Status: On-Going,In-Complete

Reach For The Sky

Chapter 3

The alarm clock rang at the exact time it was suppose to. Her eyes opened to reveal brown orbs. Jumping out of bed she grabbed her iPod, turning it on she played "I like Big Butts" by Sir Mix-A-Lot. Grinning Gwenneth started dancing along to the song, turning the volume up louder, though it was only 6 o'clock. Jumping all around her room she fixed her bed as she shook herself out. "I like big butts and I can not lie You other brothers can't deny That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist And a round thing in your face You get sprung" she jumped as if she was actually sprung, tapping her foot before entering the bathroom connected to her room she turned the stereo even louder. Brushing her teeth she mumbled the words, gargled them then spit them out. As the song ended Gwenneth turned of her iPod and left her room still dancing.
Skipping round in her pajamas Gwenneth jumped each to steps and went towards the kitchen passing Chanxe who she did not notice as he was hunched over behind the Leather Sofa. Grabbing a jar of Coffee beans she scooped up a large spoonful and put it in the coffee maker. Scratching at her arm she sat down looking around,the house was rather quiet."Maybe I should wake up Chanxe" she mumbled, she knew Chauncy would be asleep. He didn't sleep till 3 in the morning, to busy painting the sky for a requester. The coffee maker started turning and munching as it made the coffee beans into hot liquid. Tapping her fingers against the cool kitchen counter Gwenneth turned around in her chair. Sighing she remembered why she came over here. Cringing she stood up and went back to her room.
Jumping back down stairs another song was playing. Getting herself even more pumped up she grabbed the biggest mug there was and placed it on the table singing along to the song. Rolling her head back Gwenneth cursed as she forgot her cell phone prancing back up stairs she groaned. Almost tripping over thin air she got her balance before hitting the floor and cursed loudly.Trying to not be to upset she slid down the stairs railing laughing at the excitement. The stairs were spiral and curved very swiftly. Jumping of at the very edge she caught a glimpse of long tussled black hair.
Knowing it was Chanxe she quietly sneaked up on him, finally noticing that he was staring at a wall Gwenneth shrugged. Raising her hand she ran one manicured finger right down Chanxe spine, he straightened up and jumped as she reached the rim of his pajamas. Spinning around he watched her with large eyes. His hair was a mess and his eyes looked tired. Standing up Gwenneth waved her hand and grinned widely."Yo!" she greeted before taking small steps towards him, the grin on her lips grew wider as she pounced Chanxe, cuddle raping him to the ground. His voice was muffled by her chest. When she finally let go him Chanxe was just laying on the floor,his eyes weren't focused on anything but they were still. Gwenneth laughed before helping the boy up.He didn't have his crouches.
"Are you gay by any chance?" Chanxe tilted his head and pointed at himself cutely."Gay?" Gwenneth laughed at the cute gesture, once more cuddle rapping him tightly."Aw! Your just so adorable!" Letting go off Chanxe she dragged his limping self to the Kitchen sitting him on a chair, she clicked her tongue and smiled at Chanxe. "You seem happy this morning" Chanxe whispered. Circling a small rock on top of the counter. "Well yea! Its the morning! Hey, why were you staring at the wall?" Chanxe shrugged as he bit his bottom lip."I don't know, I just woke up and went to stare at it" The coffee maker dinged,"Hey want some coffee?" Gwenneth offered, nodding Chanxe casted his eyes down. Pouring a cup of coffee she placed it in front of Chanxe."Milk,sugar,flavor?" Licking his lips Chanxe asked for all three."Caramel Flavor please" he added while took 6 scoops of brown sugar. Pouring a lot of Creamer into his coffee it was a light light brown color almost tan. Gwenneth smiled at Chanxe,what could be going on in the boys head? He's been found in a alley,has a broken leg,has no parents, and has no clue on what to do with his life now.
"I smell coffee" Chauncy walked in, he was wearing a suit and his hair was slicked back."Where are you going fancy pants?" Gwenneth said grinning. He gave a crocked sarcastic smile and sat down next to Chanxe."I'm going to an Art Expo, I'm suppose to sell the painting in the room, and answer questions. Get me a cup of coffee please Gwenneth" Gwenneth stood up and got him a cup."Black as usual?" he nodded. Turning to Chanxe Chauncy smiled lightly."I left you money on your bed for shopping with Gwenneth today " Chauncy gulped down the burning coffee as if it was nothing. Giving Gwenneth a one arm hug and ruffling Chanxe hair he ran out the door. "I'm go take a shower now" Chanxe mumbled as he finished his coffee. Standing up he wobbled over to the stairs, in little time he was up the stairs and most likely wobbling to his room. Gwenneth grinned.
"Today is gonna a fucking good day"