Status: <3 R.I.P. <3

Life Is Too Short

Rest in peace.


Such a terrible thing. Taking our friends. Our family.

It’s harder to be there. Harder to see it happen, with your own two eyes. Because then, every time you close your eyes you see it happen again and again.

The image never leaves your mind. It’s there to haunt you forever.

“Why couldn’t I have saved him” You ask yourself. “Why couldn’t I rewind time and never have taken him out?”

You are angry. Not just at the world and everyone and everything, but you’re angry at yourself. Angry about the things you wanted to do for him, but couldn’t.

You, at one point, ask yourself why it couldn’t have been you on that dirt bike instead of him. And then, one day, you will curse at the sky. Asking why it was him. Demanding to get your brother back.

Your friends want, so desperately, to help you. To be with you in your time of need. You only push them away. You don’t want them. You want to be alone.

You want no one but your brother with you.

You don’t want to admit to yourself that he’s really not coming back. You can’t give up your hopes of him somehow coming back.

You realize, with time, he’s not though. You realize what horrible things you’ve said to people around you, who were trying to help. You realize that after pushing everyone away, you really are alone.

You try so hard to get back on your feet. To regain the friends that never left. To try to get back to the hobbies that you and your brother had enjoyed together.

You can get back in the world and look normal to people who don’t know you well… But every corner you turn he is following. He is watching over his big brother.

He is your guardian angel now.
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