Crazy Beautiful


We stood locked in the bathroom and everyone outside was begging for us to come out. They had calmed Jimmy down, but I knew better. Once Jimmy was excited he couldn’t be calmed down. Well unless we all waited until he passed out. I sat on the sink counter and heard whispering from the outside. I knew they were planning an attack plan, which we would be caught if we didn’t escape.

“Okay I have an idea, if you don’t mind follow me in this direction and we will be on our way.” he gestures towards the window as he stands there smiling. Brian stood a moment

“Brian, have you lost your mind? You want to jump out of the window, on the second floor?” I asked secretively hoping no one heard me.

“Come on, Riley, you use to do this all the time when we were younger. Just think it’s for old times’ sake.” before I can say anything he jumped out the window. A quick circuit of worry shot through me. What if he got hurt?

“Brian?” I can’t see if he made it or is hurt.

“Come on babe you can jump, it won’t hurt. I promise and if it does you can hit me.” I hear him holler lightly and a smile forms.

Knowing Brian was okay made it easier for me. Without thinking I just jumped and hit the ground faster than I expected to. I look around for Brian and he is nowhere to be found. I start to panic and think Adam was here and now Brian is hurt. Just as I finish that though arms wrap around my waist making my heart beat faster in my chest while my breath hitches itself in my throat. I look at the arms and I recognize the tattoos. Brian.

“Let’s go baby. I was thinking ice cream and movies, does that sound good?” I hear his breath linger upon my throat and I form a hunger to kiss him.

“Sounds perfect.” Thank god it’s night or he’d see me blush like a teenager, but he used to say it was adorable.

We get into his car and something doesn’t feel right. I ignore it for the time being. It slowly stops and I turn on the radio and let pieces by red play. I love this song and it reminds me of my family a little. I got into a fight with them a few years back and never had anything to do with them since. My older brother, Jameson, never understood why I left. He didn’t want a whole lot to do with me after I showed up at his house shit faced calling his fiancé a nasty whore, but I think they broke up. I got cleaned up thanks to my hero sitting next to me.

“Brian does my mom still live in the same place?” Brian always loved my parents and his parents were friends with mine too.

“Yeah I want to talk to you about that. Why weren’t you at your dad’s funeral? I went, and was hoping I may have seen you and patched things up between us, but you were a no-show.” he shyly spits out

Wow that’s bad when your ex-boyfriend goes to your father’s funeral when you are to hurt to attend it.

“I wanted too and I knew I should, but a couple of things were stopping me from actually going.” that seemed like a pretty good answer.

“I have a barbeque to go to this weekend and I’m sure your family will be there. You should go and try to fix things with your mother and brother. Jameson came by my house right before you showed up at Val’s.”

“I really want to go. I missed so much I don’t think my family is going to understand though.”

“Riley you were being abused that’s a very reasonable obstacle to stop you from seeing your family.” I just nod my head

“Yeah,” I say quietly “I still feel like I should‘ve been there.”

I turn the radio back on and let the few songs play before hearing one that I liked, Monster by skillet. I doze off watching everything pass by.

“Riley we’re at the store, I’ll be right back okay?” I just say okay

Trying to fall back asleep was difficult when that feeling came back. I become more alert and looked around me and off to the distance I see him. Adam found me, seeing me. He smirks and waves towards me. A car passes and he disappears from where he was last standing. Brian needs to hurry up. My phone goes off letting me know I have a new text message.

‘You’re such a selfish girl. Not caring about that guy, you know your mine not anyone else’s. I will have you again Riley.’

Someone started banging on the driver’s window and I screamed out in pure horror. Stupid, moronic Brain nearly gave me a heart attack.

“What’s wrong baby?” he speaks softly

“Nothing I just want to get to your house soon and can I stay the night?” I ask sheepishly

He looks shocked and simply says yes. Brian looks at me for a second then looks away, then puts his hand on mine and squeezed it, but he didn’t let go of my hand after that. Coming home may have been difficult but I’m glad I did.

“Riley is something bothering you?”

“Yeah, Adam sent me a text and I saw him behind your car when you were in the store.” I whisper and a tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

“Shit Riley, I knew I should have left you alone. I’m sorry baby.” Brian says sweetly but I can tell he is really pissed at himself for not being here.

“It’s going to be okay baby. I just want to go home with you.” I look at him and I can see he didn't expect that, actually I didn’t either. Brian had his home and I had mine, but I just referred to his home as mine.

“Home it is Riles.” He smiles and rubs his thumb across my hand.

I didn’t think I would, or even could forgive him this fast but it looks as if I had no other choice. I always knew Brian would have my heart, or at least a decent size proportion of it. He did too, and I liked knowing I’d be able to count on him. Even after what has happened I know he’ll be there forever.
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--Lindsey Ann
Thanks to:
mistery gurl