Boy Crush


"So how did you two meet?" Zeke's dad asked me. We were at his house having dinner like he said. His dad look almost nothing like him. He was tall, his broad, square body made him look like a million bucks. His mom was smaller compared to him. She had a bird-like face and fluttered from room to room.

"We met at a party." I answered. I took a bite of the mashed potato that Zeke's mom made. "He was dancing and invited me over." I took a glance at Zeke and saw him smiling at me.

"So are you two having sex?" his mom asked. I inhaled and choked on the mash potato. I coughed as Zeke tapped me on my back.

"No." I said. But when I said no, Zeke said yes.

His parents looked at me confused. I can't lie t them.

"What I mean is we have, once, but we're not sexually active. You know, we won't continue until we're more serious." I said.

They both smiled at me and continued eating.

"Were you guys safe?" his dad asked.

"Of course we-"

"No." Zeke interrupted me.

They looked at me again. I tried t swallow my food quickly to explain.

"I mean, like, we weren't but when we get sexually active we will be safe." I smiled and they did as well. I looked over at Zeke and he had a nervous look, now.

"Do you guys kiss?" his dad asked.

"Dad?" Zeke said, it was more of a warning than a question.

"I just want to know. They say a kiss shows the love of two people."

"Oh, yea we kiss all the time." I said.

"Great, let's see it then."

Was his dad really asking for his son and I to kiss at dinner? Or was he just trying to make me uncomfortable? I looked over at Zeke, he was watching me, he leaned his head forward a bit and waited for me to lean to him.

I looked back at his parents, his mom was smiling at me and his dad was hidden behind his eyebrows. I leaned towards Zeke and kissed him. I wasn't sure if he wanted a quick lip kiss r a full on tongue and all so I followed his lead. He went for a full on tongue.

I closed my eyes to not see his parents face. Little did I know, his dad wasn't happy with the kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry it took forever.
But here it is.
And Thanks a lot for my commenters and readers and subscribers for givving me SIX STARS!!!!
Love you guys:)
And Imma start n a new story, I'll post some info on it on a journal and ask you guys what you think:)