Little Horn

Chapter 1-

Chapter 1-

"I knew it would snow.." Gumi smiled in between of Ginger and Erie.

In awe the three watched the snow came down as impatient Marilyn waits for them to turn around. Snowing outside of their hotel room, amazed Gumi for the first time she seen snow.

"Arent we going to go to Hot Topic today for our CD signing?" Marilyn asked impatiently.

"Yeah okay." said Ginger grabbing his white leopard print sweater.

Gumi and Erie waved goodbye to the guys.


"Im worried.." whispered Ginger to John and Pogo.

"About?" asked Pogo staring at a big breast bimbo coming up to them for an autograph.

"I left Gumi and Erie alone.." Ginger said signing the girl's CD cover.

"And?" said John.

"Well don't you remember what happened last time, they were alone in MY house??" Ginger eyed them.

"Ohh yeah…the party!!" Pogo said.

"You were there??" asked John.

"Nope..but it did sound like fun.." giggled Pogo.


"What should we do?" asked Gumi.

"I don't know. Does Ginger have HBO?" said Erie changing the channels.

"No he got rid of it because Dish Networks kept charging him more on his bill." Gumi nodded a no.

"Its boring here. Want to Play a game, Gumi?"

"um..what kind of game?" Gulped Gumi.




"Wow Im hungry! Whos hungry? Whos paying?" laughed Pogo.

"I cant eat knowing they might be doing something wrong…" Ginger muttered.

"I want Chinese!" Twiggy grinned.

"I want an Asian too! That's two votes." Pogo smiled.

"John and Ginger?" said Marilyn (who also wants Chinese).

"Sounds good to me." John smiled and turns to Ginger.

"No thanks.." Ginger said eyes to ground.

"Oh C'mon!" Everyone (especially Pogo) yelled.

"Just not hungry.." Ginger said walking away.


"mmhmmmhmmm-uther-ucker.." screamed Gumi while having her mouth duck taped and tied to a chair.

"Sorry Gumi. But you were going to call Ginger about phranking Zim Zum." grinned Erie.

The phone rings and Erie answers.

"Hello? Oh hey thanks for getting back to me…Zim.." laughed Erie.

"yeah I know that its least he is in a better place..I know we will all miss Ginger.." Erie accidentally hung up on Zim Zum.

"Oh well..going to take a shower.." said Erie going upstairs.

Gumi cries and the lights go out.
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