Crazy Beautiful

House Searching

Zack and I drove around looking for a place for me to live in since I was trying out this new independence thing. He kept calling it a quick faze, one which he hoped I snapped out of and realized my friends would help me right now. I didn’t want to have to keep falling back on them though. I had done it quite long enough. I had seen three apartments and so far Zack has put his foot down and said no to all of them. He said he’d fire me and give me no job before allowing me to move into them.

He and I pull in the parking lot of a decent built apartment complex. It seemed well kept and everything seemed to be perfect so far. I walked towards the main lobby to talk to the realtor there. She was a sweet woman who I had talked to on the phone with earlier. She led me and Zacky to the apartment which was currently up for rent. It was a pretty place that much was for sure.

There was light wood flooring inside the main room which could easily become my living room. It even had a fire place off in the left corner. Next to it was the kitchen which was granite counter tops and tiled flooring. All of the appliances inside seemed newer. A small patio was laid out in the backyard area. There was only one bedroom and a bath, but I was only one person so this seemed good so far. She led me and Zack up the stairs to the bedroom which was rather spacious. It had crème colored carpeting and tan walls. The bathroom was off the side. It was blue and white and for it being in my price range this place seemed so much more expensive.

“How much a month would this cost?” I ask nervously

“First month’s rent would be around eight fifty, closer to nine hundred, but after that it’s seven fifty.” She explained

I looked around the place once more and talked to Zacky gently as he inspected the place. He asked her about the crime rate and surveillance in the complex area. I began to blush with embarrassment thinking he worried too much for his own good. She was quick on her feet and told him it was a great area. I knew Zacky was hesitant, but he was also very close to me. I was concerned because Brian was only a couple of minutes away from here, maybe five at the most. I was afraid he and I may run into each other easily.

“This is a great place,” I mumble out to Zack as we walk out into the small yard.

“I approve of it,” He says looking at me, “As long as it’s the place you truly want.” He finishes

“It really is,” I smile widely at him

I tell the lady I’d love to get this place and be able to move into as soon as possible. She said within five days I could be completely settled inside which I was happy about. Zack and I walked back to the front building where I gave all my information and paid the first month’s rent. I had been prepared to pay the cost because I had been saving up and Zacky loaned me any extra money. I was truly the happiest girl in the world because I finally had a place to call mine. I was able to take care of myself. I had hoped Grace would warm up to me and when she wanted she could stay nights with me and I could try to get closer to my mother again. I had a lot of plans for myself.

Zack let me drive to around to thrift stores purchasing things my house would need. I was having it brought there in a truck. Zack helped me cover some things and simply said he’d let me work for free a couple of hours at his house with yard work or something if it was a big deal.

I purchased a dresser and a bed along with a cheap bed frame and headboard too. It was a good deal too. A light wood dining room table that sat four would look lovely in my house. Then a small coffee table and a white cushioned couch for my living room caught my attention. I figured once I officially moved inside the new apartment then I could get everything else. I also knew my friends would want to hand me things as well. There was nothing else I could really do about that. I wish Brian could’ve been there for me though. He would’ve seen how proud I was that I was independent. I frowned and turned my attention towards Zack as we left the store.

“Want to get some food?” I ask as I toss him the keys to his car.

“Sure,” He says getting inside his car, “Burgers sound good to you?” He asks and I nod

“A nice hunk of meat between two slightly roasted buns sounds delicious.” I say excitedly as I get inside his car.

“Riley, there are a few things incredibly wrong with what you just said.” Zack chuckled.

Zacky and I laugh while the drive to the small dinner was short. He told me that we should see if anyone else wants to come with us. He knew how much they all enjoyed this place. Riley said sure, but she felt bad in the pit of her stomach, not because she wanted to have time with Zacky, but because she knew her friends would have to exclude Brian for now. I didn’t like knowing Brian’s friend were stuck walking on egg shells because of me. I sighed heavily and walked into the diner before Zack and then turned to smile at him as he called everyone minus the brown eyed man I would always miss and love. I wanted to see him.
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There are only five more chapters now so sad that my story will be coming to an end, but look forward to Blossoming Fates featuring Zacky V <3
--Lindsey Ann