Boy Crush

And a Tumor

I stood outside the door of my dad's room in the hospital. I was scared to go in and see what was on the bed. I didn't want to see him lifeless with wires up and down his body. I threw my head back to hit the wall I was leaning on, gently and fought the tears coming.

Valery was inside talking to him. She wanted to go in alone before me. Raul texted me a while ago saying he was on his way. But he was the least of my worries.

Loud beeping noises came from inside the room. I recognized the sound from movies; his heart stopped. Valery screamed for help from the inside. I placed my hand on the doorknob and froze. I couldn't rotate my hand, I couldn't push the door open.

"Excuse me, son." a nurse said. She shoved me pretty hard out off the way and opened the door. Another nurse from behind her came in with a cart that hard shiny knives of all shapes and sizes.

"You're going to have to step outside." the nurse said to Valery.

"No!" Valery screamed. "Let me go!"

Five hours in the waiting area can make someone think about their life. Did my dad and I do everything we wanted? Raul got here a few moments after the incident and left to get coffee for me and him.

My mom glanced over from my side and sniffed. She squeezed my hand, raised it to her mouth and gave me a small kiss.

I imagined her telling me that everything was going to be alright. But she never did.

Down the hall, the doctor came. I stood up and followed my mom towards the doctor. His lab coat hid his black pants and blue, button shirt. Valery got hurt from trying to get the nurses off of her; she's in the building next to us.

"How is he?" my mom asked.

The doctor sighed and put a hand on my mom's shoulder. My heart sped up, this scenario was all to famillar to me. I took a step back and leand against the wall.

"There was a tumor, growing in his brain that we didn't notice. We were too focused on his cancer situation that we missed it and it got too late. He didn't make it."

My mom's body began to shake. The doctor stood next to her for a while. His hand went from her shoulder to her back and he comforted her.

I slid down to the ground and placed my hand on the floor for support. I couldn't see from the tears than swelled up. I closed my eyes and the tears burnt my eyelids. A pair of hands wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and saw Raul hugging me. The coffee tray was next to us on the floor.

"What happened?" he asked me.

"My dad didn't make it." I said through my sobs. I cried harder as I repeated what the doctor said. Raul held me by my hands and helped me up. We walked to the chair and he asked me to tell him what the doctor said.

"I don't know where he is?" I whispered to Raul in his ear as we hugged outside the hospital. I laid my head on his shoulder and sobbed quietly.

"What's this?" a familar voice said. I looked up and saw Zeke standing a few feet away from me and Raul. His eyes shifted from mine, down to where Raul's held mine.

"Raul was just comforting me." I said. I took a step back from Raul, but he held still held me.

Zeke turned around and took long strodes as he walked away.

"Zeke, wait." said. I pushed Raul, gently back and trailed behind Zeke. He threw white flowers wrapped in a plastic cone hard on the floor.
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An update for all you Freaks:)
Sorry it's been a while. Expect about two new updates tomorrow:)