Status: XxCommentxX



Laying in bed after this day that I thought was never going to end, I have come to conclusion that no matter what will happen here I'll be myself not a person that I'm not. Weather it's for better or worse.. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! I yawned and turned to turn off the alarm clock that said nine-thirty P.M. This whole schedule thing is jacked up to what I'm use too. I mean really who goes to school at twelve in the after-noon? Well normal people also don't go to a school for the gifted and talented.

"Good morning sunshine!" a high pitched voice behind me chimed. I jumped to notice that I wasn't the only one in the room. I turn to see a short blonde girl with curly hair and blue eye's. She was sitting on the other bed on the opposite side of the room from me. "Oh hi, I'm Taylor Lee Cooper! You can call me Taylor I'm your room mate." She told me. "Hi I'm Aria. Sorry I look like this. Usually my hair is brushed and I have better clothes on but since I just woke up I don't." I laughed and she laughed along with me. "No problems you will see a true bed hair tomorrow morning." she pointed to her self. "Hey do you wanna get some breakfast together after I get ready?" I asked Taylor and she nodded so I grabbed my bag of toiletry and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.

After I got out of the shower I quickly dried my hair along with curling it. I put my robe on and then went to my closet to figure out what I was going to wear. I decided to wear tank with a high waste skirt and I put on my favorite flats. I was about to ask Taylor if she was ready but that was before I noticed what she was wearing. She looked so pretty she had on some shorts and a black ruffled tank top but it was so pretty on her. "Hey do you have some mascara I can use?" Taylor asked. "Oh wow I almost forgot to put makeup on and ya sure." I smiled and walked back over to my closet and reached on the top self for my makeup bag.

I walked to the desk by the bathroom and sat down in front of the mirror and did my make up that took about ten minuets and handed Taylor my mascara. "Thanks" she handed my mascara back and I got up to grab my purse and books that I would need for my first day here.Then we headed out to eat breakfast even though we had about an hour till class. Although it was my first day here it's a semester into the school year so Taylor has been here a year already and she helped me on our walk down to the lounge area where there was a sitting area with a few couch's and chairs with a few flat screen t.v's. Across the room from that was a kitchen area with three stoves and microwave's and two huge fridges. Next to the fridge was a huge pantry. Along the walls to the side was where a few tables sat then desk with computer's for us to use.

I opened the pantry and started looking for some bread to make toast with. "Good morning princess." A voice came from behind. I turned to find Jacob leaning in to kiss Taylor. Whoa hold on that jerk Jacob is with Taylor? That doesn't make sense, Taylor such a sweet person and Jacob's.... just not. I've come to notice that when Jacob is some where not far behind there is Blake. A smile was on his face as he walked over towards me.

"So what is it gonna be? An apple or cereal?" Blake asked reaching for an apple out of the bowl on the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Toast." i said. I got the bread out and took a piece and put the bread back and went to the toaster to find this was not like my toaster at home. This one look to complex for the human mind. " You have to turn the nob to the word toast." Blake said.
"Thank you but I know how to use a toaster." I lied and turned put the bread in and turned the nob and pushed the lever down. "Oh yea. Keep telling your self that." He nodded. I smirked at him. "So did you get a good night of sleep." Blake asked. "Uh yea actually I did."I smiled and he just smiled back. He began to laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked. "You said you knew how to work a toaster. I'm guessing you like it burnt?" He pointed behind me to the toaster.

I rushed over and turned off the toaster and pulled the toast out to find it completely black. "Here handed it over." Blake held his hand out for the toast. I gave him the toast and he walked over and threw it away in the trash can. "Apple?" he asked. I nodded. He gave me the apple and we walked over to a table where Taylor and Jacob were sitting.

"Did you find anything?" Taylor asked me. I held up the apple for her to see and Blake just chuckled. "Hey Taylor do you want some toast? Aria's a good chef!" Blake broke out in laughter. I hit him in the chest and Taylor and Jacob just sat across from us in utter confusion. "Nothing we should head to class I think." i said. "Hey new girl knows the schedule already."Jacob said.
Looking at the clock on the wall that said eleven- forty eight I know I'm right. Blake grabbed my bag off the ground for me and walked with me to the trash can so I could throw away our apple cores. "To let you know I'm a good cook the toaster just hated me." I said. He chuckled and lead me out of the lounge room.