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Right Girl

I swear I'll never be happy again

Two days at the hospital, no shower, in the same stinky clothes and finally Tom convinced me to go home. I was probably scaring the nurses, but I didn’t want to let go of Tommy’s hand. I’m not sure if he could hear me, I wish he could.

I drove the route home, silence filled the car other than a ticking noise that Tommy said meant the oil needed to be changed. We just never had the money, and now we really won’t. I went to the door unlocking it and went in, there was some girl I’ve never seen sitting on my couch “Uh” She turned around “Hey” A guy appeared from the kitchen “Bailey!” He rushed over wrapping his arms tightly around me.

“Do I know you?” He chuckled “Duh silly, Kennedy remember?” I shook my head “But you look like John” He nodded “I changed my name.” “Oh” I looked at the girl “I’m Rachael!” I looked at Kennedy “But I’m not like Garrett’s Rachael, she’s a bitch. You can call me Rachee. Everyone does so they don’t get us mixed up” I nodded “I’m just gonna get in the shower and go back to the hospital. Where’s my son at?” I looked around but he was no where in sight which was very unusual.

“Garrett and him are asleep. Garrett was awake all night with Cade trying to get him to sleep” Kennedy started to say but Rachael cut in, someone’s a little hyper or maybe I’m just depressed. I went to my room and stripped down on the way to my bathroom, I took a steaming hot shower. I got out and proceeded to the closet but as soon as I opened the bathroom door there he was, the boy that was making me fall for him all over again and there I was, completely naked. “Move pervert” I tried pushing him back and coving myself “What happened at the hospital?” The all too familiar sensation came, first with my nose burning then my eyes watering “He-“ I choked up and hugged him “He’s gonna brain dead if he ever wakes up Garrett” I cried into him.

“Wait, he’s not” I shook my head “He’s in a coma, his dad wants to have me decide if I want to keep him on life support but I can’t. He’s my husband, what if he would have woken up? I couldn’t” I continued crying into his chest, it felt amazing as he held me tightly. I needed to be held, but not by Garrett, I needed Tommy. I eventually let go of Garrett and went to my closet to get dressed. I got dressed and did my makeup then pulled my hair back into a neat ponytail, I grabbed my purse and walked over to Cade and kissed his head. “Mommy and daddy love you. And daddy has to go to heaven but he will always watch over you” I started tearing up and kissed his head then walked out.

We stared at Tommy back at the hospital “No matter what I choose are you gonna be ok with the decision?” Tom said “Yes sir” I said "I think it would be best if we pull the plug, I know it will hurt but I cant put that pressure on you to take car of him” I didn’t want to hear him, I cried into Tommy’s side “Tommy I’m so sorry” I cried “I love you so much” I kissed his head and ran my fingers in his hair “Are you ready?” I nodded “Yeah I guess.” He called a nurse in and she unplugged him from the monitor, his heart rate went flat soon after.

I cried for hours at the hospital holding his hand, he was gone forever and I was alone. Eventually I got enough strength to leave Tommy, I drove home silently. I didn’t want to face Garrett or his friends or even Cade; I knew he’d ask where daddy is. What do you say to that?

Obviously I have no answer to that or I wouldn’t be sitting outside my apartment staring at it.
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Bailey's Outfit

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