Boy Crush

Raul's Date

For fifteen years, I have never had a boyfriend. Now that I'm sixteen, there's two guys in my life. I'd be perfectly fine with one, with Zeke. His parents were. . .okay. But I already told Raul I'd go out with him. He waited for my reply though the phone.

"It's not like we're going to do anything bad." he said. "We're just going to watch a movie, then I'll bring you back."

"Okay." I said. But only because I had nothing else to say.

He came by my house a few minutes later. He stepped out and opened the passenger door for me. As I got comfortable inside, I couldn't help but think if Zeke was okay with this. He was at work. Then sun was high in the air and Raul couldn't have picked a better shirt to convince me to go when he came to my door.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" he asked me as we headed to the theater.

"Anything is fine with me."

Half way through the movie I had to go to the restroom. I went and Raul offered to come with me. I walked out of the stall and went to wash my hands and Raul stood watching me. His eyes noticed every little thing I did. So I tried to move a bit smoother. Why? I keep asking myself.

He leaned towards me slowly and placed his lips on my cheek. A hundred hours later he removed his lips and I starred at him through the mirror in front.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted-" I cut him off with a kiss on his lips. I wasn't sure why I kissed him at the moment. But when we did it in a stall. . .then in his car. . .then in his room I realized his boyish charm made me.

I was happy with Zeke's love. But when I did it with Raul, he held me in a new way. A better way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is!!
Raul's Date!!!
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