Status: somewhat active. O.o

Gotham City Returns

Chapter 5

The Dark Knight jumped out of the Batmoblie and landed on one knee. He arose and took a good look at the building in from of him.

The Gotham Police Department had been blown to bits. The bulletproof windows were now bits of shattered glass that covered the ground. Some smoke was rising where the explosion had occurred. All of the cells were empty, and a body was on the ground covered in third degree burns.

Batman noticed he was breathing faintly. He ran over to the man and moved the broken plank. It clattered to the floor. He knelt down to the injured figure. A look of panic overcame his face when he saw the masked vigilante.

"Batman! No! It- it can't be! You left!"

"Yeah. I know. Obviously I'm back. How did this happen?" he shot back quickly.

The man's eyes were slowly beginning to close.

"Come on. Stay with me now. What happened?"

"He...he kept laughing at me. I don't know why. He's got Gor...he has Gordon." he whispered.

"I figured they took him. But you have to help me. Anybody could have survived that explosion. Jones!"

Batman could feel his pulse growing slower as his voice faded.

"I'm sorry Batman...I'm"

Frank Jones was dead.

Batman laid him down gently and walked back towards the Batmoblie. He had no idea who took Gordon. But he did know one thing. If he didn't find him fast, Gotham wouldn't have a commissioner anymore. Then he heard it.

A menacing laughter pierced the silence.

"Joker." he growled.

He looked around and saw a jack-in-the-box.

"Hey Batsy! Great to see you out and about again! I bet you're wondering how I survived..."

Batman was furious.

"It all started with a lovely breakout I had arranged earlier that week. A few of the guys decided they were going to bust me and Harley out of our special place.
Unfortunately, a few of the bombs that were used were only experimental. They thought they were duds and left them behind. Idiots..."

The jack-in-the-box started to close on its own.

"So, when the cops messed with them later, they attempted to diffuse the bomb. Terrible mistake. They went off and sent the establishment sky high!"

The laughter began playing from he box again.

Batman became suspicious and covered himself in his cape when it started ticking. The box blew up.

He ran to the Batmoblie and jumped back in. He started the engine and closed the hatch. The Joker wasn't getting away this time. Although he had no idea where he might be, Batman downloaded the coordinates to all the abandoned comedy clubs. After the experiences in the past, it seemed like the place he would be.

He just hoped he wasn't too late.
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I am soooo sorry it took so long. I hope you like the chapter. If not, let me know. Comment and rate!