Crazy Beautiful

Nice Knowing You

I began to walk over to Brian and gently placing my hand on his bicep. I needed to know the truth, no more secrets. I felt my heart pound wildly in my chest while I stood in front of him. I wanted him to see I was no longer ready to run. I wanted to settle down with Brian Haner. I could truly do without Synster Gates. I knew things could work out as long as I remember that sometimes people just can’t see the big picture. I look up at him and give him a small smile before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him gently.

“Will you just tell me?” I ask quietly

“Not here, Riley.” he mumbles and pulls away from me once more

“You have had this secret for almost a month now,” I say brushing hair out of my face, “When is the best time going to come for you to tell me?” I ask angrily

I let my lips part a little and my tongue darts across wetting them. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t going to tell me. Matt stops our conversation and asks if he has even tried to tell me. I bring my attention back to Brian as he only narrows his eyes and shakes his head at Matt. I was losing my patience fast and I don’t think anyone even knew how fast it was leaving. Normally I stayed quiet and waited, but over the years of waiting for the whole story I believed waiting was overrated.

“Just tell her,” Matt barks and comes over to us trying to reason with a stubborn and guarded Brian.

“I said no. She doesn’t need to find out here.” Brain snaps back

They get into their own little feud which I stupidly try to break it up. I shove at Matt and in return Brian collides with me and knocks me to the floor. I look up with fear and shock as Brains runs his hands through his messy hair. He bends down to help me up but I flinch away as I hold my wrist in pain. He lets a quick glimpse of hurt flash in his eyes and I feel like awful for flinching.

He yells at Matt and walks out the house right as Michelle walks inside from the garage with Val while she yapped in Val’s ear. Had Michelle been here the whole time? Had I really been so wrapped up in my thoughts about Brian I never heard her come in? As Matt helped me up to the couch I had a sudden urge to stand up and punch this girl until she was a bloody pulp. If it had never been her Brian and I would have been happy a long time ago. These things wouldn’t be happening right now. It was this entire bitch’s fault.

“I am so excited,” she squeals with delight not even noticing me “Brain is too. I mean he will be once the little Haner is running around calling him daddy.” she says and I feel my heart stop.

A baby was what Brian had been hiding from me. Michelle and Brian are having a baby? I was no longer in the picture, how could I be so stupid I stood up from the couch and ran from the two storied house to my car and drive halfway down the street before it stalls and stops working. I look down and can see that there is no gas. I was driving on empty and now I had to find a ride. I decide to call the one person who wouldn’t hurt me or tell where I was. I dialed Zacky’s number into my phone and bring it to my ear hearing it ring. I hoped he and Gena didn’t mind me asking to stay the night, maybe for the rest of this week. Just three days would be all I need then I’d be okay again.

“Hey Zacky,” I breathe into the phone. “I need a ride and a bed to sleep in.” I say quietly as I stare out at the rain that was now falling while I sat in my car on the phone.

“Where are you?” he asks not even skipping a beat

“I’m heading up to the gas station down the road from Matt and Val’s.” I say

“Be there in ten please be careful, will you.” he says before hanging up.

The phone conversation ended and then I was alone again. I begin to walk to the gas station. I may get something to eat while I’m there. I carry my bag close to me as the rain whips my face harshly. I couldn’t believe Brian was going to be having a kid, and with Michelle. If I ever had the chance I’d strangle Brian for not using protection. I was happy for him, I guess, but I wanted to be the one pregnant with Brian’s kid, not Michelle. I was supposed to be the only woman who carried his children. I sighed as I adjusted the bag wincing in pain due to the way I had fallen earlier. I had landed on it just perfectly. I knew I’d probably sprained it and would have to get an x-ray just to make sure nothing had been damaged. Although, I had been to the doctor’s enough to know how to care for a simple sprained. I’d have to wrap it and put some ice before I could see a doctor.

I could see the neon signs from the window of the gas station. I huffed and kicked at some of the water that had puddled in the sidewalk. I neared it closer and saw that Zack wasn’t here yet. I walked inside the gas station trying to decide what I could possibly buy with a single wet dollar and a quarter in my front jeans pocket. I looked down the aisles looking at chips but my favorite weren’t there. I didn’t want any candy so I walked over to the small food counter where there was chicken and fries being sold. I could hear the food being made behind the counter of the small diner in the gas station, but the prices were too high. I just sat at a small booth and waited for Zack.
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Everyone now knows the big mysterious secret! Now look out for my new ZV story titled Blossoming Fates.
--Lindsey Ann