Boy Crush


The doctor's meeting was short. He gave my mom financial advice. He also said for my sister and I to visit my dad whenever we can. After that my mom invited Zeke for breakfast. She drove the three of us home and made eggs for us.

The man that recently saw me naked is sitting across from the woman that raised me from birth. And to make things more uncomfortable, Valery kept flirting with Zeke.

"What else can we do?" my mom asked out loud.

"What about church?" Zeke advised. Three of us looked at Zeke with a confused face. "I'm not very religious, but I do believe that God can make miracles happen."

Church? Last my family went to church was about a year ago. And we only went because they were having a festival after the mass. I couldn't picture my mom and sister on their knees praying, let alone picture myself. But can God make a miracle great enough as to cure my dad from cancer?

"Church?" my mom said. She thought it over. Slowly, her eyebrows spread evenly. "Church. We'll go tomorrow, then. It is Sunday."

"Wouldn't it be selfish to go when we need something only?" Valery said. Obviously she didn't want to go.

"It's better than not going at all." Zeke said. Valery's annoyed face flushed when Zeke countered her statement.

"Zeke," my mom said, "would you like to join us for church tomorrow?"

"Zeke didn't hesitate, "Sure."
Zeke stayed a bit at my house. We went up to my room and sat on the carpet floor. My room was a bit bigger than Zeke's. My bed was bigger as well. Across my bed, which was in the center against the back wall, was my book shelf. On top of my book shelf was my tv. And next to the bookshelf was my computer desk with my laptop on it.

"So church." I began the conversation. "I would have never thought you'd be up for going."

"Why? because I seem rebellious and mischievous?" His voice didn't have the humor mine had.

"No, It's just you don't seem-"

"It's okay. Let's not talk about it. So why do they call you Rex?" he asked.The memory flooded back to me as I thought of what to say.

Derek Anderson stood in front of me. We were standing in an alley. I took it occasionally from school as a shortcut. And sometimes Derek would wait for me at the end. I was used to getting punched or having my books dropped by him in school. But what he did in the alley to me was worst.

I'd go home with a bloody head or an aching chest from his hits. No one was ever around to see him hit me, but there was evidence. My mom called the cops on him one day when he broke my hand. I remember at school getting a text. The number was unknown.

I'll get you back, Matthew.

It was him. He was gonna kill me.

"I like dinosaurs since I was little and so people started calling me Rex." I lied. I smiled as he did.

"Wow. That's. . .cute." He leaned forward, got on his knees and crawled toward me. "He moved passed my lips and whispered in my ear, "That's really cute, Rex." He exhaled when he said my name sending chills down my body.
He kissed me softly on my lips. Then, it became stronger. He pushed me lightly with his body making me lay down on the ground.

He put his knees on my sides and rested himself on top of me. My blood began pumping again. My heart sped up. His hands were rubbing against my body. From inside my shirt, his fingers trailed down my chest to my stomach, then lower to the outside of my zipper.

"Rex!" my sister called me from downstairs. My heart sped up even faster. I pushed Zeke off, a bit harsher than I intended to.

"I'll be back." I said to him as I ran out my room. I went to my sister who waited with a tapping foot at the bottom of the stairs. She was angry.

"Mom and I are going to the grocery store. She told me to tell you that you and Zeke can stay. And to help yourselves to snacks." Her voice sharpened. "If you take him to my messy room I will kill you." With that, she went out the door. The car door slammed and I heard the car drive out the drive way and off.

I quickly ran up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door and locked it. Zeke was laying on my bed. His legs were off my bed, but his upper bed lay on top. I quickly took my shirt, shoes, and pants off. I jumped on him and pulled his shirt off.

I caught him off guard. I caught myself off guard as well. I felt adrenalin pumping through my body. I couldn't contain myself. I took his pants off and didn't waste a single second. I lost myself. He made me an animal.
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Thanks for the comments my Freaks
Oh, I need them to have an adventure together.
You can give me some ideas an I'll post them as chapters and give you ALL the credit for that chapter. Better yet, you can write it if you like.