Crazy Beautiful

Best Friend

I turned and saw my best friend approaching me with open arms. I smiled and ran into Zacky’s embrace. He told me to wait one second as he went and scolded the receptionist even though I asked him not to. He came back and shook his head before chuckling quietly. We walked down the aisle through another set of doors. The walls were aligned with interesting photos, most likely worldwide loved designs. I knew now for sure I could do this job.

He pushes open a set of doors and I’m assuming this is his office. It was a dark grey room with a splash of red. I was shocked Zacky had gotten it to look this good actually. He had no sense of color coordination. I laughed as he only nodded his head and said yeah.

“So what brings you here, best friend?” he asks as he sits in his leather chair

“I want a job.” I admitted easily

“Have you talked to Brian about this?” was his reply and it annoyed me a bit.

“Brian isn’t my baby sitter. I can do whatever I want. He may be against me working, but I’m not. I expected my best friend to back me up.” I say harshly but pulling the friend card was a bit bitchy.

“I do, but Brian has warned us all not to go and get you busy.” he said leaning back in his chair

“I just want some independence. Please Zacky, I know I can do this job. I’m great with designs and you know it.” I was begging for a job now

He sighed and I knew I was winning, Zacky loved me and Brian equally, we were both his best friend, but he couldn’t deny me of this. He had to see how bad I wanted and needed this. Zacky was always the first to support me and my ideas. A reason why he and I always got along, he wouldn’t call me stupid and push it aside like I hadn’t said anything. He would listen and hear me out before any opinion came from his mouth.

“Fine, you can work here, but if Brian gives me shit I’m saying you threatened to cut my balls off.” he said laughing as I did too

“I was about to.” I joke and cause more laughter to fill the room

We sat in his office for nearly two hours before he offered to go get lunch with me. I quickly said yes and headed out of the room. I decided to just drive Brian’s car to the restaurant and then back home afterwards. We did have a date of some sort after all. I smiled as I tapped my fingers to the beat of the song on the radio. I was defiantly a rocker girl, it was simply my forte and being with a rock star does influence your music taste.

Zacky pulled into a small diner and I pulled into the parking space next to him. He asked when I was getting my own car and I rubbed the side of my face feeling irritated by Brian’s request of him getting me a car. I just said I wasn’t sure and he left it at that which made me happy. I didn’t like to tell people about my relationship problems, it just didn’t set right. Zacky knew me though, better than a lot of people. I assumed he would just pick up on the little note of what Brian wanted to do. He held the door open and let me in first as we were greeted by a hostess my phone began to ring. I looked down and saw it was Brian. I groaned feeling not an urge to answer his call and decided to ignore the call.

I didn’t like it when people hid things from me, especially Brian. I would tell him everything and anything, but he always found some reason to keep things from me. I just didn’t understand why. I would leave it alone like always, but it never stopped bothering me. I pushed my bangs to the side as I followed the hostess and Zacky to the table.

“Who was that?” Zacky asked as we sat down

“Brian, he is just I don’t know.” I mumble out and flip open the menu

“No need to explain, but remember he loves you.” Zacky says and smiles genuinely at me as he opens his own menu and scans the choices.

I look at the lunch orders and it’s mostly consumed with burgers, salads, and fried chicken. I loved all of those choices, but decided on a burger and a small garden salad. The waitress came back to take our order. I stared out the window thinking about what Brian has going on and won’t tell me yet about. It couldn’t be that bad, right? He wouldn’t be able to hide too much of the truth from me. I draw my attention back to Zacky as he says my name and I notice my food is in front of me.

“You want to talk about it?” he asks before taking a bite into his food

“Yes,” I admit and also take a bite from my burger “He has something going on and won’t tell me.”

“It may be a surprise for you.” he suggests and that doesn’t seem to make sense to me

“I guess, but he’s never acted so strange and aggravated before around me.” I say and take a sip of my coke

“I don’t know then,” he sighs “just don’t worry about it, okay kid.” he says and pats my hand from across the table

The lunch continues onward with casual conversation and reminiscing. I laugh as he tells me a story about him and Gena. She was perfect for Zacky and I’m happy they fell in love. I knew he would get a great girl. It’s hard to hear about him and Gena when Brian was being distant and ruining things a little. I would just have to ignore it and move on with him and me. I would do anything for him and if that meant breaking a few personal rules, I would. I finished up my drink and stand up from the table when Zacky pays the bill. I allow it because he insisted and handed the waitress the money before I could protest.

I hug Zack and I get into my car before he drives away. I reach for my phone and go to dial Brian, but decide to just go home and see him. He may want to tell me something finally. I start my drive back home I look to the clock on the car and see it’s five. I want to get home faster than ever and just figure out all the chaos.
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--Lindsey Ann
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