my mother’s wrath and I’d have to face her on my own.

I closed my eyes and heard the door slide open and soon I heard my mother’s voice greeting Papa Haner and Brian. She ignored me entirely and moved on to McKenna. I felt my heart stop in my chest and my body ached in the patio seat. My own mother ignored me like I wasn't hers. That was a new low for sure. A new record meant for the genius world records book.

“She may not know it’s you, Riley.” Brian said gently and I only shrug my shoulder.

“She knows who I am. She just doesn’t want to see me.” I answer and stand up from the table

“Where are you going?” Brian asked and I nodded my head towards the inside.

I walked into the house and the air conditioned house felt cool against my heated face. I threw my plate into the trash and gulped back the last of my soda before turning to see my mother behind me. She doesn’t smile and I resemble her deeply. I inherited her eyes and the shape of her face too. Her hair fell past her shoulders barely and it was auburn brown like my brothers. I had naturally blonde hair like my dad did, but was constantly dying it brown.

I smile at her and say hi and she only looks at me with disgust. I knew she’d be disappointed but not disgusted. Had no one informed her as to why I wasn’t around, or was that my story to tell, again? I only sighed and tried to slip past her but she grabbed my wrist and parted her pink covered lips.

“You had no right to leave and get stuck with a man like him.” she said as her grip got tighter

“It wasn’t like that mom.” I sighed again and she snorted at me

“You were weak and beaten and for that I disown you. No daughter of mine should act that way. Jameson may forgive you, but I do not and I don’t think I ever will Riley.” She said dropping my wrist and walking away from me back to Jameson and little Grace.
I watched as my mother laughed along with Nicole and loved her like a daughter. One she never had, because Nicole didn’t just run she fought too. My world collapsed and my breathing got heavier. I felt the pinching sensation in my nose like I was going to cry. I felt the tears coming once more for the day and I needed to find Brian. I wanted to go home right now and just sleep everything off.

I walked hurriedly past people and made my way to Brian as my throat grew tight and uncomfortable. I saw him sitting with his parents talking and he looked deep in thought as Suzy laughed. I watched as Brian’s focus went from thoughts to me and frowning in concern and worry grew onto his face fast. He stood up and came over to me.

“What’s wrong?” he asks as he brushes a strand of hair from my face

“My mom hates me,” I mumbled out “She said she’d never forgive me, Brian, she said she disowns me.” I choked out and Brian wrapped his arms around my small frame

I inhaled Brian’s cologne and smiled as warmth took over my body. My throat unhitched itself and the tears stopped. I felt okay and Brian felt it too as he pulled away and smiled down at me. His eyes smothered in love and comfort. He placed his hand on the low of my back and guided me back to my parents. I didn’t need to run now. I just needed to be soothed back down to earth. Suzy and Papa Haner smiled at me and I returned the gesture.

We fell into a conversation and Suzy told me about Kenna and her little group of friends like Brian’s. She says there is one to replace each of us. I smiled and she mentions about me coming over one day to talk about things and I agreed. She managed to get Papa Haner off the patio couch and into the house to talk to people. I laughed as he mumbled the whole way and she simply shushed him.

“I love your parents Brian.” I say to him

“Yeah, they are pretty great and they love you to death.” he admits taking a sip of soda

“They always treated me like part of the family, like a daughter. I guess I’m going to need that now.” I smile at him and he nods his head at me

“Maybe one day you really can be.” he says and I’m shocked by his response

He smiled at me before placing a soft kiss on my forehead and letting me lean into his side. I watched as Kenna laughed with her friends and got bitchy with that one boy. I saw Grace running all around with Jameson and somehow getting him into the pool. She had my older brother wrapped around her finger and it was adorable. His life pulled together nicely for him. He created a family and didn’t let anything stop him.

I looked back over at Brian and he asked if I had wanted to go home finally. I nodded my head and soon was back in his car with my head resting against the window. I had a wicked headache and everything was hurting. I really was catching a cold I think and that didn’t make me feel any better. I still had yet settle down into life in California.
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Hopefully by tonight I should be posting my new Matt story called Running Away. So look out for that soon.
--Lindsey Ann