Status: On-Going,In-Complete

Reach For The Sky

Chapter 1


After the Storm was over Chauncy trotted towards the Paint Store. With his cell phone between his cheek and shoulder he told his sister Gwenneth he was alright. There was still a slight drizzle as he jumped off the edge of a curve, it softness pit patted against his skin. "Are you sure your gonna be fine for the week?" his sister spoke through the phone, grunting he was an adult he could take care of himself."I heard that! Listen up Chauncy you better take good fucking care of yourself or the next time I see you I'll cuddle rap your ass,you hear me ?" Chauncy couldn't help but laugh, his sisters response was always so warming to hear even if she cursed.
Taking a turn he went through an alley that he usually took as a short cut. Looking up at the sky, it was rather sad and a depressing sight. But it held a powerful beauty to it in Chauncy's point of view. Stumbling forward he grabbed onto a pole."I'll call you back Gwenneth" he whispered, ending the call before she got the chance to say a goodbye.
A boy. Straightening up Chauncy walked towards the boy, he lay-ed there seemingly dead. By the looks of him Chauncy thought the bot couldn't be more than 18 maybe 17. It was no place for a boy to lay there asleep Chauncy thought. Getting closer he bent down and poked the child forehead, nothing."Hey, Kid wake up!" Nothing.
The realization came to Chauncy,'Maybe the kid is dead!'. Shivering at the thought he tilted the head of the boy and tried to find the pulse. Still nothing, grumbling Chauncy hoped his thoughts wee incorrect. But they seemed to haunt him. Looking around he noticed blood on the boys chest and hair. Pulling out his cell phone he called 911.
"Hello?" The operator said.
"There's a boy laying in an alley, I checked his pulse its not there!He has blood on him"
"Sir, where are you?"
"165Th street , West Point"
"Alright an Ambulance will be there"
. . . .

"Turns out the boy went missing 9 years ago !" Chauncy whispered quietly trying not to wake up the boy who laid on the hospital bed with I.V stuck into him. He didn't want to leave the boy till he was positive the boy would be alright."Oh,at least he is now found" Chauncys sister Gwenneth said on the other side of the phone. Rubbing his arm with his hand as he balanced the phone on his shoulder, he really did need to get a Blue-tooth. His eyes traveled from the boys face to the I.V stuck n him to the window where the ran had not been kind to. The Storm has come back, and seemed to be furious, at it hit hard against everything. Being on the first floor he could see people walking in and out the hospital, a woman holding an umbrella fought against the wind to get to her car.
"Its kind of you to stay with the boy, whats his name?"
Looking around he stood in front the bed and read the billboard with the boys name.
"Its Chance Evans I think, its spelled C-H-A-N-X-E, does that make it have a different sound?"
Gwenneth laughed, a snort, then laughed even more.
"I think it does, but it might just be another way of saying Chance, its a cute name though" Nodding, not that Gwenneth can see it. He sat back down next to the boy."I'm gonna call you back in a bit Gwenneth"
Canceling the call again before she could say her goodbye, he had a bad habit of doing that. He never said Good Bye but "call you later" or not even warning her or anyone else before hanging up.
Throwing his head back and rubbing his temple slowly trying to relax himself. He had not questioned why he came with the Ambulance,he did not question why he was sitting here worried on the boy, nor did he question why he wasn't at the store buying paint. But now he was,'Why am I here?I'm just being nice, keep the boy company" Rolling his head and licking his lips he got up to closed the curtains. Glancing back at the boy and then back to the window, pulling on one side he saw nothing but blurry figures running and even one slipped and fell. It didn't make Chauncy laugh but frown.
The weather was harsh today, it seemed to be angry, and wanted revenge by soaking people, making them slip and fall, putting people in a gloomy mood. Gwenneth once told him that when it Rains he should do something good for a stranger. That was exactly what he was doing now.
Spending his time with a boy he doesn't even know just to give the kid some company. That was a nice act right ? Hearing the door click open he turned as a police officer and a Nurse walk in. The Police officer was the fist to say a word."Sir, the police station has tried to contact the parents of Chanxe Evans, searching them up, we have found out that they had died 9 years ago." The Police Officers name was John Boyer, he didn't look very sympathetic. Some people were like that Chauncy guessed as he nodded and listened more."Since the boy is 18 he can not be registered in a Home"
The nurse walked towards Chanxe and took his temperature."When the boy wakes up AAC can assign him to a working Home, if the boy wants to." P.O John turned and walked away. Rolling his eyes Chauncy went to stand next to the nurse and watch as she noted Chanxe Heart Rate.
"Are you his boyfriend?"
"No" turning away from them he went out to buy some water from the Machines in the Hallways. Rolling his shoulders tensely he slides his finger against his phone."Hey Chauncy, I'm gonna be visiting you in a few days. We need to talk about the painting, I found a buyer who would pay 2,000 for it"Chauncy knew Gwenneth was packing her backs right now, he could hear the sound of her moans and groans as she tries to zip the luggage."Perfect,I'm gonna ask the boy if he wants to live with me" there was silence on the other side."Why? Is he hot?" Looking towards the room Chanxe lay-ed he kept quiet."Chauncy?" Gwenneth could hear Chauncys breathing slowing down."The boys parents died the same year he went missing, he's 18 and most likely does not have a home,or a job."
The nurse that was inside of Chanxe room left and smiled at Chauncy as she passed by."He's awake and asking for you" Glaring at a wall Chauncy hanged up and walked towards the room.
Inside the boy was sitting up straight in the bed, his face towards the window. "You asked for me ?" He turned and stared straight at Chauncy, at that moment Chauncy noted the boys amazingly bright,clear, stunning blue eyes."Yes, I wanted to thank you for helping me" Nodding he sat down on the chair next to the bed."Your welcome Chanxe, do you have a home or a job?" a bit startled by the strange question Chanxe looked down at his hands that were fiddling with each other."No" Chanxe long hair fell across his face and hid his eyes.Chauncy intensely stared at the boy, he didn't mean to."Would you like to live with me?" Caught of guard Chanxe twitched and gave a glare to him.
He didn't know what to say, or think. A man he didn't even know just asked him if he wanted to live with him. He should say no, but if he did he would be on the streets,starving to death. Yet if he said yes he would live with a stranger. A stranger with the kindness to invite a broken down boy to live with him.
"Do you have a criminal record?" Chauncy couldn't help but laugh, the boy just asked him if he had a criminal record, Chauncy was pretty sure he should have been the one asking him that. Opening one eye he looked at Chanxe who's face was speechless.
"No, I do-dot have a criminal record. What about you kid?" A sudden flash of aggression wen into Chanxe eyes."I'm not a kid! I'm legally an adult, you smart ass!" By the way the boy responded any other person would have taken back the offer, but Chauncy liked how the kid was."So will you?" Ignoring the comment Chanxe said before, one of Chauncys eyebrows went up in a questionable manner. For a moment he thought the boy would reject the offer.
Grabbing his phone out his pocket Chauncy stood up and held one finger to Chanxe."What is it Gwenneth?" his voice a bit stretched out."Well, I'm coming over this Sunday, be prepared for a cuddle rape" Chanxe stared at Chauncy, just eying his movements and occasionally looking at his face."Great! The boy will be there too."
"What boy ? Chanxe?"
Hanging up Chauncy turned to Chanxe, giving him a smirk that could kill."What?" Chanxe said lightly his expression changing slowly from serious to cutely scared.
"You my sisters new Cuddle rape victim"
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