Status: Will Update When Possible

Destiny is Only for the Chosen Few

Chapter 2

“I need to go, throw that thing away, flush it, burn it, whatever you need to do to get it away for good.” I walk out the bathroom in a fast pace, and grab my bag.

“Michie wait, don't go, not while you're this upset. Thats not going to help anything, come one just stay here for a bit, we won't even talk about it we'll just put a film on? You can't go home like this, you know your mum will pester you until you tell her the truth about whats wrong, and you need to come up with a way to break the fall! Michelle wait!” Jenny quickly runs after me, but its too late, I can't stay here. Not with her knowing about this, this doesn't mean I'm going home. Hell I'd be an idiot to go home, no I'll most likely just drive around for awhile.

“No, Jen I can't stay, I'm not going home. I'll just go for a drive to clear my head.” I rushed to my car and fumbled with the keys. I was shaking like a leaf. I shut the behind me, and quickly grabbed my seat belt, unfortunatly it jolted to a stop. I tried again, and again until I finally gave in a did it slowly. I looked out my window to Jenny, she had a worried expression on her face. Yet she knew she wasn't trying to stop me, she knew that she wouldn't be able to stop me. I gave her a comforting smile, at least I hope it looked comforting. Then I drove out of her driveway, not even bothering to look behind me. I heard the sound of brakes braking sharply, and a loud beep, masked with someone cursing at me. I didn't care, I just needed to get away from there.

Realising I couldn't drive in this condition, I quickly pulled over into a carpark for some sort of office. I turned the ignition off, and gave into the tears. My head fell to the wheel and I sad there, for what felt like a lifetime, crying, screaming, groaning. Suddenly there was a knock at my window, stunning me out of my breakdown. I looked up and saw a smartly dressed lady standing there pearing through my window with a panicked expression. I rolled my window down and apolized.

“Are you okay lovey? I'm afraid this is a private car park, so you're going to have to move your car.” She gave me an apologetic look.

“Okay, I'm terribly sorry, I completely understand. I'll just quickly get my stuff together and leave, although I hope you don't mind if I just give myself a few minutes to calm down? I don't really want to drive in this condition.” I hated being so...vunerable. I'd always been like this, I couldn't stand people seeing me cry, it showed I was weak and I couldn't stand seeming weak.

The lady nodded at me and asked me if I needed anything before she turned and walked away. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror, gosh I was a mess. My eyes were red and puffy, my hair looked like I'd been dragged backwards through a hedge, my make up was streaked and smudged. I didn't look like me, I looked like someone else. This wasn't me, none of this was. I wasn't the sort of person who did this, I wasn't the sort of person who had stuff like this happen to me. I was the good girl, I'd always have my homework done on the day it was assigned. My room was never messy. I'd always done my own washing and I cleaned up after myself. This is not to say I am perfect, I'd smoked behind the bike sheds, just without getting caught. I'd snuck out of the house at night, although not to go to parties, I snuck out to go for walks. I'd drunk alcohol before the legal age, however I had never been drunk, because I don't LIKE the stuff. I'm not perfect, but I'm not a total disaster either. So did this all have to happen to me? Well don't I sound like a cliché....