Status: Hop on board.

Easier To Lie


Mallory woke up the next morning with her head in the toilet. She hated this morning sickness that her baby was causing her. But now that Kennedy knew, he could help her out.
He rushed in the bathroom and grabbed his baby sister’s hair from her hands and stroked her back soothingly. Kennedy didn’t like seeing Mallory like this at all. Especially for the reason she was getting sick.

“I go to the doctor’s today,” Mal said weakly in between vomiting.

“I’ll go with you,” Kennedy offered, but Mallory waved him off.

“Garrett’s going with me.” She got up, knees shaking slightly, and then brushed her teeth and used mouthwash to make sure the horrid taste was gone. Kennedy just watched in despair. Why his baby sister? Why anyone for that matter. No one deserves the terrible punishment that is rape, especially when it wasn’t even a punishment. Kennedy pulled Mallory close to him and engulfed her in a hug.

“I’m here for you no matter what. I’m so sorry he did this to you.” He apologized to her over and over again.

“Kennedy it’s not your fault. I’ll be okay.” Mallory told him, pushing away and going to get dressed. Garrett called her while doing so. “Hello?” She answered, balancing the phone on her shoulder.

“Hey, I’m on my way, is that okay?” He asked her.

“No problem, I’m just getting dressed.” Mallory smiled knowing she’d be seeing him soon.
Garrett chuckled. “I’m going to stop and pick up some donuts for the three of us. I’ll be there soon.”

Mallory’s smile widened. “Hey Gare,” She started. Garrett made a noise for her to continue. “Thank you.”

“You’re more than welcome baby,” She could hear the smile in his voice. The two said goodbye and Mallory rushed to get ready, for she knew Garrett would only be ten minutes or so. She finished her look by throwing her hair up into a messy bun.

Just like she estimated, ten minutes later, Garrett was knocking on the door. Mallory skipped down the steps to answer it and there was Gare, holding a pink and orange Dunkin’ Donuts box. She licked her lips at the sight of food.

“Hi to you too,” Garrett chuckled and opened the box so Mallory could grab a donut. She grabbed her favorite- boston crème.

“Come in,” She said with a full mouth. Garrett walked past her, but not before giving her a kiss on the cheek first. He set the donuts on the table. “Kenny, donuts!” Mallory shouted for him and when she turned back to Gare, he pulled her to him and gave her a kiss full on the mouth. She smiled in the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. They were interrupted by a clearing of the throat.

“Not while I’m present.” Kennedy announced and both Garrett and Mallory blushed while smiling at each other. “Thanks for the donuts.”

“Not a problem,” Garrett smiled and pulled Mallory so her back was against his chest, and he rested his chin on her shoulder while his hands rested around her waist. He figured that would be okay for Kennedy to handle.

“So when are you going to tell the rest of the guys you’re pregnant?” Kennedy asked his sister as he sat down, mentally smiling at the way Garrett was treating her, despite all of his protest of her dating any of his band members.

“You told him?” Garrett asked her. Mallory pursed her lips for a moment.

“Yeah,” She answered Garrett’s question first. “And I don’t know. I’m not exactly close with them like I am with you guys, and I’m not sure if I’m ready to tell them yet.”

“Well you have about a month or so before it’s absolutely necessary, we’ll just see what happens then, okay?” Kennedy asked her. She nodded.

“Mal, we should get going.” Garrett informed her. They said goodbye to Kennedy and were on their way. During their ride there, Mallory was particularly quiet. Garrett took notice to this and grabbed her hand. “What’s wrong?”

“Just a little nervous, I want everything to be alright.” Mallory said quietly.

“You’ll be okay Mal, I’m with you.” Garrett reassured. When they pulled into the doctor’s office’s parking lot, Mallory stayed in the car even when Gare was there to help her out. “If you want to reschedule…” He started.

“No, I’m ready.” She said quickly and got out and walked into the office.

Fifteen minutes after her scheduled appointment, Mallory was called back.

“Should I come back with you?” Garrett asked her. Mallory nodded shyly. After being weighed, she was put in a plain, white room to have her vitals checked.

“Okay Mallory, Dr. Lider will be with you soon.” The nurse told her and left the room, shutting the door.

“So what's the doctor going to be doing to you today?” Gare asked Mallory who had noticeably calmed down.

“She’ll do an ultrasound on me, and probably check my uterus.” She told Garrett, blushing slightly when mentioning her lady parts.

The doctor knocked on the door and then entered. “Hello Mallory, so nice to see you.” Dr. Lider shook Mallory’s hand with a friendly smile. “I see you’re in the thirteenth week of pregnancy. Good news for you, your nausea should be subsiding, and you should be more energetic. Those are the notes the nurse took, so is there anything you’d like to say before we get started sweetie?”

“Are mood swings going to be starting anytime soon?” Mallory asked the Doctor she had only seen once before moving in with her other brother.

“Probably, but they won’t be so bad. Is this your boyfriend?” She motioned toward Garrett.

“Yes,” Mallory smiled and grabbed Gare’s hand.

“It’s very important that you are understanding of Mallory’s fragile state here,” The doctor said.

“I think that’s doable.” Garrett chucked and squeezed Mal’s hand. The rest of the appointment was just what Mallory said it would be. They heard the heartbeat of the baby, and saw the little outline of it, which was only about three inches long. Dr. Lider was packing up when she asked if there were any other questions. Garrett cleared his throat and spoke up softly. “Is it safe for us to be… um… s-sexually active?” He stuttered out.

“Absolutely! It won’t hurt the baby in any way, and I’m sure it would make Mallory feel especially beautiful.” She winked at Mallory who was blushing like mad and looking at Garrett in disbelief. As soon as they were free to go she looked at Garrett.

“You really want to have sex with me?” She asked him.

“Well of course I do sweetie, you’re beautiful.” He gave her a kiss on the temple.

“But I’m pregnant!” Mallory protested.

“You heard the doctor, it’s not a bad idea.” Garrett reasoned, trying to calm her down.

“I can’t Garrett, I’m sorry, I can’t.” Mallory broke down and tears were streaming down her face quickly. Gare sat her down on the curb and rocked her slightly. “He raped me,” She repeated over and over. Garrett now understood why she didn’t want to be intimate with him, although he was missing one piece to the puzzle. John was on Mallory’s mind.

She was thinking about what she did with him, and how could she tell Garrett that? John was one of his closest friends, what if it ruined the band? What if it ruined their relationship?
The ride home was a comfortable silence, but Wilco was playing from the speakers of the car.

“Gare,” Mallory whispered. He turned the volume down and looked at her for a second before turning his attention to the road. “If it means anything to you… I want to have sex with you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is short guys! I'm sorry, I'm just very busy. I'm going on vacation for a week, and I'm leaving tomorrow :o

Comment please, they've been great so far. :)