Boy Crush


The week came and went. Tuesday Zeke couldn't come over. He decided to work longer hours to get paid more. Wednesday and Thursday he was too tired to come over. Friday was here, I sat alone on the couch. The morning breeze warmed my face as it peered through the slightly opened curtains in the living room.

My mom went to work early and Valery was still sleeping. For a whole hour I did nothing. I just sat there and thought to myself. I haven't seen Zeke since Sunday; since the day we did it. For a moment, it felt like he just used me. He got what he he wanted and left. A tear escaped from my eye.

Was I thinking too much or not enough about this. If this was the case then that explains why he was so perfect. I let my guard down and now it's Friday morning and I'm sitting alone on my couch, crying.

I felt my phone vibrate from my short's pocket. I took it out and answered quickly as I recognized the number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Rex? It's Zeke." Zeke said in a gleeful tone.

"Hi, Zeke."

"So, work ended early. A couple of guys were going to the beach today. I'm going, do you want to come?"

For a moment, I felt every thing stop. I processed what he said and what he asked me. I tried to understand if there was a meaning to his words. Would he be willing to go even if I said I didn't want to?

"Sure. That sounds great." I said. I tried to hide my discomfort.

"Great, we'll pick you up in a bit."

"Okay, I'll be ready."

"Alright, then. Bye."

"Bye." I didn't finish the word yet I clearly heard the line cut off. Was this really happening?
I waited outside my house. I changed from black, basketball shorts to beige, cargo shorts and a yellow V-neck. On my shoulder I had my towel and in my hand I had a small bag with sun lotion, an extra pair of under clothes, shirts, shorts, and a beach blanket. I'm not sure what kind of beach hang-out thing this was going to be but I'm sure I'm prepared.

A red, small car pulled up in front of my house. The two seats in front were occupied. The three back seats had two guys in them, one of them was Zeke. He stepped out of the car and jogged to help me with the stuff.

"What did you pack?" he asked me as we made our way to the car.

"Just some stuff."
The car ride was less than an hour yet I knew so much about the rest of the guys in the car. David was the driver. His bulky muscles were only for show. His sandy hair matched his brother's which was sitting next to him, Steve. Steve was a bit smaller than David but seemed more of a daredevil. David was gay as appose to his brother.

Zeke sat in the middle between Raul and myself. Raul seemed quiet. His tanned skin confused me; he looked like he spent his time outside wrestling, but his mind and his speech was more educated and calm. I had this urge to get to know him.

When we got to the beach, every thing seemed like a movie. We filed out of the car the moment we found a parking space and we all ran to the hit sand. We all took our sandals off to run better, and we all laughed about the burning feeling of our feet.

The breeze that came from the ocean was great. The sun was high and hot. The beach didn't have many people, but more and more came.

Raul didn't ant to get in the water until later, so he was willing to set up the stuff. He found some of the other guys that they agreed to meet. When the other guys saw us running towards the water, they dropped what they were doing, took there shirts off and ran with us.

Some bumped into each other for horse play, others picked up someone and ran like that. When we got to the water, we all ran straight on. Once the water reached our waist we dove under and kept going deeper.

It was great. Zeke and I swam alone for a while. Then we all played catch in the water and Marco Polo.

Once we got tired, we all went back to the set up. Zeke and some others went to the store to get some stuff. I stayed behind and helped Raul and some others fix the food.

"So," Raul began as we prepared sandwiches, "how you liking the crew?"

"It's great. Every seems like family." I said.

"Most of us are. And the others have been with us since we were in grade school."

"So you've known Zeke since he was little?"

"Yea. We used to have a lot of fun. We still do. But back then it was more simple."

As he spoke, he thought, he remembered. I could see it in his face, in his eyes, the times and memories they all created together. I wish I could have lived it with them.

"So Zeke and you are. . .you guys are-"

I understood what he was trying to say. I didn't say anything instantly because I wasn't sure if we were. He hadn't asked me.

"No. We're not." I said.

"Oh. Well here they come."

I turned back and saw them four guys that went to store. They came smiling and laughing. Bags in each of their hands. The one that stood out was Zeke. He walked with a swing, his white shirt fit tight around his chest and fell loosely on his stomach. His legs moved swiftly without a flaw. I regretted saying he wasn't mine.
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Here's a new update.
Brace yourself for the next chapter: it's their first arguemental fight:)
I'm sure you can guess why