Status: Priority :)


No One Can Touch Us

Wednesday evening I received a very important phone call that jolted the fate of everyone in the apartment. Well, that’s a little exaggerated because it really pertained to Ryan and Justin than Jay and I.

The entertainment manager of the Vibe Lounge in Flagstaff, Jace Acosta, called me and wanted to book the boys for their recently open slot the next evening. He checked out their EP’s and some of the demos and said, and I quote, “they have potential”. I wanted to squeal and jump around right there on the phone out of happiness because the guys were just getting that much closer to their dreams, but instead the businesswoman in me told Jace that it was fine and that I’d have the boys there by noon for sound check.

As for this show being a possibility of the “big break” My Girl Friday has been looking for, for me on the other hand, I had just secured myself an A in my Business Management class. As for Jay, though, I’m going to have to find someone else for him to hang around with while I’m at school Thursday.

It was seven in the morning and I was standing in the parking lot of our apartment building in my flannel pajamas with a newly awake Jay bouncing on my hip as we said our goodbyes and good luck’s to the guys.

“Hey, are you sure you’ll be okay today without a sitter?” Justin asked me, face written with concern for how I am going to handle the hectic day without them around to take care of my baby; whom of which was making faces at Ryan, Logan, Vic Chan, and Tyler while Justin and I talked.

“Yeah, I’m positive,” I reassured him. “I’ll just ask Jenny and see if she could watch him until I get out.”

He was standing in front of me, looking down into my brown eyes with his own. I knew what he was doing – he was searching my eyes for a hint of distrust; like I was lying to him about how I’d be alright for one day. “You sure?” he questioned once again, like he’s been doing ever since I told him about the slot.

“Yes. Now don’t worry about me,” I told him sternly as I tried to turn him around with one hand. “Get in that van. Go to Flagstaff. And play a killer show. I’ll see you when you get back tomorrow.”

“Yes ma’am,” he saluted me and then bent down to be face-to-face with Jay. “Bye kiddo. Take care of your mommy for me, okay?”

“Bye, Uncy J.J,” Jay replied and received a chaste kiss on the head from Godsey.

“Bye, Nat. I love you,” he said as he pecked my lips and brushed my bed head out of my eyes.

“Love you too,” I answered automatically.

Logan was the one to break the flow of our private conversation. “What about me!?” he yelled from his seat in the van as Justin started walking over to the driver’s side to take his place.

“I love you too, Loganesha!” I screamed back.

“Love you Uncy Lo-Lo!” and Jay did the same.

“Wave bye-bye to the boys, Jay,” I told him as I waved goodbye myself as the boys drove away.

“What’s for breakfast, Mo-ma?” Jay asked once we were inside and he was sitting in his booster chair at the kitchen island.

“Cheerios, sound good?” I told him as I poured some in a bowl for him.

“Mmhmm,” was my little boy’s response as he grabbed his spoon.

“Now mamma’s gotta call Grandma, so shh.”

He ran his small hand across his lips and pretended to lock them shut so no sound would come out. “Good boy” I mouthed a praise to him.

“Hey, Shane,” I said happily when I heard him answer the phone. “Is your mom home?”

Yeah, hold on.

“Okay, thanks,” I replied as I waited for him to bring the phone to Jenny.

Hey, beautiful. How are you?

“I’m good, you?”

Hanging in there each and every day. She responded. It’s going to be a lovely day today. So what’s up? She was able to get to the point of the phone call quickly.

“I just wanted to know if you’d do me a favor.”

Oh honey, I would love to watch Jay for you. She said happily.

“Really?” I questioned just to make sure she was positive in her decision.

Yes. I love that little boy. He’s the face of perfection.

“Let’s wait for him to grow into himself first before we go around calling him the poster boy for perfection.” I giggled.

Alright, I’ll be over there in 20. Let me just finish washing the dishes.

“Okay, thanks.”

“I have class until three,” I told Jenny as I started to gather all my books together. “So I’ll come right home after that.”

“No rush, sweetie,” she replied as she tickled Jay because she was getting a little too rowdy. “Take your time.”

“No, I don’t want to burden your day with him,” I replied seriously. “He gets to be too much when he’s cooped up with just one person all day. That’s why the guys kind of take turns with him during the day, to keep him intrigued,” I informed her of my son’s habits.

“You forgot that I have three sons of my own,” she smiled at me. “I think I can handle him.”

“I know. I just – I don’t want him to be a burden.”

“Don’t worry,” she said sweetly, placing Jay on the floor and coming over to pat my shoulder. “I will take good care of him.”

“I don’t doubt that.”

She spun me around so that I was facing the door. “Now get in your car, go to school, and learn something. Get that degree so you can become the great and amazing woman you are.”

And with that, Jenny pushed me out the door and I was on my way to school.

I was nearing into the parking lot of my apartment on my way home from school about 45 minutes after three, because my class ran late when I remembered something of near importance to my life lately.

Oh shit! John. Fuck.

I quickly parked the car in my reserved parking space and sent him a brief text.

Hey, sorry I’m caught up at school. Can’t make it.

Now that pretty much standing John up was off of my conscious, I made my way inside the flat. When I walked in I saw Jenny sitting on the couch reading one of the many books she carries with her at all times.

“Hey, I’m home,” I said to her.

She put her book down on the coffee table and gave me her full attention, “How was your day?”

“It was good, I guess,” I responded, “It’s school.”

“I guess I know what you mean,” she chuckled. “Well, the little prince has been napping for almost two hours now,” she informed me of my son’s whereabouts. “And I need to scurry on home to pick Shane up from baseball practice.” She got up and started getting her things together.

“Thanks so much again.”

“Anytime, Natalie,” she responded and then pecked my forehead like a mother would their own child.

I sat down at the dining table with my books and tried to do some of my homework while I had this quiet time to myself. But, like all alone time, it didn’t last that long – no more than twenty minutes tops before Jay came running in clad in his Buzz Lightyear pajamas.

“Mo-ma!” he screamed as he ran to me at the table as fast as his little legs could carry him.

I lifted him up mid-flight and gave him a big, wet, sloppy kiss on his chubby rosy cheek. “Hey, baby,” I greeted him back.

“Did you have a good day?” I asked as he cuddled himself against me, making sure I couldn’t give any of my undivided attention back to my homework.

All he did was nod a response against my chest, and then spoke. “Can we do sumting fun, Mo-ma?” he asked, his big green eyes staring up at me, boring into me so that, and he knew that I couldn’t say no.

“Like what?”

“I dun know.”

I put him down on the floor and smacked his butt playfully, “Go get dressed.” Like a good kid he did what I said and ran to his room to put some actual clothes on. I on the other hand, took this time to finish a couple of math problems.

“Come on, baby. We’re gonna go to the park!” I called for Jay when I finished.

Like he did before, he ran with all his might. “Yay!”

“What are you wearing, silly?” I asked him laughing. He was dressed in his jean shorts, a white tank with a light plaid shirt overtop, one of Justin’s man scarves, and one of Ryan’s baseball caps which seemed to cover Jay’s entire head and face.

Jay only giggled back as I took the guys clothing off of him and helped him into his classic baby Vans.

“Yay! Park!” Jay clapped and screamed happily from his car seat as we were driving along, nearing the Starbucks.

“First mommy needs some coffee,” I told him as I pulled into the parking lot to park the car. I figured now was a good enough time to get my coffee fix since John probably – hopefully left and didn’t hang around when he got my text.

“You want a muffin?” I asked Jay as we made our way to the counter.


Cindy’s bright, smiling face greeted us at the counter. “Hey, sweet pea,” she greeted us with a big smile. “I thought you weren’t coming in today. It’s way past your usual time.”

“I know, but my babysitters had a show today.” I replied nodding my head over to Jay on my hip in a gesture.

“He’s very cute.”

“Thanks,” I smiled. “Say ‘thank you’, Jay.”

“Muffin,” he whispered in my ear instead of thanking Cindy.

I shook my head and chuckled to myself. “Can I have my usual and a blueberry muffin for Jay, please.”

“Sure thing.”

I handed her my Starbucks card and waited for our order to be ready.

“He came in today,” she whispered to me as she handed me the muffin and coffee and I knew exactly who she was talking about. “He sat at that table until four-thirty.”

I shook my head in disbelief. “Thanks, again. See ya Tuesday,” I said as I decided that now would be a good time to exit.

Jay and I were just walking around the park after an hour and a half of him playing with some of the other toddlers on the playground and now making our way to the car when I heard someone call me from behind.

“Natalie!” the husky voice yelled.

I slipped up and mumbled a, “Shit.”

Jay, being the little smartass he is, scolded me, “Bad word Mo-ma.” He was even equipped with a wag of his finger.

I heard the footsteps coming towards us faster and faster and I knew that the voice was running to catch up with me. I figured it was the right thing to turn around and face him because I’d have to do it eventually, so why wait any longer?

“Hey. I thought you were busy,” he said out of breath once he finally reached us.

“Yeah, I am,” I replied a little shyly because this was just one awkward situation; in my opinion anyway.

“Doesn’t look like it.” He now looked from me to Jay, eying the kid up and down. I watched him study the boy’s features for a few more awkward minutes and Jay was studying him back instead of hiding himself in the crook my neck like he’d usually do with strangers.

I couldn’t take this really weird awkward moment that seemed to pass between John and my son anymore, so I broke the silence and drawn John’s attention back to me. “This is Jay,” I briefly introduced him to my son, who was still studying John in his pitch black sunglasses, skinny jeans, Toms, and v-neck tee.

“He’s cute.”


John rubbed the back of his neck, a habit he has when he’s nervous, frustrated, or in an awkward situation such as this one. “How old is he?” he questioned.

“22 months,” I replied quickly. The awkward silence overtook us once more and I figured now would be the perfect time to escape. “I’m just gonna…” I said pointing behind me. “Keeping him out in the heat isn’t really healthy.”

“Tuesday?” he called softly behind me.

I turned over my shoulder and nodded, “Yeah.”

When I was positive John wasn’t staring at us walking away any longer I let out a long, heavy breath of relief, “That was close.”

“Mo-ma, who was dat?” Jay asked curiously, looking over my shoulder to see if John was still there.

“Just one of mommy’s old friends, baby.”

“He’s tall,” he said, stretching out the “all”.

“Yeah,” I agreed with his observation. “We used to call him a giraffe,” I told him the fun-fact matter-of-factly.

“Ohh. He looks like one.”

I smiled as his eyes lit up, connecting the animal to the human. “I know.”

“What animal is Uncy J.J.?”

“What animal do you think he is?”

“A rhino. Cause he’s fat.”

“Shh. Don’t tell him that. He’ll be mad.” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“I’ll blame Uncy Lo-Lo.”

“Uncle Logan reminds me of a poodle.”

“He has loooong air,” he added, using his arms for exaggeration.

I scrunched up my nose at Logan’s rats nest. “He thinks it looks good.”

“I liked your fwands hair,” he told me and then patted his head, “It’s like mine.”

“Maybe he’s a magician and he stole your hair,” I joked in a serious tone, tapping his button nose.

“Nooo. They can’t do that.”

“You never know, baby,” I shrugged. “Strange things happen all the time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: No One Can Touch Us by Sing It Loud Feat. Alex Gaskarth

* I'm not really happy with this chapter. I don't know why. I think it's because I don't know what to do with it anymore. I mean, I know where I want to go with it, I just don't know how I'm going to get there. But I guess I'll figure it out eventually. I've got all summer....

* I'd kind of like at least 10 comments considering how many readers and subscribers there are.... And critical comments with suggestions would help loads. I have taken the suggestions from the last comments into account and I'm trying to work them in some how.

Big Thanks to:
Monsieur Brock

- Dom