Sequel: Mend Me
Status: Completed :)

Never Meant to Be

Chapter Six

September 7th, 2010
Nathan’s House, Brookline, MA
8:00 A.M.

When she woke up it was light out and she was in an unfamiliar bed. She sat up confused with her surroundings. She could hear birds singing outside of a large window behind her bed where sunlight was pouring in. When she saw a crib in the corner with Trenton asleep in it she realized she was in the spare room at Nathan’s house. She got up out of bed and cracked the bedroom door and looked out into the hallway. It was empty and silent. She pushed back the door and quietly walked down the hallway. She heard two voices, Nathan and a woman talking. She slowly peeked down into the kitchen over the wooden railing. She saw Nathan talking to a pretty blonde woman who she recognized as Tammy. Nathan had shown her pictures back two years ago. She listened to their conversation.

“Honey I think we should spend the day together. We should take Dylan and go out and walk around Boston a bit.”

“Sounds good,” said Nathan.

“I’m just gonna run out and grab something to cook for dinner tonight, I’ll be back in a half hour or so.” Evangeline watched as she grabbed her purse off the table, kissed Nathan goodbye, and left. She got up and walked back to the room when he started coming up the stairs. She stood at the end of the bed waiting for him. When he walked in she said

“Why didn’t you wake me up last night and let me go home?!”

“I thought it’d be easier to let you sleep.” said Nathan.

“What about your wife?! How does she not know I’m here?”

“She never comes into this room,” said Nathan.

“This was a bad idea,” said Evangeline. She heard a voice call out from down the hallway.

“Dylan’s awake,” said Nathan. He left the room and came back a minute later holding the little boy. He yawned and was clinging to his father’s shirt, not awake enough to take significant notice to the unfamiliar woman in the room. He looked so much like Trenton did, except his hair was blonde. Nathan looked happily down at his son and said

“He’s not much older then Trenton, he turned two in July.” Dylan began to wake up a bit more and looked at Evangeline with curiosity. Nathan noticed and said “This is my friend Evangeline Dylan.” She smiled at the little boy who smiled back at her shyly. Nathan kissed Dylan on the head and said

“He’ll warm up to you if he sees you more.”

“It’s not a good thing,” said Evangeline. She looked over to see Trenton moving in his crib.

“Mama,” she heard him say. She went over to the crib and picked him up. The two boys looked at each other in curiosity. This is exactly what she had been trying to avoid. Nathan seemed overjoyed with what was happening. Trenton looked at Dylan, sucking his thumb.

“Daddy who dat?” asked Dylan.

“That’s Trenton,”

“Trenton,” said Dylan slowly. The two boys continued to stare at each other smiling.

“I should get going,” said Evangeline.

“I’ll talk to you later,” said Nathan.

“Yup,” she said. She strapped Trenton into his carrier and left the house. She moved quick because she didn’t want Tammy to return and see her pulling out. It was her day off and she looked at Trenton in the back and said

“What do you wanna do today buddy? You get to spend the whole day with mommy.” He smiled at her and she said “We’ll go to the park,” They drove to a small park along the Charles River. Trenton wasn’t old enough to play on the Jungle gym so she took him down to the riverside and watched him play in the grass. She spent the rest of the day there with him and by bedtime, he was out like a light. She got a call from Nathan later that night.

“Hey,” she said. “How was your day with Tammy and Dylan?”

“It was good,” said Nathan. “We went to some of the historical places and then out to dinner.”

“Fun,” said Evangeline. “I spent the day with Trenton.”

“Dylan mentioned you,” said Nathan.

“I told you I shouldn’t have come there!” said Evangeline.

“Its fine,” said Nathan. “Tammy wants to meet you.”

“What?!” said Evangeline.

“I told her you were an old friend that I’d met up with yesterday while I was out.”

“What?!” said Evangeline again.

“Relax, she got excited, she wants to meet you! So I told her we’d go out for dinner tomorrow night.”

“Nathan,” she said shaking her head in disbelief. “I can’t meet her!”

“Why not?” said Nathan.

“Because that’d be totally inappropriate!” she said.

“It’s no big deal,” said Nathan. “You’ll get to be around me more, and Tammy will trust you. She’s not suspicious at all!”

“Nathan, I can’t be friends with your wife, it’s not that I don’t like her, I’d feel guilty.”

“Angie please,” he said. “It will allow us to be closer together and we wouldn’t have to sneak around as much!” She stayed silent for a moment, thinking about it.

“Fine I’ll come, where are we eating?”

“The Four Winds Bar & Grill bring Trenton. The boys can get to know each other better.”
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.