Crazy Beautiful

Crazy Beautiful

I was currently sitting on the new couch twisting my wedding ring around on my finger as I waiting impatiently for Brian to come home from tour. I looked down at my lap and see his little head resting gently on my thighs trying to wait up for his father. It turned out that Brian and I had a kid on the way before he and I could even get married. He stirred gently when a car door slammed shut outside. I sat up straighter seeing it wasn’t Brian yet.

“Mommy, when is daddy getting here?” The little three and a half year old boy asks me looking up at me with brown eyes just like his daddy.

“Soon sweetie,” I say rubbing his hair from his forehead

Leana’s little girl, Carrie and my son, Greyson were extremely close. Although, Greyson could be a little mean to Carrie who was nearly a year older than him. Brian simply laughed and shook his head when Greyson got fussy with Carrie. Everyone commented saying it would be just like Brian and Riley. Riley rolled her eyes at them. But she knew in her gut their kids would have their own group due to them all being friends. Gena got pregnant right after Zack and she got married. She’s been going through early pregnancy symptoms while the boys were out on tour.

Greyson rested his head back in my lap and I watched as the little boy fell asleep there. I knew he’d be upset that he missed his dad coming home. It was late enough though, I was surprised he made it up to eleven thirty let alone one in the morning. I picked Greyson up when I knew he was in a dead sleep. His head placed itself in the nook of her neck while she carried him up the stairs and into his bedroom.

She placed him inside his small bed that was brand new. He had been so excited for getting a big boy bed. Brian had missed us buying it, but I made sure to tell him everything that had happened. I leaned down and kissed Greyson’s forehead as I tucked him in and walked out of the room leaving the door cracked a bit. I shut the hallway light off and walked into the bathroom knowing I had to look at the small white stick sooner or later.

I picked it up and smiled to myself knowing that soon Greyson may have himself a younger sister or brother. Brian would be excited and I hoped he’d be around for the whole pregnancy and the first few months when the baby is born. I heard the door shut quietly and I raced down the stairs to see Brian. I laughed excitedly when I saw him and ran into his arms as he picked me up and spun me around.

“I missed you, Riley.” He said inhaling her alluring scent and kissing the top of her head.

“I missed you too baby,” She said to him squeezing him tighter hoping he’d never have to leave her again. “I have news for you.” I said smiling wide at him as I pulled away

“What?” He asks with a small smile on his face.

“I’m pregnant again!” I squeal and he looks stunned before a grin spreads across his face and he hugs me again before kissing me hard on the lips.

“This is amazing news,” He says before kissing me again, “So where’s my little rock star?” He ask and I have to frown

“He just went to sleep,” I say frowning at his disappointed face, “Maybe he would like it if you woke him up.” I say and his face brightens again

He and I both walk up the stairs heading to Greyson’s room. It seemed so dark when the lights were off due to the dark blue walls Brian painted before he left. Greyson insisted upon having them dark blue with a giant moral of an electric guitar that was ruby red. I had fought with Brian on the idea for weeks before Greyson’s puppy dog eyes got to me. I flicked on his small night light to brighten the room as Brian leaned over the bed Greyson slept inside.

Brian woke him up gently and at first Greyson thought it was me and got grumpy claiming he wasn’t ready to get up. Soon though he woke up entirely and realized it was Brian that had woken him up. He screamed in delight at the sight of his father. He wrapped his arms around Brian’s neck and talked excitedly to Brian. I watched as Brian looked directly at his son and smile in joy. Brian was so thankful that he had gotten this lucky. He knew it could’ve easily gone the other way but it hadn’t. He accepted Riley’s crazy beautiful life. He had become a simple part of it and loved it every day that passed by.

Greyson laughed as Brian tickled his tummy as he told him he need to sleep and that they were all going out to get breakfast in the morning with all of his uncles and aunts. Greyson quickly lay back down and he continued talking but it soon became babble as he drifted off to sleep. Brian and I leave his room and stand in the hallway smiling at each other. Brian grabbed hold of his wife and planned on showing her just how much he loved her tonight as he pulled her into their bedroom shutting the door and kissing her.


Riley hadn’t had woke the next morning and woke up later than usual with a sleeping figure of Brian next to her. She smiled as heat radiated off of him and she leaned down kissing him causing him to wake up. I left him lying in bed to wake up while I jumped in the shower before having to get ready for the day I had planned out with Brian and Greyson. I showered quickly before descending from the shower and wrapping a towel around myself. I walked out into the bedroom seeing Brian was no longer in bed and had gotten dressed. I knew he had probably gone into Greyson’s room and started getting him ready. I was so surprised with how helpful Brian had always been with Greyson. Having another child didn’t frighten me at all.

I slipped into a pair of light wash jeans, a band tee, and put on a pair of black flats. I let my hair dry naturally as I go in search for my favorite men. Greyson hated being called a child. He claimed he was just like his uncles and dad, a man. I laughed at him but called him a man regardless. I find them both sitting downstairs watching some baseball game on T.V. I kiss Brian’s cheek and ruffle Greyson’s hair before we head out to the SUV and towards the small dinner we all enjoyed.

“Is Carrie going to be there too?” I hear Greyson ask quietly from his car seat

“Yes honey, so you need to be nice.” I tell him with a smile on my face.

“But mom,” he starts out an already with a pout on his face, “It’s Sullivan.” He explains to me like it were the easiest thing to understand

They called each other by their last names often and everyone looked at Brian and I. We pull up to the diner and walk inside seeing the group already sitting at a table. We walk over to them and Carrie scowls at Greyson before asking if he wanted to draw with her. He looks up at me and I tell him to be nice before he rushes towards her and begins to color. Gena laughed at them with her baby bump barely showing as she got up to give Greyson and Carrie some room. Brian and I sit down looking over the menus and deciding what to eat. I tell everyone that there will soon be another Haner on the way and Val freaks out first.

Everyone was so excited and we all enjoy our time together. Greyson, Brian and I head to the park next and as we watched Greyson play Brian looked over at me smiling wide before leaning in and kissing my cheek gently. It raised butterflies in my stomach and a heat to cover my face. I looked at him sincerely trying not to get too distracted from Greyson.

“I love our crazy beautiful life.” Brian admits before Greyson calls for us to come play with him.
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There's the end and I am so sad that thew story of Riley and Brian is over.
Thank you to everyone who commented and subscribe I hope that I will be having the same feedback for Blossoming fates which features Zacky Vengeance.
So head there and read ha
--Lindsey Ann