Little Horn

Chapter 2-

Chapter 2-

After the mysterious "I had a bad feeling" moment, Ginger returned home. First he untied Gumi and then yelled at Erie. Suspiciously Zim Zum showed up in front of Ginger's house with a bouquet of flowers. Zim Zum faced Ginger, who answered the door.
"Youre alive!!" Zim said hugging Ginger.
"Yeah Gumi explained to me that Erie phrank called you." Ginger said patting him on the back.
"Gumi?" Zim looked puzzled.
"yeah, my roommate."
"I thought Erie was your only roommate..can I meet Gumi?" Zim asked.
"Sure..Gumi!" Ginger yelled loudly.
A girl with light brown bangs and long hair came down. Her green eyes were beautiful to Zim Zum. She was really short which made Zim thought she was the cutest girl he ever met.

"Hi, Zim Zum." She said awakening him from his thoughts.
"How do you know my name?"
"Hello….I am a huge Marilyn Manson fan plus I am touring with them and two other bands for a 1 year tour.." she giggled "I should know about the ex-members too.."
Zim smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Gumi"
"Are those for someone?" she pointed to the bouquet of flowers.
"yeah….you." he said handing them to her.
"Uh..thanks Zim…they sure are pretty." she smiled.
He shook her hand before Gumi went inside.

After 5 minutes of talking outside, Ginger yelled for Erie to apologize to Zim. Erie came down with her short purple/ black hair with piercing-s on her face and nose. Dressed like a butch or a hooker she came down in baggy pants and a black mini t-shirt belly top that showed her belly piercing. Zim looked afraid like she was going to punch him.

"Apologize to Zim." Ginger pointed to Zim.
Erie gave him a "Who the hell are you" look.
"Oh..that's right…I was so wasted last night that I phrank called you.." she laughed.
"Im sorry Zim.." she smiled "You can tell he is alive right?"
"Yeah Thanks..I forgive you.." he said waving goodbye and getting in his car.
Erie smiled and waved, so did Ginger, and Gumi came out when he was about to drive off. He rolled down his car window and said "Call Me, Hot stuff!" and drove off.

Ginger and Gumi looked puzzled. While Erie smiled.
"He called me hot stuff.." Erie laughed.
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