Status: Priority :)



“Hey, Nat. How was your day?” Was Justin’s greeting from the couch as I walked through the threshold of the apartment.

I placed my books and bag on the nearest table before going to cuddle up next to Godsey on the couch. “Pretty good, yours?” I responded with a kiss to his cheek.

“Excellent,” was his response. Justin then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in closer to his chest than I already was before saying, “I got to hang out with my favorite guy all day.” I looked up at him and there was a perfect smile adorning his features as he talked about his favorite guy – also known as Jay.

“I wish I could have been there,” I sighed into his chest as I thought and imagined all the fun and laughs they shared throughout the day, and all the ones that I miss between school and work every day.

“Me too,” he agreed with me, but then reassured me by adding, “But he had fun,” referring to the most important boy in the world.

“That’s good,” I mused. “Did you have band practice?”

“Yeah,” he answered and he idly ran his fingers through my loose hair. “We’re gonna do a live chat tonight, so all the guys are coming over.”

I turned to look up at him. “Don’t make a ruckus, because if Jay wakes up then he’s your problem. Not mine.”

“We’ll try not to,” he promised me before placing a sweet kiss on my forehead. “Chan’s bringing over booze if you want some,” he offered with a wiggle of his brows.

“As tempting as that sounds, I’ll pass.”

“But you have nothing going on tomorrow,” he tried to convince me.

“I have work,” I told him seriously because I knew he’d still try and get me to taste that vial stuff. “I’m pulling a double shift because Laura’s on vacation and I told her I’d cover for her tomorrow.”

“You’re too nice.”

“I need the money,” I confessed. “One of these days Jay is going to grow up and start begging for money, so I figure I’d better start saving now. Plus I have to pay off all my college loans.”

He kissed the top of my head, “Poor baby.”

Realization set in that the apartment was far too quiet. “Speaking of baby, where’s mine?” I asked him concerned.

“Went out to pick up dinner with Ryan.” Ryan was definitely my son’s best friend; they did just about everything together. No matter what Ryan did, Jay would be right at his side – well, more like sitting on top of his shoulders. Even if it was something as simple and stupid as Ryan running out to his car to get something, Jay would be there right with him. I guess it’s comforting to know that there’s two stable father-figure like guys in Jay’s life.

“What’re we having?” I asked curiously.

“Chinese takeout.”

“Mmm the good stuff.”

“Yes, and I made sure we got fried wontons and soup.”

“Good boy,” I patted his head, but then made sure to ask, “And chicken for Jay?” Chicken. The only actual people food Jay will actually eat at this stage in life.

“But of course,” he shrugged my question off like it was something absurd.

I snuggled into him further. “You’re such a good papa.”

“I try.”

After dinner I bathed Jay and put him to bed. I then sat and watched t.v. with Justin and Ryan for a little while before the rest of the band started pouring in and I decided to hit the hay.

The guys were only probably a half hour into their stickam chat when the familiar screeching cry of a not-so-happy baby boy jolted me awake. I dragged myself out of bed and shuffled over to Ryan and Jay’s room to comfort my son from the noise of his drunken uncles in the living room.

“Hey, baby,” I picked him up. “Shh, it’s okay. Everything’s okay. Uncle J.J. is just being inconsiderate,” I comforted him to get him to stop crying. He looked at me with his tear stained chubby little face and bright emerald green eyes. I kissed his forehead comfortingly like any other mother would do when their child look so tired and helpless. “Wanna go hang out with My Girl Friday?” I asked him chipperly, and his only response was to nod.

As Jay and I walked towards the living room I heard Justin say in a very loud whisper, “Hey everyone, we gotta be quiet. Natalie is going to kill us if we wake Jay up.”

“Too late, you alcoholics,” they all turned my way, and I’m positive there was a bunch of talk on the chat about me, my baby, and my choice of pajamas. “He’s up. And now he’s your problem,” I said with a faux smile as I placed Jay in Ryan’s lap.

“Night, Mo-ma,” Jay said and waved to me as I headed back off to bed.

“Night, baby.”

“Night, mommy!” Logan and Ryan mocked.

I stopped walking back to the room and turned to give each one of them the evil eye. “I’m mad at all of you,” I collectively pointed at all of them. “I asked for one thing,” I used that pointer finger to become the number one. “And you disobeyed me. You all are grounded.”

“Good thing we don’t live here,” Tyler chuckled.

That set me off and I went to the kitchen table and grabbed their two bottles of Jack and carried them with me as I sauntered off to my room.

“What you can’t take the booze away!” Vic Chan yelled after me.

“I just did. Now keep Jay happy.”

The boys were all asleep – all six of them, when I left at 9am for work.

My first customers of the day were, oddly enough, the O’Callaghans; Jenny, John IV, Ross, and Shane.

“Hey, guys,” I smiled at them happily.

“Hey, Natalie,” Jenny greeted me, “Long time no see.”

“I’ve been busy.”

“Busy still doing your million different things?” Ross asked with a wink and a mocking tone.

I shrugged, “Life’s too short not to try everything.”

Jenny agreed with me with an, “Amen.”

“You should quit workin’ and have a bite with us,” John offered, patting the open chair next to him.

“I’d love to, but I can’t,” I nicely declined his offer, “Working a double shift today.”

“I’m so proud of you, Nat,” Jenny said.

Shane was the next to speak, “That’s not random at all, Mom.”

“I’m proud of her,” Jenny started to gush, “She’s going to school, doing everything she loves, and taking care of her son. Gosh darn it I’m more proud of her than the two of you combined,” she said as she pointed to Ross and Shane collectively.

“Thanks,” I replied, not sure what else to say.

Ross rolled his eyes, that smirk creeping up, “Yeah, thanks mom.”

I took this break in conversation to make my escape, “Well let me get your drinks in and then I’ll be back to take your orders.”

“Thank you, sweetheart,” Jenny thanked me.

“It’s my pleasure.”

Later that day a large group of skinny jeanned, flannel wearing, lanky boys walked through the doors, and instantly I froze behind the counter.

“Oh shit,” I cussed to myself quietly. “Katie?” I turned to my co-worker who was hanging out behind here doing nothing.

She looked up from the gossip magazine she was staring at, “Yeah?”

“Switch tables with me.”

“What?” she looked confused.

“Take that big group there,” I said to her as I pointed to the boys being led to the large table in the back of the restaurant by the hostess.

“Why?” she asked again. “I don’t mean to sound rude or anything, but don’t you need the tips?”

“Not from them I don’t,” I told her, “Me and those guys go way back. So, please?” I practically begged her.

“Okay,” she reluctantly agreed. “They’re a bunch of good looking guys, so why not,” she pretty much spoke to herself. She then wiggled her eyebrows up and down, “Maybe I’ll score me one.”

I rolled my eyes. Of course she’d be attracted to them; they were Arizona’s hottest musicians in the Phoenix area today. “Just stay away from the tall, lanky one with the black Ray-Bans,” I warned her away from John, and directed her away from The Maine and over to This Century’s Joel, “Go for the blonde with the long hair. He’s a total sweetheart and a gentleman too.”

“Oh I will, don’t worry.”

“Love you!” I called after her as my gratitude towards her favor.

Katie called back with a simple, “You too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
* I just kind of threw this together last minute because I was bored and I feel like shit for not updating now that I have all the free time in the world.

* I kind of have writer's block, so comments with whatever you'd like to see happen between Natalie and John, Natalie and Justin, Natalie and Ross, or with Jay, or whatever. I'm open to any suggestions. Or else you guys will end up getting shitty updates like these until a good idea finds me.

Thank you for commenting;

Comment please and thank you

- Dominique