Sequel: Mend Me
Status: Completed :)

Never Meant to Be

Chapter Ten

September 11th, 2010
Evangeline’s Apartment, Boston, MA
7:00 A.M.

Evangeline awoke to the phone ringing. She sat up and realized she still had an hour to get to work. She felt relieved and answered the phone.

“Hey beautiful, since I couldn’t be there when you woke up I thought I’d be your alarm clock this morning.” said Nathan. She smiled and said

“You’re a sweetheart,”

“Are you working today?” he asked.

“Ya until 3:00, and then I’m going out.” She said.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“Out for drinks with David,” she heard him sigh in frustration. “Just relax.”

“Fine,” said Nathan. “When can you and I go out?”

“I don’t know,” she said.

“I’ll come see you again tonight.” He said.

“Whatever you want,” she said. Evangeline got ready for work after they had finished talking and woken up Trenton.

Her morning waitressing was moving slowly and she grew bored as she walked back and forth, serving people. Her feet began to ache and she took a small break massaging her feet. She felt happy when her boss told her she was allowed to leave at 2:30. That night she had Talia come over again and watch Trenton when she went out with David. He picked her up and they drove to an Italian restaurant with a bar in the back that David had told her was his favorite. They sat down and like the night before, they hit it off from the start, laughing and talking. She would thank Tammy next time she saw her for convincing her to let her find a date for her. Things were going really well until Evangeline saw Nathan walk in. She saw him scan the room and he spotted them. She looked away, hoping he hadn’t seen them. She heard him say

“Hey Krejci!” She saw David look up and smile

“Hey Nate, what are you doing here?” She asked.

“Just decided to drop in,” She looked up at him with a venomous glare. He smiled at her and said

“Hey Angie,” she put on a fake smile and said

“Hello Nathaniel,” He took a seat next to her and asked the bartender for a drink. Evangeline felt extremely annoyed. How dare he come there and interrupt them.

“So Krejci,” he said. “You are the one taking this fine lady out now?” Evangeline could tell he was tipsy from before even getting there. “She used to be my best friend from high school and we went out a lot. She was mine once.” David clearly seemed uncomfortable. Evangeline turned to Nathan and gave him another death glare. He laughed at her and said “Oh so your mad at me now?” She turned to David and said

“I’m sorry about this,”

“It’s fine,” said David smiling to comfort her. She turned back to Nathan and said

“Nate I’m gonna call someone to come and get you.”

“No,” he said. “Tammy will be angry with me if she knew I was drunk here.”

“Then go,” said Evangeline. He sighed and said

“Fine, I’ll see you later Ang.” He got up and left. Evangeline watched him go and then turned back to David

“I’m so sorry about this,” she said.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “Did you really know him in high school?”

“Ya,” said Evangeline “That’s how I knew him. We used to be friends in high school and then I met up with him in Boston a week ago randomly.”

“If you don’t mind me asking,” said David. “Who’s Trenton’s father?”

“An old boyfriend back in Nashville. He left me before I knew I was pregnant.”

“Sorry to hear,” said David.

“It’s fine,” said Evangeline. “I prefer my life without him in it.” David smiled and said

“You’re a strong girl for keeping yourself up on your feet.” She felt herself blush and she said

“Thanks, it’s definitely paid off for me. Trenton’s happy, I’m happy; we have a roof over our heads, that’s all that matters.”

“You not like other girls I’ve dated,” said David. “You’re not focused on all the materialistic things in life.” She blushed again and said

“I hope that’s a good thing.”

“Oh it’s a very good thing,” said David. The two finished their drinks and then David drove Evangeline home. As they pulled into the apartments parking lot Evangeline said

“Want to come meet Trenton? My friend’s in there watching him.” David smiled and said

“Sure,” The two made their way up to her apartment and when Evangeline walked in she heard Trenton yell

“Mama!!” She saw him get up off the floor where he had been playing with Talia and run over to her. Evangeline smiled and said

“Hey buddy, mommy’s home,” She picked him up and said “I’ve got someone for you to meet.” David walked in after her and Trenton looked at him curiously. He had never been a baby that was afraid of strangers. “This is David,” David grinned at the baby and said

“Hey Trent,” Trenton looked away shyly and Evangeline laughed

“Want to hold him?” She handed him Trenton and David carefully held him in his arms. Talia stood up watching happily. Trenton looked up at David with his large brown eyes and giggled. David grinned down at the baby and said

“He’s a real sweetheart.”

“He definitely likes you,” said Evangeline watching her son bond with David.

“He’s adorable,” said David. He handed Trenton back to Evangeline and said

“We should go out somewhere and bring Trent next time,”

“Definitely,” said Evangeline.

“I’ll call you about it tomorrow,” he said. After David said goodbye and left Talia came over and said excitedly

“Oh he’s so cute!!” Evangeline laughed and said

“Chill out,”

“No!! He’s so nice and fatherly!! He’s perfect!!”

“We’ll see where it goes,” said Evangeline. After she paid Talia and she’d left she played with Trenton a bit herself and then put him to bed. Around 11:00 she heard a knock on her door. She knew who it was before she answered the door and saw Nathan standing there.

“I’m surprised you had the courage to come here and show your face.” He stood there still looking tipsy but he no longer had the goofy appearance but now looked miserable.

“Just listen to me Angie,” he said coming into the apartment.

“What? How you’re sorry for what you did?”

“I just don’t want to loose you to Krejci.”

“We’re not even together,” said Evangeline. “We can’t ever be.”

“We could if we ran away.” He said. Evangeline laughed and said

“I’m not running away with you.”

“Why wouldn’t you?” he asked.

“Because you have a family to support, I wouldn’t just let you leave them behind. You’re also a famous hockey player.” He sighed in frustration and sat down on the couch. “Is this going to be a regular thing now? You coming over here at night?”

“I want it to be,” he said. She sat down next to him and said

“Like I said before, I’ll always love you, but I can’t just cheat with you my whole life. I need someone who will ALWAYS be there for me, who can be just mine, and no one elses. I don’t want you to leave Dylan or Tammy ever. It would break my heart.” He stood up off the couch and said

“So do you want me to leave?” She desperately wanted him to stay and make love to her like he had the night before but she didn’t say so. “I can always be there for you,” he said. He moved closer to her and she looked up at him with sad eyes. He slowly lowered his lips onto hers. She was completely silenced as he lowered her gently onto the couch so she was lying underneath him. He looked into her eyes with a sense of hurt and want all at once. “Just let me in,” he said. “I love you far more then any other man could, especially Krejci.” She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down into a kiss. He groaned and was breathing heavily when they pulled away from each other. She traced his full lips with her finger and said

“How could I keep away from you?”
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.