Status: Know that I'll always believe in you.

Shine Brighter

Than the Stars Above

I'm usually the type of girl who hides under dark clothes and make up, but today I had on a bright green skirt and an aqua shirt. I still wore my black converse though. My mom can change my clothes but not my shoes. We had to do some kind of summer family photo thingy.

I was born into a rich family. That may cause you to ask why I act like an "emo" kid. It's just who I am. The "popular" kids can't accept my eccentric personality.

I was in my front yard, twirling around and around. From somewhere I heard music and I recognized the tune, so I started singing along. I guess I was singing loud enough for my nieghbor to hear. The music had stopped and Johnny was peeking at me, over the fence. "Hey Vanessa. I didn't know you could sing. Or that you owned brightly colored clothes."

"Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me, Johnny." I said, sarcastically. I wasn't very fond of him. He hung out with the preps and was a total douche.

"Come on. There's no reason to be mean."

"Says the jerk."

"I'm sorry. I never mean to be mean to you. I just want to be accepted. I'm not brave like you." I looked at him. His brown hair was ruffled by the wind. His blue eyes only showed honesty. He didn't seem to be lying, still I didn't trust him.

"And I should believe you, why?"

"Why not?"

"Beacause you've created a nasty image for yourslef."

"Are you talking about how I'm supposedly a man whore? Here's a little secret between you and I, I'm still a virgin."

"Bull crap. There's no way. Why would all those girls talk about how they had amazing sex with you?"

"You know how my crowd is. It's full of lies and drama."

"Yes, I know. Trust me." Tears formed in my grey eyes. His stupid crowd had spread many awful rumors about me. Just because I was the richest kid in the school, yet I refused to join thier group.

"I know you didn't do anything with Parker. He tried to defend you, you know? He got suspended for punching some guy in the face because of those rumors."

"Then how could he be friends with those people? If he really cared about me he'd be with me." Parker was once my best friend, but high school changes everything. I fell to the ground as the tears streamed down my face. I heard feet thump on the ground next to me. Johnny kneeled down on his knees and pulled me into an embrace.

He smelled like the ocean breeze. As I sat there in his arms I got a wierd feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm not really sure what it was but once he pulled away it vanished. I wanted to pull him back. I hadn't wanted the feeling to end so quickly. I wondered if he had felt it too.

When I looked up his eyes were filled with concern. He reached up and tucked a stray piece of my black hair behind my ear. "You've got the prettiest grey eyes I've ever seen." I blushed and quickly looked down. "You look cuye when you do that." He lifted my chin and smiled at me. I wanted to look away but for some reason I couldn't. He leaned forward, he still had his hand on my face. He was so close. I could feel his breath on my face.


Then it was like reality came crashing down around me. I quickly got up. "I have to go." I turned to leave but he caught my wrist. I twisted back around, ready to say something sarcastic but his lips covered mine. He took the hand he had a hold of and wrapped it around his neck. My other hand quickly followed his lead. He then wrapped his hands around my waist, while my slid into his soft hair.

"Vanessa!" My mother called.

"I really have to go." He just nodded, not opening his eyes. I ran back to the house, smiling. It was only later that I realized I had kissed the biggest jerk in the whole school. Okay, he wasn't the biggest but he was pretty close.

The next day I sat in my room, sulking. I had pretty much embarresed myself in front of one of the most "popular" kids in school. There was a sudden knock at my door. That was highly unusual. No one in my house knocks. I cautiously open the door. What I find is the wierdest thing yet. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"If you're here to tell me to never talk about yesterday, no problem." I then slammed the door in his face.

"Please talk to me!"

"No, thank you!"

A few minutes later my mom walks in. "First break up?"


"You can talk to me dear."

"We didn't break up!"

"Going through a rough time then? Tell momma what happened."

"Nothing! I was never dating him!"


"Yeah, oh. Now get out and leave me alone." I know what you're thinking. She was only trying to help. But she's like all the preps at my school. As she left my room there was hurt in her eyes. She's an adult. She'll get over it.

I walked over to my desk and turned on my laptop. I noticed that PARKitoverthere was online. Parker. I missed him so much. All of a sudden I got an IM.

Hey VAN why don't you PARK over here?

PARKER! I would PARK my VAN over there but I'm pretty sure it doesn't fit in.

Don't say that. You know I miss you.

You have a funny way of showing it.

I know. I should've never abandoned you. Your friendship meant the most to me and I should have realized it sooner.

You would've saved me a lot of pain if you had.

Me and you both. Trust me.

Why didn't you say something sooner?

I was afraid you wouldn't believe me.

What changed your mind?

Johnny told me everything that happened yesterday.


Why do you say that?

What did he say to you?

About you being upset.... And yes, he told me about the kissing.

Ugh! And he was going to ask ME to never speak about it!

No he wasn't. What are you talking about?

Why else would he come over here?

Because he likes you. A LOT. He always has. That's why he tried so hard to change you. But you didn't hear that from me.

What?! Why was he such a jerk then?

To hide his feelings. He truely didn't expect you to kiss him back.

Then what was he expecting?

For you to slap him.


Yeah. Mom's calling me so I gots to go. Maybe we can hang out sometime. I love you.

Maybe... I love you, too.

I just stared at the screen. I can't believe it. These have been the most interesting two days I have lived. I turned my head as something hit my window. Apparently it wasn't over.

I opened the curtains and no one was in sight. There was a paper airplane though. I opened the window and crawled on the roof. I looked around as I picked it up. The words READ ME we on the wing. So I opened it up. I found neat, crisp, stanted hand writing.

Vanessa, I know this will be hard for you to believe but I like you. A lot. I'm not the kind of guy that kisses girls for no reason, like everyone makes me out to be. I hope that you have feelings for me too but you most likely don't. I'll be preforming at Dark Numbers tonight... I'd like to take you as my date. I'll be outside at seven. I preform at eight. I'll wait for you for thirty minutes.

Oh great. This is just what I needed. The worst part was I wanted to go. Well isn't this just fantastic? Looks like I have a hour to get ready.

Once I was finished I looked in the mirror. I only wore a little eyeliner for makeup. I had on a bright blue tank top, really bright pink skinny jeans, and neon green skinny jeans. I looked good. "Mom! I'm going to Dark Numbers!"

"With who?"

"Who do you think?"

"Alright." She frowned.

"Thanks." I then skipped off down the driveway. I crouched down behind a bush to see if Johnny was really out there. To my astonishment he was, and it was just him and his gutair. I kind of thought this was all a sick joke. His hair had been left as it always is, messy. He had on a green Aeropostale shirt, blue jeans, and some Nikes. He was rocking back and forth on his heels. He looked disappointed, but cute, with a pout on his face.

"Boo!" I jumped up. His eyes widened and contain my giggles.

"I didn't think you were coming."

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises." I shrugged, noncachantly.

"Well. we've got thirty minutes to kill."

"Really?" A girl could have a lot of fun in thirty minutes. Especially is his kissing was gonna be as good as yesterday. "We should get that gutair off of you then." I lifted it off of him and set it on the ground. "I bet carrying that thing kills your shoulders." I then started messaging his shoulders and neck. Once he was completely relaxed I kissed his neck. I led a trail of kisses down onto his shoulder. Then I licked my way up to his jaw. I felt him shiver. I kissed along his jaw line to those sweet lips.

I captured his bottom lip between my teeth and gave it a slight tugg. He let out a soft moan and I smiled. He touched his tounge to my lips, begging for entrance. I made him suffer for a few seconds before I gave in. Our tounges were at war when I heard a honk and people whistling. I then flipped them off. I expected them to go way but their noise making didn't cease. "What do you jerks want?"

"For you to get in the car so we can go!" I heard the driver yell. I instantly recognized that voice as Parker's.


"No, duh! Now let's go!"

Johnny picked up his gutair and opened the car door for me. I got in and he slid in next to me. "You two were having a blast, I see." Lindsay, Parker's four year girlfriend, said from the passanger seat.

"I told you she would come." Parker stated matter-of-factly.

I looked over at JOhnny and he grinned shyly. He looked down and laced our finger together. I quickly pecked him the cheek.

I was backstage with Johnny while he got ready. "You have to preform with me."

"No way, Jose."

"Please? You have a beautiful voice. Plus I want people to see us together."

"Fine," I sighed, "You're just to cute when you pout."

He gave me a huge grin and I couldn't help but smile. As we went on stage I looked around nervously.

"Look! It's that loser, freak girl! Stalking Johnny now?"

I turned to leave but Johnny stopped me. "Don't listen to them. You shine brighter than the stars above."

He then started playing the tune to Two is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls. I sang all my parts perfectly. I was surprised when I heard the clapping. Johnny wrapped his arms around me and kissed me, for veryone to see. It was the most romantic thing someone has ever done for me. I smiled as I heard some "aw"s and "how cute"s from the crowd.

Thanks to Johnny I don't worry about what people think of me. He's not worried about being accepted anymore. No we're only concerned about each other. No one else.