Boy Crush

To Be His

Ten o'clock came pretty quickly. Raul and I went back to pack up some stuff. I got my back pack and put in my towels and wet clothes. Zeke didn't look at me as he walked to the car alone. Today didn't end as I thought it would.

I had my things ready. Raul told me to wait in the car. Zeke was there. Great. I walked to the car alone. Up ahead I could see Zeke leaning against the hood. Would there be an awkward silence or would he talk to me. I would prefer him to talk to me, no matter what he said, as long as he said something.

I reached the car. He turned his head to me, realized who it was and looked away.

"Hi, Zeke." I said.

He turned to me and looking at his expression, I wished I didn't say anything.

"Hi? That's all you have to say?"

"What else did you want since you haven't talk to me." I tried to keep my voice even. He looked up at me and took a step closer.

"Maybe you can explain why you told Raul why you and me aren't together."

Great. Now, I prefer him and me to have an awkward silence.

"Well it's because. . .you never asked me or I never asked you. I just thought you-"

"What? That I just wanted that? Do you want me to prove it someway to you?"

I raised my voice at him. "That wouldn't hurt! How was I suppose to know?"

His face was inches away from mine. He was yelling, but not in a mad way, he wanted to prove a point.

"We had sex, for God's sake. What more do you want? You want me to carve it in a tree? Or to shout it to the world?"

"I want to meet your parents." I said. My tone was even. It caught him off guard. He looked at me blankly.

"My parents?"

"Yes." I said.

"Fine. But for now. . ." He stepped back and took off his ring. A solid gold ring with no design. The other guy were already with us. They stopped talking as they saw what Zeke was doing, ". . .Rex, would you like to be mine?"

Silence quickly fell over everyone, including my mind. I saw and heard everything happened around us. I heard the awes coming from the guys. I saw Zeke waiting for an answer, he smiled flashing his teeth. But nothing came to my mind but one word, "Yes." I said.

The guys cheered as Zeke slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me. I hugged him and felt his body against mine. And as this happened, I could see Raul eye-ing us. His eyes were full of hate. . .and sadness. I closed my eyes. I don't want to think about him right now. Just Zeke.
♠ ♠ ♠
There first little fight.
How'd I do?
And just to clarify, he didn't ask him to marry him, he asked to be his boyfriend.
Comment letting me know how the story is doing.