Boy Crush


Zeke waited for me at the bottom of the stairs. Before we were both fully naked, the phone rang. I forgot Mark and I made plans to play tennis today. He called to remind me. I couldn't let him down. Zeke and I had to post pone our moment; he wasn't happy about it.

"Let's go." I said as I walked down the stairs.

"So we're actually going to play tennis?" he asked.

The park was lonely. Mark and his cousin rallied with the ball a bit. Mark saw me and waved. Then, he saw Zeke and his smile faded. Uh-oh.

"So, let's play some doubles?" Mark asked me. I agreed, Zeke and I walked to the other side of the court. Mark served the ball first. His arm lifted as he tossed the ball. His body arched back and the racket came contact with the ball.

I hit the ball back we went like that for a while. Zeke wasn't very good since he barely started. Mark knew that, so he hit the ball to Zeke. Zeke blocked his 'personal' area as the ball bounced at his feet. He quickly looked at me and made an apologetic face.

"It's okay." I said. Mark and his shorter cousin high-fived and switched places in the court.

We played a few games. After Zeke and I won our first game out of three, he asked if I had to pee.

"No. Do you?"


Mark's cousin, Pete, said he'd go with Zeke. Mark and I sat at the bench in the court.

"So, how's Zeke?" Mark asked. I looked at Mark. His brown hair looked messy and wild, just how he liked it. I liked it like that, too. Hie voice seemed skeptical.

"He's okay? Why?"

"Well, there's a rumor that he's gay." he whispered.

"Yea, I know." Now that the conversation as up, Imma take advantage of it. "Why, does it bother you?" My heart picked up a bit.

"Nah, I just don't want you to give him the wrong impression."

"Good. 'Cuz I am."

He looked at me with a confused face. He swallowed the water in his mouth and choked out, "Gay?"

"Yea." God. I want this to end.

"That explains a lot." he said.

"Explains what?" I said. I wasn't offended, but I joked around that I was.

"Well, for one, you check me out every time we're changing in practice. Second, you always fix my hair if I don't have it like this. And thirdly. . .I think that's it."

"Only you would make a joke." I punched his arm lightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter was a bit rushed.
I'll come back and re-write it.
But new layout!! What do you think?! I made it:) and the banner!
So yea
Comment and stuff