Alternate Reality

Part Two

"Have you finally agreed?" I asked as we walked back to Gerard and Frank.

"Yeah," Frank replied happily, "Gerard admitted he was a lady and now he's my first lady."

"I still say I'm not," I heard Gerard say quietly. I laughed a little.

"So we've got all you guys, but what about the rest of the Killjoys? They have to be out there somewhere, right?" everybody nodded. "We have to find them!"

"Can Sparkles come with us?" Mikey asked, looking at his unicorn and the newly born unicorn, which Sparkles was looking after.

"Course he can," Gerard replied happily.

"C'mon, Sparkles and..." Mikey was deep in thought before talking again, "Sprinkles."

"Sprinkles?" questioned Ray, "why Sprinkles?"

"Because I like it."

"I don't."

"Who made you in charge of unicorns?"

"Nobody, but nobody put you in charge of unicorns, either."

"Frank, can I be in charge of unicorns?"

"Sure you can, Mikey."

"See, Ray? I am in charge of unicorns!"

"Frank, can I be in charge of cupcakes?"

"No, Ray."

"But you put Mikey in charge of unicorns!"

"Nobody needs to be in charge of cupcakes, though."

"Yes they do, or else they'll get destroyed!" Gerard laughed.

"The only person that'll be destroying them is you, Ray," he said.

"This isn't fair," he said as we walked off, in search of more Killjoys.

"Oh my God!" Frank exclaimed after about ten minutes "I just realised something!"

"And what's that?" asked Gerard.

"There won't be any dogs! Everything exploded, and now there won't be any dogs!" as he turned around to face us, we saw tears forming in his eyes.

"No, Frank!" Courtney said as she tried to cheer him up, "I'm sure there's at least one dog out there!"

"But there isn't," he replied, "there won't be any dogs!"

And, as though right on queue, we heard a noise from the distance. It was familiar, but too far away to recognise. By me, anyway.

"I want a dog so much right now, I can hear one barking!"

"I'm sure there are plenty of dogs," Courtney continued, "we just have to find them!"

"I can still hear it, I wish the voices would just leave me alone!"

"No," Mikey said, "I can hear it too." And it slowly got closer and closer, until...

"Phoebe!" shouted Courtney, running over to hug her.

"Don't!" she said, turning away.

"Why not?" Courtney asked, "what do you have under your jacket?" turning back to Courtney, she revealed two puppies, who had started yapping again.

"Dogs!" shouted Frank, "where'd you find them?"

"I walked a few metres down the road from my house and they were there."

"Gerard!" said Frank excitedly, grabbing one of the puppies tenderly and turning around to face Gerard, "dogs, Gerard, dogs!"

"See?" Courtney smiled, "I told you there'd be dogs."

"What were you doing?" asked Phoebe.

"We were looking for more Killjoys, and then we found you. Have you seen anymore Killjoys?"

"I don't even know what happened, let alone seen anybody." Courtney and I explained everything; the Beliebers leaving, the awesomeness explosion, finding the My Chemical Romance boys and declaring Frank our prime minister and Gerard the first lady. Phoebe laughed, but it was halfway between amused and slightly confused.

"Don't worry," I said, "it'll make more sense later, I hope."

We continued looking all over for our Killjoy buddies, but Phoebe was the only one we found.

"Can't your unicorns fly around find everybody for us, Mikey?" Gerard asked in complaint.

"Unicorns can't fly," Mikey reminded him, "that's Pegasus."

"Who's Pegasus?"

"Isn't he Hercules horse or something?"

"I don't know, just teach them how to fly!"

"Why?" we all asked.

"Because my legs are tired and I wanna rest," complained Gerard.

"Well we can sit anywhere we want," Frank told him, stopping in front of the group. We all turned to face Gerard, who was looking around.

"I need a chair."

"There are no chairs, Gee."

"Then I can't sit."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want my ass to get wet."

"It's," I kneeled down as I touched the grass, "not even wet." Gerard hesitated.

"I don't want my ass to get dirty."

"Well," began Frank, "as soon as we get some kind of house or something, then you can have a chair."

"But I want a chair now!"

"Be patient." We continued walking.

"I wonder," pondered Mikey during our journey, "what would happen if you bred a dog and a unicorn."

"Whoa," Ray said, "where'd that come from?" Mikey shrugged.

"I don't know, I thought it'd be an interesting concept. What do you think, Gerard?"

"I think I need a chair," he answered grumpily.

"I mean about the unicorn and dog thing."

"Oh, the dogicorn? I reckon it'd be like some kind of eight-legged beast from Hell or some shit, with fifteen eyes and it was green."

"I think it'd be cute," Frank said, "I mean, as long as it was mostly dog, I think it'd be a great thing to have. We should fund some research for this."

"Fund? Research?" Gerard questioned, "where are all these big words coming from all of a sudden?"

"As president-"

"Prime minister," Phoebe, Courtney and I corrected at the same time.

"Right. As prime minister, I think people will be expecting me to use big words once our nation grows."

"They'd like it more if you dumbed it down," Phoebe told him.

"My country, I can do what I want."

We walked for hours, and that was no exaggeration; we had been walking since midday (I knew this because the sun had been directly above us) and, when we stopped walking, the sun was going down.

"I think we should stop for the night," declared Frank. We all sat down with a sigh of relief. All except Gerard.

"I don't wanna get my ass dirty."

"None of us care, so you shouldn't, either." Frank stared into his eyes. "Now, as your prime minister, I demand you sit down."

"Or what?"

"Or else..."

"My unicorn will attack you," Mikey said, and Gerard laughed.

"Mikey, you wouldn't let Sparkles attack me. I'm your big brother, you love me too much." It was easy to tell by the expression on Mikey's face that he knew Gerard was right.

"Please, Gee?" asked Frank in the most innocent voice I'd ever heard, "for me?"

"Fine," he gave in, "but I'm not doing it for you."

"Sure you're not," Phoebe said, "that's why you wouldn't sit down before he asked you." Us three girls began laughing, and Gerard went a slightly red.

"It's not true!"

We all talked long into the night. Once the men had gone to sleep, Phoebe, Courtney and I stayed up, whispering and quietly laughing as we reminisced about all the inside My Chemical Romance fandom jokes we wouldn't be able to make ever again. After at least an hour's conversation of this, we easily fell to sleep, even though it was cold and the ground was hard.