Boy Crush


The best, last period class to have for the end of the school year is Phys. Ed. We don't have to do anything. The coaches let their students be in the gym just walking and mingling. Most of the talk was probably about Andrew's party. He invited almost the entire school. But in his house, more than the entire school fits.

Angie, Tina and I were standing against the wall opposite from the exit. I tried to keep up with the conversation, but I couldn't keep my mind from the boy that was laughing away with his buds in front of me.

Zeke, standing out in his orange Hollister sweater, wrinkled his eyes and smiled, barely showing his front teeth. I could watch him smile all day. His eyes met mine for two seconds, then I looked away.

"Rex?" Tina said. "Honey, are you going to Andrew's party or not?"

"What? Yes? For sure. Only if you guys go."

"Well obviously," Angie began in her squeaky voice, "I have to be there to make sure you don't do anything you'll regret."

"Okay then, pick me up at around seven." I said. I tried steal another glance at Zeke, he wasn't there anymore. My excitement ceased.

Tina and Angie started talking again after realizing I wasn't paying attention. I scanned the room for a bright orange sweater. Don't see him.

Even though the gym was loud, I could hear Tina and Angie's voice and they weren't near me. I turned back and saw them giggling quietly a few feet away.

"Hey." a familiar voice said behind me. My stomached dropped. I turned around to see Zeke standing in front of me.

"Hi." I said.

"I wanted to say thanks for the help at tennis tryouts the other day."

"No problem." I couldn't think of more words to say. He was talking to me.

"So, um, are you going to The Party?" he asked. His hand moved slowly from his sweater pocket to the back of his head. He scratched lightly, teasing his hair a bit.

"I think so." I replied. His serious face lit up. He smiled and flashed his teeth.

"Great. So I'll, um, see you there, right?"

"Yea." With another flash of his teeth, he walked away. A few seconds later, Tina and Angie practically tackled me.

"Oh my gosh. Did he just ask you out?" Angie asked. Her voice squeakier than usual. I just smiled.

"He did!" Tina yelled.

"Shh!" I said. "He didn't ask me out. He just said thanks for the try outs and then asked if I was going to the party."

"Mhmm." Tina rolled her eyes. "You just don't want to tell us what went down, huh, boo. That's cool, I feel you."

The three of us laughed and within minutes, the bell rang. School was out.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I deleted the first chapter because I changed the story all together. But hopefully it's the same, right?
The begin will go a bit slow, but it's gonna pick up and then just blow up!
So please comment