Status: doneee

Give It Up.


*Laci's pov*
(2 years later 2011)

I paced the room nervous beyond hands were sweaty and my heart was beating too fast...I peeked through the doors seeing the room completely full...I gasped when I felt someone touch my shoulders..I looked behind me to see my new husband..I smiled "You would think I would of been this nervous during the ceremony not during the reception."

Jimmy kissed the side of my head.."Whats the worst that could happen the cake fall.."

My eyes widened "Yes!"

He laughed "Nothing is going to happen..we're going to go inside, dance, have fun then got on our honeymoon."

I smiled "Yeah.."

Jimmy took my hand and pushed the door open..he squeezed my hand gently as we walked in..."Welcome to your party Mrs. Sullivan.."

I smiled up at him..."I love you."

He smiled "I love you too.."

Val ran up and hugged me "Oh my god the ceremony was beautiful and this reception is killer.."

I smiled "Thanks.."

After a while it was time for the father/daughter dance..but since my dad couldn't dance to save his life Zacky stepped in for me...I smiled as the dance ended..I hugged my brother "Thanks Zack..."

Zacky smiled "No problem you are a beatiful bride Laci..."

I smiled "Thank you.."

He kissed my cheek "Be happy sis.."

I nodded as he walked off...before I knew it the night was over and I was in my sleeping husbands arms...I leaned up and kissed him softly before snuggling into his arms and falling asleep...I gave him my heart he gave me all of it's all or heart is all his and nothing will ever change that..
♠ ♠ ♠
yayy. another one.