Better Men

Fancy Liquor and Paperback Novels

I awoke beside Charles the following morning. He was still; peacefully sleeping for a few moments longer-his brow furrowing in deep concentration. Always thinking. I smiled to myself as I ran my fingers over his hair. The sun was just peaking over the gothic towers of the Oxford campus, shedding a hazy glow over the green lawn just in sight of the hotel window. I watched Charles twitch his lips and exhale slowly, finding a moment to relax his features.

If only the serenity could have lasted. “Good morning,” he mumbled, waking with somewhat of a start. I went to return the greeting, but he cut me off, “Look, about last night-”

“I won’t tell anyone, Charles.” I tried to assure him.

“I know you won’t.” He said nervously, biting his lip and sitting up straight in the bed. “I know- because I intend to erase your memory, Poppy.” He responded to my thought glumly, almost apologetically. “No, don’t feel that way. It’s better for you, really it is. Yes, of course I trust you, I- I just don’t think- I don’t think everyone else is ready, yet-”

He reached to touch my face. I pulled away. “Charles.”

“It’s not that I don’t like you. In fact, it’s really- because I like you. This is not how a relationship ought to be. No. It’s not that I’m better than you- it’s the opposite.” He seemed to struggle to keep up, my mind racing. “You’ll remember long-term. You just won’t remember last night, is all. Don’t worry. No, come on now. It won’t hurt.” I felt a tear slide down my cheek, though I was unsure over what I was crying: losing a part of my memory? Losing Charles?

He shifted uncomfortably and pursed his lips. “I can promise you that this is a mistake.” He warned, standing. “I’ve got to get to class.” He headed out the door without as much as a goodbye.

Dauntingly, I thought (trying to scream within my head to ensure that he would hear it): a mistake for whom?

I heard nothing and assumed he didn’t pick it up. I rolled back under the covers.

A mistake for you, of course. I’ve already told you. But, it’s your decision- not mine. I forgot my jacket. I’ll be by this afternoon to get it. I glanced over at the armchair- seeing his suede blazer. I went over and picked it up, feeling the smooth fabric between my fingers. It smelled like him; fancy liquor and paperback novels. I took a moment and held it close to me, hoping only that Charles was out of my head so he couldn’t see.
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I like to try to let you get into the story before hearing too many comments from me, but I'd really like to thank everyone for commenting and subscribing. I knew I couldn't be the only one who found Charles attractive. ;)

I just wanted to let you all know; as this story develops, I see the continuing need for Charles’ Point Of View. The next chapter will be kind of a tester and if it goes well, I’ll alternate between him and Poppy. I’ll need your feedback, all.
Again, thanks!