Crazy Beautiful


I stare out the window and a rain drop hit’s the passenger side window, it splashes when it came in contact of the window. Then a downpour came and I thought of the time I kissed Brian in the rain. It was absolutely beautiful. It sent shivers down my spine. I remember the day perfectly as if it were yesterday. It had started out with the whole group but slowly narrowed down to Brian, Zacky, and me all standing in the ball field. It was awkward since Zacky loved me and I was involuntarily forming feelings for Brian.

“Zacky you can keep track if you want.” I say sweetly

“Actually I got to get home. You guys play fair and no killing each other.” he tells me saying goodbye

“Well it looks like it’s just you and me, Brending.” Brian smirks and I get butterflies but quickly push them aside.

“Ready to be proved wrong, Haner?” I ask venomously

He throws a couple baseballs and they all go just as far as the first one and he is determined to make me miss. Rain drops start falling and soon enough I’m drenched and Brian is too. He takes his shirt off and I see he is absolutely gorgeous. He throws another one and I hit it hard and watch it fly. I take my shirt off thank god for white shirts and push up bras. Brian instantly sees me in a whole new way. And I think I liked it.

“Like what you see Haner?” I laugh at him for starring at my chest a lot longer than necessary.

“Just fucking miss already so we can go home Brending. You suck at everything else. Just ask you‘re fucking boyfriend, even he‘d say that. That‘s why he dumped your sorry ass.” that was low, even for him.

I start to cry and I throw my bat at him with full force. “I hate you!” I screamed and started to walk home

“Riley, wait!” I just keep walking but I don’t get too far until he grabs my arm at the bend of my elbow and spins me around to face him. The rain was falling harder. “Please don’t hate me, Riley.” He says sweetly stepping forward he kisses me gently.

The rain fell and he pushed me against the iron, chain linked fence as his hands went to my waist.

“I love you too Brian.” I kiss him with more passion and lust than any other guy.

Somehow we headed up at his house and we just talked and hung out like a couple did. It was easy for me to hang around Brian, until I got tangled up into Zacky again.

I come back to reality when Brian opens my car door, “Come on Riles. We’re home.”

“Hey, Brian do you remember our first kiss?” I ask sweetly

“Yeah how could I forget? It was the best kiss and you tried hitting me with a wooden bat.” he chuckled and smiled.

Stepping out of the car he walks over and I couldn’t help but to kiss him passionately and push him against the car. His hands travel to my hips and gently push my shirt up a little bit. The skin to skin contact sent my body on fire. We made it to his room. We stood there and I didn't quite believe I was here with him. He smirks before jogging down his stairs and outside. My eyebrows knit together in total confusion. Where would he go to?

Brian was coming back up the stairs. He smiles simply holding up a grocery store bags and I nod my head understanding. He placed them on his nearly black wood dresser and kisses me gently on my lips. I smile into the kiss and he pulls away chuckling. He goes back and grabs the tub of ice cream.

“Reese’s cup still your favorite, right?” he asks and I couldn’t believe he still remembered

“Yeah? How did you remember that?” I ask

“I dated you for a while, and liked you since day one. It’s kind of hard to forget. Not to mention we always use to end doing this when we hung out.” he admitted and I only smiled

“What movies did you get?” I asked seeing if he remember

“Well I got this stupid girly, chick flick movie. I mean yawl girls like them right?” he said rummaging through the bag

I look at him with a raised eyebrow before he turned around and held up dawn of the dead and Amityville horror

“God, you’re good,” I smile climbing onto Brian’s amazing king size bed “So you remember my favorite movies and ice cream, but do you remember my favorite color?” I ask trying to test him

“Yes, it was always a tie between lime green and black.” I says cockily

He places the disk in the DVD player and turns around smirking. He climbs up in bed with me and gives me a spoon and I dive into the ice cream. He wraps his arm around me and rubs my shoulder every so often. I look up at the screen seeing the opening credits of Amityville Horror written on his TV.

I snuggle closer into his side and he chuckles kissing my forehead. The movie went on as usual and I felt myself grow tired easily. I didn’t want to sleep in case this would all be gone if I woke up. I honestly never thought I’d be able to be with Brian again. I try to fight off the sleep, but it wins and I close my eyes. Right before I fall into a sleep that I desperately needed. I whispered ‘I love you’ and before I could hear him say anything else I fell asleep.
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--Lindsey Ann
Thanks to:
mistery gurl